Chapter 11

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Kuroko Tetsuya's POV

Mizushima-san woke up and she seemed astonished when her eyes met ours. After we heard about what happened in PE, we decided to gather together and visit her this afternoon.

"Ai-chan!" Momoi-san squealed and hugged Mizushima-san tightly. 

Aomine-kun was reading basketball magazines and admiring her basketball collection which had NBA player's signatures. Midorima-kun was browsing through Mizushima-san's bookshelves, selecting a pile of books about astronomy. 

Akashi-kun was well... He was flipping through Mizushima-san's drawers, probably trying to find something but he shouldn't really do that without her permission. Murasakibara-kun? You've already guessed it. He was eating. Right now, he was stuffing his cheeks with a 6th box of godiva chocolate. 5 other empty boxes were already stacked on the floor.

Mizushima-san looked around her room, clearly unpleased with the mess. Before she could say anything, Akashi-kun stood up and turned around with a shogi board in his hands and a ear to ear smile stretched across his face. "Let's play!" He announced.

Akashi Seijuro's POV

This time, we decided on a 2 hour time limit which means each person gets 2 hours, a total of 4 hours in total. And obviously, Mizushima ran out of time first. As we finally relaxed, the others were all lying in a heap on the floor, sleeping soundly. It was already 9 o'clock.

Mizushima kicked off her covers and woke everyone up in a hurry.

"Gomen. Gomen. Gomen. Gomen. Let's go eat! Gomen." She said in a panic.

After dinner, the others decided that they were too sleepy (even though Midorima won't admit) so we ended up staying at Mizushima's house. "Aren't you going to sleep?" Mizushima asked me after everyone else fell to a deep slumber. "Aren't you?" I questioned.

"I need to do...err...homework." She mumbled before getting out a pile of worksheets and a pen. 

I inspected her carefully. No wonder she fainted. She must be exhausted.

Normally, I would've left them to be but this time, I offered to help and in her eyes, I saw a mixture of gratitude, surprise and joy.

When we had 1/3 more to go, Midorima woke up and helped and we finished them all at 00:00. I sighed and told Mizushima.

"You should have told us instead of trying to handle it all by yourself." 

Midorima nodded along.

Mizushima Ai's POV

I'm so happy I have these wonderful friends with me. That night, I slept soundly with Momo-chan in my bed whereas the boys shared another room. I'm really lucky to have these supportive friends.

The next morning, since it was a Saturday, we stayed at my house.

"Midorima and I will be helping you with your homework everyday from now on. And you in return needs to play your role as a basketball team player." Akashi told or rather ordered me.

"I'm playing?" I asked in surprise.

"Yes." Everyone shouted in unison.

"I-I..." I stuttered, suddenly unable to control my feelings anymore. A single tear rolled down my cheek and more followed. I used the palm of my hand to wipe them away but I just felt so happy I couldn't feel. I just am. My heart is at absolute contentment and a part of me wished that this moment would last forever. 

I really hope my friendship with them will last forever.

I will treasure every moment I spend with them.

They painted my colorless world bright.

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