Chapter 19

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Aomine Daiki's POV

What? He...he passed me. That Kise guy passed me. 

I spun around and sprinted towards the direction of the basketball hoop but once I came to a brake, Kise on my right released the ball to my left, spun around behind my back and caught the ball before it landed using his left hand, immediately transforming into a shooting pose. Woah... This guy is one hell of a freak but he's still a million years early for my level. Hahahaha. Exaggeration.

My eyes narrowed, my eyebrows furrowed, I scrutinised at his moves, detecting several flaws. They were unoriginal, I had seen them before. Second stringers... They were the perfected version of the second stringers' moves. A smirk formed. I now understood what Mizu meant by Kise's 'natural talent'. His natural abilities to copy. But I've beat those moves before so of course, I would be able to beat the perfected versions. 

Kise was dribbling the ball towards me, aiming for my... right... no left. I tried to jab the ball and of course, he crossovered to his right and passed me. My right hand swung backwards and perfectly jabbed the ball away from his grasp. I then took a big sidestep and caught the basketball, sprinting towards the other end. Kise, back from his daze, chased after me. I came to a stop, jumping up to shoot. Kise jumped up a split second later, his arm outstretched in a blocking pose. I smirked and I could see his gold eyes widen as my body tilted backwards until I was almost parallel to the floor. The ball left my hand and landed neatly in the middle of the rim. 

The buzzer beater rang.

Match over. 65-63. My win.

I flashed another one of my trademark smirk to Kise and turned towards the bench, where Tetsu and Mizu were watching. I stretched out my hand to Mizu, expecting her to hand over a towel but instead, she walked past me and gave one to Kise. I frowned.

"Mizu. Where's mine?" Mizu turned around, her eyes round as she gasped.

"Sorry Aomine-kun. I forgot." I rolled my eyes...

I caught Tetsu also looking at Kise from the corner of my eyes so I decided to interrogate him.

"Oi. Tetsu, what's wrong?"


"Come on. Tetsu."

"Kise-kun doubts my ability." Sensing the sadness in his voice, I started shifting uncomfortably. My head spinning with one thought. Cheer him up... cheer him up...

"No need, Aomine-kun. We are playing with the second stringers in a match tomorrow. I will do my best." 

I nodded.

"Do your best Tetsu."

Kise Ryouta's POV

We are finally playing! I walked side by side with Kurokocchi when we entered the gym. I glanced at the small light blue haired boy curiously and blurted out what had been on my mind for ages.

"Kurokocchi, if you're really that good, how about bet on our uniforms that whoever gets more points wins?" He shook his head a no and replied that what you do for a team is more important than individual points. Such a boring person...

*Match starts

I cannot believe it!!! What is that old balooney (coach) thinking!!!??? Why am I not in the game?! We... we are losing! Please just...


"Teiko, member switch."

I felt a hand poke my shoulder and I looked up with expectance.

"Kise, you're up." 

I smiled gratefully and strided towards the court. The game started again.

"Pass!" I yelled.

The basketball came flying towards me but I didn't feel an impact on my palm.

"A steal!" Someone shrieked and I chased after the ball stealer, only to have another person blocking in front of me. I turned and twisted and ducked and jumped to get rid of my defender and finally managed to grab the ball off the other team. Whilst I was dribbling, I was careless to not notice two people closing in on me. They edged me towards the corner of the court and I had no way of escaping. Break through using force? No. Charging foul. Pass? No. My team is marked. Shoot? No. Can't see the hoop. A member broke free of the defender's mark and I passed the basketball to him. As I was about to move, one of the two defenders marking me screened me. Ugh.

The opposing team scored and scored. I scored back a few times but having two players marking you? Tough. I was panting badly after just a few minutes.

"Teiko, member change." I saw a light blue haired figure walk on court. Kurokocchi. 

I stood still in shock as he approached me. 

"I need you to help me. For you are the light to my shadow for the time being. The stronger the light, the stronger the shadow." 

His light? Oh right. His original light is Aominecchi. Aominecchi! At the sound of his name, a wild beast roared inside me. 

The game continued again. One of my teammate got the ball, as he was about to pass, the ball was knocked out of his hands, flying out of the court. Suddenly, the ball changed directions, landing in my palms. I took this opportunity and scored. From the corner of my eye, I saw a mop of light blue hair. My jaw dropped open. This was my instructor's true strength. His techniques are silent as the wind, it seems like Kurokocchi draws attention away from himself, the exact opposite of Aominecchi who's the center of attention on court. I'm getting the concept of this light and shadow thing. Never have I ever imagined that Kurokocchi and Aominecchi could make a great team. 

And guess what? After I acknowledged his abilities, the game went smoothly, the tables turning our way. We won, all thanks to Kurokocchi.

"Do you like sacrificing yourself for others to score?" I asked Kurokocchi after the match. Surely, he cannot be pleased with others taking his spotlight right? I don't even think other members even pay attention to him. Him and his low presence. But when he starts playing basketball, it's almost as if it's a magic show. You could actually lose track of him and the ball if you don't pay close attention. 

"No I don't. But for the sake of winning, I have to." He sounded like he was forced into this style of playing. Or was he?

"No. This was my own choice. It's the only way for me to continue playing anyways..." I didn't push further but he read my thoughts?

"Are you telepathic?" I asked.

"No... You just said that outloud." 

The rest of the journey back to school was full of chatters. Mostly from me.

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