Chapter 16

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Time skip to second year of middle school...


Midorima Shintaro's POV

Today was the first day of becoming a second year. I walked towards the school board, reading a novel about horoscopes. On my way, someone crashed into me, knocking my precious book out of my hands only to let it be overrun by a crowd of mad buffaloes. I clenched my fists and snarled at whoever it was. An unfamiliar face was what I saw. 

It was a boy with blonde locks and golden eyes who had a pretty face but yes, just a pretty face. By the looks of it, he was probably just as dense as Aomine, or maybe even more stupid. I had an instinct that we were not going to get along well. 

As he met my gaze, he did the puppy eyes and pouted, accusing me of knocking him over and  my jaw ticked. I glared at him more intensely and tears rolled down his cheeks. Such a wimp.

"Kyaaaa~ It's Kise-kun!" 

"Ryota-sama!!!!~ Moe~"

A swarm of mad women ran towards him with hearts in their eyes. Kise? I guess that was his name. Kise's face immediately lit up as all the tears dried up in a nanosecond and he returned their affection for him with a dazzling grin. Holy crackers. I'm disliking this guy more than ever.

I stomped towards the school board, looking at the new class arrangements. 

1-A: Akashi and Momoi

1-B: Kuroko and Murasakibara

1-C: Aomine and Mizushima

1-D: Me...

I'm alone. Well, not that I'll admit that I feel lonely in front of others but truth be told, I feel lonely... 

I saw the others making their way here to console me and I frowned as I heard each of them blabber on and on...

Mizushima: "It's okay Midorima-kun! We'll always be there for you!" 

Momoi: "Yup! Ai-chan's correct. Come on, don't be sad..."


Aomine: "Oi, Midorima, be a loner!" 

These people... I mean I will be fine without them. Wait a second, Aomine...

"You self-centered virgo, what did you say?" I spat.

"Oooooooh, Midorima's angry!" Aomine teased with an annoying smirk.

"Don't provoke him Aomine-kun. He's a tsundere after all." I heard Mizushima tell Aomine kindly. But even knowing she didn't mean to offend me by calling me a tsundere, I spat:

"I am not a tsundere! You violent goat!" 

A look of hurt flashed across her face. I felt guilty but hey, her horoscope was Aries, which were supposed to be violent.

Anyways, after all that drama, I finally thought that I could get some peace in class. Maybe I was better off without them. But when I arrived in class, I realized how wrong I was since there was another even more annoying monkey. That blondie.

"Hello! Midorima-kun deshou?" The monkey called out to me happily. 

I turned my head away and found an empty seat. Kise followed me and plopped his bag down next to me. I tched in annoyance but ignored him. This year is going to be the death of me.

Aomine Daiki's POV

Hooray! Same class as Mizu! Way to go Aomine Daiki!

I sat next to Mizu and we chatted about basketball. She seemed to be genuinely happy around us and seeing her happy made me happy. But, one problem, she is a girl after all. I really hope that 1) no one would notice how we were like mother bears protecting their cubs when we were on court, 2) no one accidentally takes off her hoodie during games to reveal her long hair and 3) the facility won't check her passport or ID. In general, I just hope no one would find out that she is a girl because if they do, 1) we would get disqualified and most importantly 2) Mizu would never be able to play basketball on the same court as us again.

But for now, that's none of my concern. I just need to work on my studies or else Bakashi would get mad at me and I really don't want him of all people to hold a grudge against me since he will most likely become our future team captain if he isn't so already. *shiver

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