Chapter 5

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Momoi Satsuki's POV

I sighed in dismay as I analysed the data from each of the first stringer's play. 

Ai-chan wasn't here...

Maybe I had been wrong, maybe I shouldn't have forced her to do something she didn't want to. "Momoi-san." My pencil fell out of my hands as I snapped back into reality, just noticing how much I was trembling. "Tetsu-kun..." I sucked a deep breath. "What do you need?" 

"I want to improve." He simply said but I understood. I gave him a circuit training workout and explained the details to him. "It may be too harsh on your body so you should do this twice-" Before I could finish my sentence, another voice cut in. "Three times a week." I looked towards the owner of the voice and saw long strands of black hair. "Ai...Ai-chan?" I froze as I stared at her face, at the emptiness of where the pair of red glasses used to be. "Can you...see?" "Yeah of course." She answered with a genuine smile, taking her glasses out of her pocket. "These are fake." 

"Ehhhh??????" I gasped out a bit too loudly. The bounces of the basketballs slowly died out until there was nothing but complete silence. Akashi-kun led the others towards me, shouting, "Go back to practice." while doing so. The others obeyed. It's funny how they all found him intimidating. "What's this all about?" Midorin asked, displeased to be interrupted during practice. "Ahhh... right! Ai-chan's glasses are fake!" I cried out, smacking myself on the head and giggling afterwards. 

Dai-chan looked around the room frantically, saying. "She's not even here! God! Satsuki!" I tched in annoyance, whacking him across the face until I could see his spirit rising from his body. 

Mizushima Ai's POV

I chuckled as Momo-chan (I decided to call her that) beat the life out of Aomine-kun. 

Everyone turned around and looked at me in surprise. I smiled in reply. I haven't felt this way for a long time. I feel so safe and relaxed around them, I decided to just reveal my old self, my true self to them. And at least, at school, I could maybe, possibly even have some fun. Maybe I would forget about my promise with my parents to never play basketball again. 

"Who. Who are you?" Aomine-kun seemed to be backing away in horror and the others looked kind of uncomfortable. "I'm Mizushima Ai. It's just this is my real personality." I smiled as I explained. The others just shook their head in disbelief, all their mouths hanging open. "W-We just can't..." Even Akashi-kun was at a lose of words and I just giggled at their stupidity even though I know how they feel. "Isn't this good?" Momo-chan broke the silence. "I mean, she's all cheerful now!!!" She squealed, sort of finding herself again. She ran over to me and hugged me tightly. I just laughed.

"By the way, I want to become the assistant manager." I told her as I poked her in the arm.

Aomine Daiki's POV

What the hell is going on?! I looked at Mizushima once more, rubbing my eyes to make sure this is real. She's smiling at as for no reason?!!! And even laughing?! Isn't she supposed to be as cold as ice? I slapped Midorima who was the nearest to me on the shoulder in order to make sure this wasn't a dream, causing him to growl in rage. 

"What do you think you are doing, stupid Virgo?" He remarked wisely (note the sarcasm). What does he think he's doing? Using our horoscopes as an insult? I couldn't help it and started laughing, so hard that I tripped over my own foot, rolling on the floor. "WAHHHHHHAAAAAAAHAAAAA!!!!!!!"

"So now you are laughing at me, when you were the one who said all those stupid things about Mizushima smiling and laughing?" Hahahahaahaha, I couldn't control myself. Wait, what? I said it outloud??!!! My ears turned pink from embarrassment. "Gomen Gomen." I apologized, scratching my cheek. She giggled again.

"Mizushima, can you please not giggle or laugh all the time?" Akashi pointed out clearly frustrated.

"Ok. Gomenasai, minna! Arigato!" She smiled sincerely, clearly showing her appreciation of our friendship.

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