Chapter 7

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Midorima Shintaro's POV

The test results are here...


Excuse me, sorry for screaming but...

As my eyes darted across the ranking board, I found a familiar name in the first slot:

Akashi Seijuro.

Ok. I'm used to this. But when my gaze trailed down to the second slot, it spelt:

Mizushima Ai.


Midorima Shintaro. 

This time, I only got 3rd. Frustrated as I was, when the test papers were returned, I ripped open mine. 100, 100, 100, 100, 99, 100. Wait, 99? I realized I made a careless mistake. 

"Why? I had my lucky item with me that day! Why?!" I muttered to myself in disbelief as I paced up and down the stairs.

"Upset?" I saw Akashi standing on the top of the staircase, with a huge smile on his face.

"Never console a loser, remember?" I reminded him, getting a raised eyebrow from Akashi. Neither of us said anything until Akashi suggested, "Let's go congratulate Mizushima." For what? For beating me? I almost snapped at him. But instead, I just plastered a fake smile and nodded timidly.

Time skip: Lunch

"Woah! Really? Mizu got second place?" Aomine gasped while standing over us because there wasn't enough seats. 

"Mizu?" Momoi asked out of curiosity.

"Well, since Akashi and Midorima both call her Mizushima already, I thought that I should call her something else." Aomine scratched his cheek, something he does when he's embarrassed.

"Mine-chin~ Mido-chin is so tsundere today~"

"Oh. r-r..." Before Aomine could say something annoying, I cut him off, "I'm not a tsundere!" 

"Mido-chin's blushing~" The Libra giant stated in his usual bored tone.

"I am not!" I scowled as I felt heat rising in my cheeks.

"Didn't you have something to say to Mizushima?" Akashi reminded me.

"O-oh." I stammered. "Uhh... Congratulations on coming second but I-I challenge you!" I blurted out, making Akashi choke on his milk. (Yes, he's trying to grow taller. XD) His gaze bore into mine as a deadly aura rose within his fierce red pupils. What are you saying? He mouthed silently. I shrugged it off and adverted my gaze to Mizushima instead. 

"Okay." She replied nonchalantly. 

Akashi Seijuro's POV

"Ja, I challenge you to who gets a higher mark-" Midorima started but I interrupted in mid sentence.

"A basketball match. He challenge you to a basketball match." I said.

"I forfeit." She immediately replied, turning her head towards an empty space.

"You can't, you already accepted the challenge. We will be playing in teams but only you and Midorima can score." I informed her.

"Y-you..." Mizushima was speechless and she frowned in annoyance. "I don't want to play." She said, with a tint of hurt in her voice. "You have to." I pushed. "You love basketball don't you?"

She froze for a millionth of a second before shouting, "I hate it!"

I smirked as she ran out of the canteen. "Be sure to be in the gym tomorrow during practice afterschool!" I called out as she disappeared from our sights.

"Akashi-kun, why did you do that?" Momoi asked me with an irritated look.

"Are you questioning my reasonings?" I shot back, leading to Aomine getting irritated.

"Oi! Akashi! Don't be so harsh on girls!" He 'requested' in a slightly aggressive tone.

"I just wanted Mizushima to stop questioning her own heart." I explained.

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