Chapter Four

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An// if you guys follow me, it might say I updated this chapter, well, it's cuz it is edited now. So you will start getting notifications that I updated the chapters on these, and that's just me editing/adding/changing the chapters. They will be more detailed, too, so if you want you can re-read them. 😘

••edited and detailed•••
I want to scream. I know it's her, it's gotta be. But why would she put something like that in my locker, when she didn't even know who I was before she came to this school? Did someone tell her that I was the most popular girl in the school and she decided that she didn't like it? It makes no sense. Carly Emerson is said to be really sweet, but I'm not sure if that's true. If it was her who wrote that note, then she is far from sweet.

I realize that I have been tapping furiously with my pencil and my partner is staring at me. I stop tapping.

"Sorry." I mumble.

The guy shrugs.

After class, I start to head to my locker; it's finally lunch. This time, there's no note (thankfully).

Ari and Brittany meet me there a few minutes later and we all head to the cafeteria. I find a table with them and unpack my lunch. A turkey and cheese sandwich, apple slices, a granola bar, and a water bottle are sitting inside. I start eating my sandwich. Mom insists on still making my lunch, not that I mind. It saves me time to do other things.

Brittany stares at me.

"Makenna, are you okay?" She asks. I look up from my sandwich and wipe my mouth with a napkin.

"Yeah...." I reply.

She looks confused, her eyebrows knitting together.

"Are you sure?" She asks me.

I shake my head.

"Okay, no, I'm not okay." I tell her.

Ari starts looking concerned.

"Did something bad happen?" she inquires.

"Kind of." I reply.

Ari and Brittany's heads both turn towards me at the same time.

"What?" They say in unison. I back away and slide to the right of my seat.

"Woah, guys. I'm fine. I just got a little threat."
I say, wishing I hadn't told them in the first place. I hope they don't tell anyone.

"What?" They say again. Jeez, those two are like those Siamese cats from Lady and The Tramp.

"Okay, long story short, I opened my locker two days ago, and I came across a note. It said that I won't be queen of the school for long. No one signed it, but you know how Carly Emerson goes here now?"

Ari and Brittany nod.

"Well," I continue, "she's in two of my classes. And I saw her handwriting looks exactly like the handwriting on my note."

Ari frowns.

"Why would Carly Emerson write a note to you? No offense." she asks me. I shake my head in defeat.

"I don't know. That's the thing. The only idea that I can come up with is that she heard about me somewhere and decided she hated me."

Brittany sighs.

"Guys, that's really weird. We should hang out today at your house and talk more about it. The lunch bell is going to ring soon."

She's right. We plan for my house at 4:30. And until that time comes, I need to do some observing.

"Hold on." I tell Ari and Brittany. They look at me like I'm a maniac.

"Oo-kayy...." Brittany says. I ignore them and walk across the cafeteria to where Carly is sitting.

Tons of boys and girls hover around her, talking and looking at her.

"Excuse me," I say to her. Carly turns around.

"Uh, hello." She says.

"I like your outfit today. Looks great." She looks almost...surprised.

"Thank you." she says.

I purse my lips. I need to spice this up.

"So, how are you liking this-" I purposely grab a lone, ketchup-covered chicken nugget from someone's tray and throw it on her yellow skirt.

Thankfully, no one saw me do it.

"AHHHH!" She shrieks. "What is this?!?!"

Some students are already getting napkins for her. Like being the one to wipe ketchup off of her is going to make them her friends.

"-school?" I finish my sentence. She looks me in the eyes.

"What do you think?" She sneers, gesturing to her ruined skirt.

"My guess is yes." I say.

She shakes her head.

"No. I hate this school. My dad made me go here.

I must've looked surprised, because she adds, "The news reporters got it wrong."

I think about this. So she really did want to stay at her old school. But why would her dad make her go somewhere like this? I mean, this school is like twenty years old. I hand Carly a stray napkin.

"Um, thanks." She murmurs to me. I wink.

"Anytime, Carly. We should get together sometime."

And with that, my job is done. I move back to my regular table. Ari and Brittany are waiting for me, their mouths gaping open.

"What. Did. You. Just. Do?" Ari asks me.

I shrug. "I wanted to do a little experiment."
Brittany moves her head from side to side.

"By putting a chicken nugget on Carly Emerson's $350 skirt? What kind of experiment is that?" she exclaims.

I smirk, and look over to Carly's table. Her hair seems to...wait, is that a wig? I laugh under my breath and turn back to my friends.

"I wanted to have a little fun, okay? I'm sorry. But my real experiment was to see her reaction of meeting me. If she really did write that note, then she probably would've acted a little nervous around me. And she actually was. I could tell that she was anxious, although she did a really good job of hiding it." I say.

Ari laughs. "Okay, the nugget part was a little funny, I guess."

I playfully punch her in the shoulder.

"See?" I chuckle.
After school, Ari and Brittany come over just like they said they would at 4:30. They brought over their choir homework, because that's the class that we all happen to have together, but I think that we'll be too busy with Carly's note to work on it. I take out the note and unfold it.
"So, this is it." I say, flattening out its surface. Brittany is the first to grab the note and she reads it out loud. When she's done, she scoffs.
"What the heck? This is pathetic. Please say you guys don't buy this." I push her.
"Of course we don't. It doesn't affect me, but I want to get to the bottom of this."
Ari scratches her head. Well, let's start with the fact that this might not be Carly Emerson's handwriting."

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