Chapter Seven

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An// if you guys follow me, it might say I updated this chapter, well, it's cuz it is edited now. So you will start getting notifications that I updated the chapters on these, and that's just me editing/adding/changing the chapters. They will be more detailed, too, so if you want you can re-read them. 😘

••edited and detailed•••
I am literally super confused. Unless Carly has some secret-spy undercover twin, then I'm pretty sure that it was Carly's voice I heard in the hallway. I need to get to the bottom of this, and soon. Before I get another one of those stupid notes.

Before I know it, school is out, and I can hear the shrill sound of the bell. Time to meet Carly. I make a short trip to my locker, then start walking to the gym. My head is swarming with thoughts. What does she want with me? I reach the big wooden doors of the gym and open them. No one is inside. I walk and turn into the girl's locker room. I can see the rows of orange lockers, three bathroom stalls, and a sink.
"Hello?" I say. Carly emerges from one of the rows, showing off her Jimmy Choos.
"Hey, uh, Makenna." She says.
"I know you wrote that note." I blurt out. She looks at me in mock surprise.
"Pff, what?" She laughs. I roll my eyes.
"The note. Why did you write it?" I ask. Her blue eyes are twinkling in a humorous way.
"I didn't write it. I don't even know what you're talking about." She says. I face palm.
"Okay, we'll get to this later," I tell her. "Now, why did you want to meet me again?"
Carly sighs.
"I wanted to say, I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry." She says plainly.
"For what?" I say.
"For writing the note." She tells me.
"So it was you!"
"No, it wasn't. Just messin' with ya."
"Yes, I'm not joking."
"Okay, I know that you got the note, and I was not the one who wrote it, trust me." she says. I peer cautiously at her.
"Okay, so why did you really want to meet me here?" I ask.
"Because I know that you received a note. And I want to help you."
I chuckle.
"How can you help me?" The idea seems ridiculous.
"If you would shut your mouth, I could tell you..." she trails off. The janitor has just walked in.
"Hey, school's over. Get outta here." He says sternly. We both roll our eyes and leave. Crap. I forgot that I ride the bus, somehow. What is wrong with me? I part with Carly, and she gives me her number. Maybe she isn't so bad after all. She seemed way less bratty with me in the locker room, almost like she was a whole new person. I dash outside. My bus is just about to leave.
"Wait!" I say, choking on my words after running so hard. The bus decelerates, and I rush on. And lucky me, there's an empty seat.
After I'm done with my homework, my phone rings.
"Call me maybe...." Carly Rae Jepson's voice comes out of the speakers. Oh god, I really need to change that ringtone. I pick it up.
"Hello?" I answer.
"Hi, it's Carly."
"Oh, hey. Do you have UChat?" I ask her. Hopefully she does.
"Yeah, actually, I do. Would you rather talk on there?" she asks. I nod, but catch myself. She can't see me.
"Yeah," I say. "My username is '_kennaxoxo_'."
"Okay," she replies. "I'll be on."
We say goodbye and I quickly sign on.

'_kennaxoxo_ has signed on'.

I click on the green button and see that a girl has requested me. Must be Carly.
'carlygirl2 has requested you.' I say yes. She has already created a chat with just the two of us.
Group Chat
-_kennaxoxo_- I'm here Carly.
-carlygirl2- Good. I need to talk to u
-_kennaxoxo_- k, what about?
-carlygirl2- so, the note. I think I know wrote it
-_kennaxoxo_- really?
-carlygirl2- yes. So there is this girl named Karen who goes to Westland High in another county. She used to go to my middle school but she looks just like me, srsly. Well, except for her hair. It's a darker blonde than mine, and I hear her parents wouldn't let her dye her hair my color, so she wears a wig.

This makes me perk up. This is all connecting. I keep reading.

'And so it might've been her. She was a big copycat of me and copied my looks, handwriting, and style. really annoying.
It takes me a minute to process this.
-_kennaxoxo_- so you have a twin?
-carlygirl2- ya, well a copycat.
-_kennaxoxo_- well then. um maybe it was her. I actually heard a voice that sounded just like yours in the hall today. it sounded so much like u. maybe it was Karen, but why would she be here at our school? Also yesterday were u in the cafeteria? Cuz i saw u there yesterday..and ur hair looked like a wig. What if that was karen? if it was, where were u?
-carlygirl2- OMG really? Well yesterday was my first day, so I wasn't in the cafeteria. They were showing me around the school and I ate lunch in the office. So Karen was acting as me??
-_kennaxoxo_- yes, I guess so! Then it wasn't you who showed everyone a picture yesterday that they were laughing at?
-carlygirl2- no, it wasn't. Well gtg. Ttyl
-_kennaxoxo_- k.
'carlygirl2 has signed off.'
'_kennaxoxo_ has signed off'.

Who is this Karen?

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