Chapter Eleven

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Slumped on my bed in a heap of blankets and pillows, my stomach rumbles in anticipation. Once I got home after visiting with the principal, Mom refused to listen to me about how I'm a good child. Whatever, that debacle is out of my mind.

Anyways, Mom grounded me (after a very boring lecture) which means no electronics, no hanging out with friends, and no bad behavior. What really sucks is that she took away my laptop and phone, which are my two prized possessions. And even though my stomach is rumbling in hunger, I'm still trying to stand my ground. I don't want to face my parents' awkward dining experience. Sighing, I reach for my bookshelf, which only contains about ten books. I've never been a very big reader. I grasp for a random book, and it happens to be Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Twisting my mouth around, I debate about whether or not I should read it.

"Eh." I declare, picking up the book. I admire the illustrator's work on the cover and proceed to the first chapter. Just as I read the first sentence, a knock on my door tells me that either Mom or Dad is here to talk to me.

"Honey?" My dad's voice questions. I roll my eyes and smash my face into my pillows.

"Not the time, Dad." I murmur, burying my body deeper into the blanket contraption. There's a pause, then the door clicks open. My fists ball up.

"Look, I know that now isn't a good time for you," Dad starts, "but I really think we should talk." his voice is sweet and reassuring, but I can't fully trust that he's not going to start yelling at me. Slowly, I rise from underneath my covers.

"Fine." A simple answer like this gets Dad going.

"Okay, first of all- why did you get detention?" I feel my face get hot.

"Dad-" I protest. He asks the question again. Sighing, I look at his face. It's worn and tired, and I give into his pout.

"I was just...I don't know, influenced." I say. Dad raises an eyebrow in suspicion.

"By who?" he asks. I don't want to rat Carly out, but at the same time, it's not like he'll go after her.

"Carly Emerson." I tell him. Dad's face falls.

"The daughter of that millionaire?" he asks me. I nod.

"Well, if she's influencing you to do bad things, then stay away from her. You've always been a good person; don't let her get in the way of that." Dad says. His reassuring words comfort me, but yet I don't feel quite ready to give up Carly. I still want to help her find Karen, her sister, and...I kind of want to be friends with her. Sighing, I smile with relief.

"Okay, I'll try. Thanks, Dad." I say. Dad winks and heads out the door before pausing and adding, "By the way, if you're hungry, dinner's downstairs on the table." I grin and hop out of my bed, jumping down each step on the stairs like a little kid. I can smell the sweet aroma of Thai food. Mm.

Walking into the kitchen, I seat myself at my regular spot at the table and welcome the food, piling it up on my plate. Mom eyes me, probably asking herself why I'm acting like a homeless person...which sometimes I feel like I am. Scooping up a serving of Pad Thai, I quietly eat my dinner. It was fine when Dad was talking to me, but sitting here with Mom at the table is way different. Through a mouthful of Pad Thai, I ask Dad, "Hey, um, how long am I grounded for?". Dad fidgets nervously with the napkin scrunched up in his palm and glances over at Mom.

"Honey, how long?" he asks. Mom focuses her attention to me.

"How long do you think you should be grounded for?" she asks. I shrug.

"Maybe a week?" I ask, which is still forever.

Mom nods in approval, looks at Dad, then shovels a mouthful of noodles into her mouth.

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