1 *trying hard not to cry

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I just sat in my bed, a book in hand, I continued to read the book, ignoring the kicks on my door and the laughs outside my room. I was sure that Courtney and her gang band of friends and probably her boyfriend, Al and all his friends.

They always took the first chance to mess with me. I sat up and got up from my bed and out my door to find a sign on it saying 'clean this up bitch!' I was confused until I realised what I had my foot in. What ever this leftover, failed slimy goo was that little Jake had made for his science fair project, it wouldn't be very fun to clean up.

I look over at the hall and I saw no one but heard hysterical laughter coming from there, Courtney's laughter was hard to miss.

I sighed to myself and quickly walked over to the cleaning cupboard. I wasn't going to just leave it like this. Poor Miss Field was going through enough, currently going through her divorce, cleaning up a failed, gooey science fair project definitely wasn't going to help anything.
So I got the supply's and started to clean it up.

"Look! She's actually cleaning it, Courtney!" A voice shouted, Courtney's best friend, Bethany.
"Oh my god! Haha! That idiot is cleaning our mess!" Courtney laughed, I didn't bother to turn around, I just rolled by eyes and continued to clean up, I was almost finished and I was certain not to look at them at all.
I finished and started to up away all the cleaning supplies before I tripped over something, I didn't care what it was, I only cared that the others were staring at me, laughing.

"Haha! Clumsy freak!" Courtney shouted, the others laughed.
"No wonder your parents left you and no one has adopted you and no one ever will!" She laughed.

"Then why are you still here, Courtney?" I turned around and looked at her, I knew I shouldn't have said that. I should've kept my mouth shut.
"Ooooooo!" Some of the kids went.

"You think your so freaking smart! Don't you? Well guess what," She started, I tried to walk backwards and head into my room but she grabbed my wrist with force, "your nothing compared to me!" She shouted and started pushing me around, she then pushed me over and started to kick me, hard.

"Your nothing but useless crap!" She shouted, continuing to harm me. All the kids around were crowding round, some even joining in with the beating. All of them were laughing, the laughing burning my ears, but what hurt me the most was that no one had tried to help me.

After what seemed like hours, they all went down for lunch, leaving me, not even able to get up. But I was used to it by now.
"Where's Emerald?" I heard Miss Field ask, I knew I had to get up, I tried by I couldn't.
"Emerald?!" Miss Field shouted up the stairs before coming up to the hall and gasping.
"Em!" She shouted, running to me. Miss Field was probably the nicest in the orphanage, at most times. When she tries to make me feel bad about myself, I feel more bad for her than me. So I try to ignore it, but when Miss Field is nice to me, it makes me feel like someone in this orphanage cares about me.

"Em! What happened?!" She cried, picking my limp body up. I was 13 but pretty short and thin because I barely ate but I was still extremely self conscious about my body.
"I-I-I'm f-fine...." I mumbled.
"No! No, honey your not." She said, taking me through the dining room and through to the first aid room, bringing some stares and little laughs from Courtney. Miss Field put me in the room and left into the dining room.

"Right. Emerald didn't do this herself, now did she? There is security cameras in the hall so I will know who did it." I heard her say, Courtney obviously being worried, and with everyone else who joined in.
Miss Field then walked into the first aid room and closed the door behind her and got out the first aid kit and started to help me.

"I know it's hard, Em. I know how mean they can be to you." She told me before she was finished.
"Now, you go up to your room, I'll bring your food up in a minute, I just need to talk to Courtney and Bethany since they were the ones who started it, and everyone else." She smiled and I walked out of the room and ignored everyone staring at me, Courtney especially glaring at me.
I went up to my room and sat on my bed and got up and locked my door.
I leaned back in breathed in, trying hard not to cry.


So this is back I guess.
jk u dont have any



anyway, this is hoping to have quick updates, so thats good for people who haven't read it. And good for people who want more, it'll get to the new chapters soon.

I'll probably get to it quickly because I have 1, nothing to do with my life and 2, a painfully black eye and I cant move my left eye because its swollen. But make it quick because im going to binge on Stranger Things after this.



- frankie

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