25*never too late

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Recommend songs to listen to while reading this chapter while you cry loL
Addict With A Pen - Twenty Øne Pilots
Oh Ms. Believer -Tøp ^
The End Of All Things - Panic! At The Disco
idk any sad songs that you think would be suitable.


"...And she will always be in our hearts, forever and always. A wonderful daughter, and a loving sister. We want to send our love, care and support to her fathers, sister and friends and close family. I ask if we can hear from Dan Lester, one of her loving fathers."

I stood up, my hand was shaking. I didn't want to cry, I had done too much of that. I started to make my way to the front of everyone.

"Em... Emerald was one of the most amazing people that you'd ever meet. No thirteen year old should go through what she's gone through. In fact, no one should go through what she's gone through. But to know that this is a thirteen year old girl, makes me cry even more than I would in the first place." I said, I took a deep breath. "She's lived with us for about a year now. And it feels like years, trust me. I remember, seeing her for the first time. When we went to the orphanage, she was sitting there, her music playing loudly before she even realised it was playing. The way that girl started being a big bitch to her, and we stood up to her. I could honestly go on and on about Emerald. I really could. But all I really want to say is that life is cruel, and it made you have a nightmare of a life, and it brought your condition back, and it gave you back to your biological father, and it diagnosed you with cancer, and then it killed you. But you were the strongest. She really was. She powered through everything. And I'll always remember her, forever." I finished speaking, noticing the tears that were pouring down my cheeks before I sat down again.


After about three weeks, she died. After throwing up from the pills, she lost consciousness, we called an ambulance and she was pronounced dead an hour after in the hospital. Yeah it's been hard. But we couldn't mourn forever.

After looking around on her computer, a few days after the funeral, I noticed a video file named 'to my loving family.' I look at the door and then back at the laptop.

"Phil? Brook? Can you come in here for a second." I called them into Emeralds room as they walked in.
"Yeah?" Phil asked.
"There's this video file here and I... Just connect the laptop to the tv." I said as I brought the laptop into the living room where Brook got the computer connected to the tv.

"What is it?" Brook asked as she sat on the couch with me and Phil.
"I'm not sure but it was labelled 'to my loving family.' I think she filmed it for us to watch after she... Passed." I said.

We were all quiet as I clicked on the video file and it played itself on the big screen tv. It started with her, looking at her made me want to cry.

"H-hi. If your watching this, it means you are probably Dan, Phil, Brook, or all of you. And it also means that if your watching this, I've passed away. I've died. And this is just to say, that this has been the best year of my entire life. I know you probably think 'well her life completely sucked before so of course this would've been the best of her life' but truly. Truly and honestly. So if I didn't say a proper goodbye before I died, how rude of me by the way, this is my chance to do it now. Okay... Brook, let's start with you... I'm not going to lie, you weren't exactly the nicest to me at the start, I'm not going to lie about that. But throughout these last few weeks, you've been the best sister I've ever had. And that's saying something. The way you stood up for me, sacrificing your popularity with your friend to defend me. That was amazing. I love you Brooklyn. So much. I love you big sis, and don't forget that! Even if I'm dead I'm still your sister! So don't forget about me!" She explained, laughing slightly at the last bit, Brook had tears falling down her face but gave a small laugh as she cuddled up to me and Phil.

"Dan and Phil..." She began, "now where do I start? You took me away from the life that I thought would never get better. The life that I thought had no meaning. The life that I thought 'I should just die.' Until you two came into the orphanage and I sang, and you picked me. You chose to take care of me for as long as you could. You chose me out of about what? 20 girls? 20 girls that would've done a fantastic job as your daughter, but you chose the nerd sitting in the corner, accidentally playing her music loudly through the headphones causing everyone to turn and stare. I sang to you though, and you seemed to enjoy it, and the way you stood up to that bitch because I was too wimpy to do it myself." She took a deep breath and smiled at the camera. I loved that. Just seeing her. Just seeing her look at the camera, seeing her beautiful face made me want to cry harder. But I listened and watched.

"To all of you... I swear, I could go on for hours, but I don't have hours, because you're all going to come back home in a minute. I actually already have hours. I just wish I had years. But I don't, I'm not lucky enough to see my future, I'm not lucky enough to see your guys' future, I'm not lucky enough to see what Brooklyn's kids are going to look like, I'm not lucky enough to find someone and grow old with them, I'm not lucky enough to live really, but it's not really my choice. I wish it was. I don't have years, I know that and I've accepted that, though I wish that this wasn't true. I wish that I could be there with you because you're watching this because you found my computer and saw a video file and you opened it and watched it. I'm so sorry. I really am, and... It kills me to see you all heart broken because of my suffering. That sounded a little self-centred, I'm not going to lie. But the last thing I really wanted to say, is its Never Too Late. Its never too late. Only for me though it seems. Though, it was never too late for me, my time was just over. And I'm sorry myself for that. Never too Late. Don't forget that." She smiled as leaned forwards to turn the camera off.

The tv stayed on the same frame of her face for a few minutes as we were all trying to stop tears, because at the end of the video, we all seemed to be in tears until it started to play an old video, where her hair was there, and she looked healthy, she started to sing 'Oh Ms. Believer' we were all in silence as we listened to her beautiful voice for another three minutes.


I fixed the frame of the picture of Emerald with the words 'never too late' at the bottom, it was a collage of her. We kept it in the living room so that we could always be reminded of her. We kept her room the same way as its always been and we didn't move anything from it, because I could still feel her presence. Not in a creepy way, in a good way. And I felt like she would appreciate us leaving her room alone.

As years went by, we never forgot her and she always stayed in our hearts, but we weren't spending every single minute of the day mourning over her. And I knew Em wouldn't want us doing that. And we didn't want to do that.

She just stayed with us all the time, we wouldn't forget her. We'd never forget, Never Too Late.

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