18*i object

613 17 4

💋 Brooklyn 💋

I was told everything about Emerald. And I'm not going to lie.

I'm scared. Everyone else is and for the past week we were all scared and silent. I guess we were all just thinking about everything that may happen.

The court meeting was this afternoon and we all got new clothes for the 'occasion' Dan and Phil got tuxes and me and Em got dresses.

And Dan and Phil have been practising their arguments for the case everyday until we got the phone call.

We were all ready to go so we got up and got into a taxi and drove to the court case.

💚 Emerald 💚

To say that I was scared was a complete understatement. I was petrified out of my mind.

We were all driving to the case and I noticed that Brook looked over at me, we made eye contact and she noticed that my leg was shaking like he'll she smiled and put her hand on my leg and put her arm around me, and I leaned on her shoulder. I could see Dan and Phil smile weakly in the corner of my eye until I fell asleep...

"Em? Emerald sweetie wake up we're here." I woke up to Dan, I sat up and breathed and got out of the taxi.

We all walked into the court room as I saw my old dad, he looked up and noticed me. As we made eye contact, he grinned, I quickly looked away and shivered. Everything about him grinned made my think, made me know, that he had a plan. And made me think that he did have a chance of winning me over. I breathed heavily. In and out. In and out.

We walked over to where we were sitting. For some reason me and Brook had to sit in different places, whereas, Dan and Phil sat at the front, my 'father' sat in the opposite side and I tried to not make any eye contact with him at all and tried looking at Dan and Phil but wherever I looked, that horrible grin stayed plastered on his face in my mind.

"Order! Order! Silence in the court room." It had started, I quickly paid my attention to the judge and then at Brook who flashed a quick smiled at me.

"Today we will be conforming if Emerald Elizabeth Lester will be taken from her adoptive parents, Daniel James Lester and Phillip Michael Lester and given back to her biological father, David Lee McCoy. Phillip and Daniel Lester, state your case." The judge explained.

"Well, your honour, when we adopted Emerald we saw that she had a past," Dan started, getting what seemed like my adoption papers and handing it the the judge. "had years of physical and emotional abuse, slavery, starvation and taking advantage of her physical, rare medical condition." Dan explained, I smiled because he proved a good point.

"and it shows here," Dan says after the judge hands him the papers, "that the medical condition is Paininosiouity. A condition that now in the world, only effects 300 people in the world." Dan explained, handing the paper to the judge and pointing at a certain point on the paper.

The judge read out everything on Paininosiouity and nodded afterwards, handing back the papers to Dan.

"and that is, your honour why we should have courtesy of our own daughter, Emerald." Dan explained, sitting down. I breathed out, waiting for David's argument.

"I object, your honor. I should have all courtesy of my Emerald since I made her. I didn't do anything to Emerald, I wouldn't lay a finger on her. I love her with all my heart." He started, I couldn't take these lies anymore.

"I object." I shouted standing up, interrupting him, everyone drew their eyes at me, including Dan and Phil.

"For the life that I have been with with him, this man has made my life a living hell, from beginning to end. If my condition wasn't bad enough, I was completely taken advantage of because of what I had. I remember clearly being at the brink of death because of what you did to me. And I would rather you shoot me right here on the spot if you thought that I would go back and live my life with that fucking monster." I shouted, before taking a breath and sitting down again.

I looked over at David and he was fake crying.

"Is this true David?" The judge asked.

"It is your honor.." He said.

"Ha!" I shouted.

"On her mothers point.."

"What do you mean Mr. McCoy?" The judge asked.

"I mean that her awful mother did that to her," he sniffled, "she made Em think that I did it. She's the monster Emerald I would never do such a thing to my own daughter." He looked at me. I knew he was lying but I felt the sincerity in his voice.

"I'll protect you Emerald. Your mother is gone now, so is your sister that helped with the abuse. I-I tried to stop her but... But I was took weak, she would beat me if I tried to help Em. I was weak but... I can change and be strong for Em. Please, let me take my little girl home." He finished.

I couldn't seem to say anything. My mouth was dry as I looked at him. Wanting to open my mouth to speak but failing as I tried.

"Thank you Mr McCoy. A conclusion is in set, David Lee McCoy now legally has full control and curtsey over his daughter, Emerald Elizabeth McCoy. Case closed." The judge said.

My mouth was drier than ever. I couldn't say anything but stare, at Dan and Phil who were both crying hysterically, when I looked over at Brooklyn, she only had her head in her hands, sobbing. I wanted to get up and go to them but hands stoped me. I felt a strong grip on my left arm and looked up, seeing David holding my arm and grinning horribly.

"C'mon sweetie... Lets go home.." He smiled. Before I could say goodbye to my own family, he started to drag me out, Phil looked up as I reached my hand up at him and mouthed the words 'i love you' to him, he shook his head and cried as tears poured down his face and Brook looked, her tear stained eyes met mine as I mouthed 'I'll get out somehow..' As I was dragged away from the only loving family I ever had.

I smiled.

You can do this.



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