9 *don't be a bitch

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emerald and brooks outfit for school// em on left brooks on right


For the rest of the week, Phil barley talked to me at all, only giving me glares, I knew why, of course, I'm not stupid. I just wish he'd stop being a dick about it.

Soon, Monday came. I was dreading it but I was pretty glad that Dan and Phil's week with Emerald was over, because they seemed to be nicer to her than before and, yeah, it annoyed me, but I'm half glad it's over now but I really don't want her to come to my school, but I know she has to.

"Okay!" Dan smiled before we left for school. "You two can walk to school together, stay together please and you can walk back after, Brook, can you please come back with Emerald, no staying at your friends today." He explained, I sighed slightly.

"Have a good first day sweetie." Phil smiled at Emerald, kissing her cheek and hugging her, because she looked terrified. "Don't worry, you'll be fine." He whispered to her.

Emerald wasn't drawing much attention to herself, apart from her hair but that wasn't so bright anyway. She was wearing a long sleeved shirt with grey trousers and light blue converse and a black beanie saying 'Twenty one pilots' a band that she likes and her hair was down, so was mine.

I'm wearing shorts and tights and a black and white stripy top and a red cardigan and brown laced shoes.
(The outfit for Emerald and Brook is above.)
It's a school with no uniform, so it was okay. Emerald had a galaxy bag and I had a black cute small bag that I got a few days ago and let Emerald have my galaxy bag, I don't think she really wanted it but she just didn't want to be rude.

We were ready to go.

"Love you Brook." Dan smiled, kissing my cheek, then did the same to Emerald. Phil just smiled a little at me, I felt kind of hurt but I think he noticed my sadness, so he kissed me and gave me a hug.

"I love you Brook." He said, "but we'll have a little chat after school." He let me go of the hug and looked at me and I nodded.
"I'll see you after then." He said, as we left the apartment.

I didn't really say much to Emerald, I wasn't in the mood. It was Monday and I didn't want to do anything on Monday, like most people. But Emerald isn't 'most people'

"So... How long have you been going to this school." She asked softly. I really wasn't in the mood to talk at all. But I think she just wanted to be friendly with me. But still, I didn't feel like being friendly.

"How long do you think? I've been in this school since year seven, I'm in year 10 now. Idiot." I mumbled. She stayed silent for a couple of minutes.

"Sorry..." She said quietly, looking down, not really knowing what do say or do. I took out my earplugs and started blasting 1D and Justin Bieber.

"What are you listening to?" She asked, louder than before because I couldn't really hear her well, I took out one of my earplugs out and she repeated herself, and I told her that I was listening to 1D and Biebs.

She nodded a little.
"They're good..." She said, I nodded a little, but I knew she didn't really listen to them.
"So... Who do you like?" I asked, she looked at me, surprised that I asked her something.
"Oh... I-I like twenty one pilots, Melanie Martinez, Halsey, Panic at the Disco...." She trailed off. "Those sorts." To be completely honest, I didn't really know who most of them were. I just kind of heard twenty one pilots and Halsey before, like on the radio, but I'd never really listened to their songs with full attention before.

"I've heard of them.." I replied, awkwardly.
Soon, what felt like decades of awkwardness later, the time came when we were at school. I saw my friends and I needed to go.

"Brook, wait. Where do I go?!' She called after me, I sighed.
"Just go ask someone." I replied, running off to find May and my other friends. I hesitated to feel bad about that, because of everything else I had to concentrate on today.


I stood in the middle of the playground in this new school, I just watched Brook leave me alone here. I cannot believe I thought she was starting to be nice to me. How stupid could I get?

"Great..." I mumbled under my breath as I saw a nice enough looking boy across the other side of the playground. So I started to walk over to him.

"Hi. Um... So I'm new and... I was wondering if you knew where EB3 is?" I asked him.
"Newbie!" He shouted and shoved me down and ran off before I could say anything more.

"I guess I can't get much out of the kids here about where to go..." I mumbled at myself and ended up asking a teacher, and before I knew it, I was being introduced in my new, Year 8 class.

"Everyone, this is Emerald Lester. Be nice and make her feel at home." The teacher, Mr Janis explained to the rest of the class. A lot of people whispered and giggled about my name for a while until most of them got over it and left me be. Most of them.

I sat down in my seat at the back after I got passed a planner, a timetable, a map and other stuff from the teacher before the first lesson in this classroom, English started.

"Pssst.." I heard a girl behind me say whisper, I turned around and saw a girl with wavy dark brown hair, fake eyelashes and a whole lot of makeup pilled on her face with a strong American ascent.
"Is your name really Emerald? Or is that a nickname for like Emily or something?" She asked me.

"No. It's just Emerald." I replied quietly.
"Wow!" She laughed quietly, "your mom and dad must really hate you!" She continued, I sighed silently, turning around, not thinking that the name 'Emerald' was all that weird.

"I'm Grace. I have a normal name." She still continued, sounding a little mad that I turned my back to her. "Hey! Listen to me!" She said, pulling my shoulder so I looked back at her.

"What?" I asked.
"Why are you being such a bitch." She hissed, I snorted a little, turning around.
"Look who's talking..." I mumbled.
"Excuse me?!" She spluttered.
"What?" I wondered innocently.
"I heard that you cunt!" She shouted.

"Grace Milton!" Mr Janis shouted, hearing that. "Not only are you aggravating poor Emerald and trying to get her in trouble, plus talking rudely in my lesson and using that foul language! I'm surprised at you Grace!" He shouted at her as she turned red with embarrassment. "I'll see you after class."

"Don't think you've won yet. Bitch." She hissed. "Also you look ridiculous." She added, I laughed to myself at the insult and carried on listening to the lesson.

it took me forever to edit it but its


but im still pissed

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