15 *you'll get over it

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I remember that my Paininosiouity was fine in the orphanage but it was only with my family and my father when it was awful.

I don't know why it started to act up right now, but that stuff can come back at anytime, any day, any week, any month, any year, and it'll follow throughout my life. And that's what I hate about it, it's not a one time thing.

We walked into the hospital and I immediately felt horrible again. Feeling like I was going to faint. I felt awful. I hated being at a hospital, especially having what I have.

Dan and Phil walked over to the reception and started talking to the receptionist and me and Brook sat on the waiting room chairs.

"Is obvious your faking..." Brook hissed to me, "Dan and Phil are just too oblivious. I bet you haven't even got this pain-itis." She said, I stayed silent for a while, letting her think she had won.

"Then what's wrong with me? Why would I start faking? How would I fake being sick, or fainting, or coughing up blood, I would've gone through a lot to fake this for no reason." I explained.

"So Dan and Phil will give you attention." She says, but sounded uncertain and sounded like she was regretting starting this debate.

I turned and looked at her, "you think I want to fucking be like this?! You think I'm faking?!" I suddenly shouted, it shocked everyone, including me.

"What's going on?!" Dan asked standing in front of us now, I was now standing up, breathing worryingly heavily.

"What's wrong with her?!" Brook said.
"Brook! I told you, she has a condition, and you shouldn't be winding her up anyway! We've read about it, having this, we don't know what she's capable of." Phil said.

"Come on, the doctors need to check your daughter." A nurse said, looking at me. I sighed, trying not to spill tears down my cheeks and followed the nurse.

The words 'we don't know what she's capable of' flew around my head like flies.

"I'm sorry, but you'll have to stand outside while we check her." She said to Dan and Phil before they walked in, breaking me out of my thoughts as they sat on the seats outside of the room, Dan smiled at me and so did Phil, I was still nervous.

"So what's your name?" The nurse asked, she was a tall woman who looked remotely young, in her 30s maybe, but she had long light pink hair that I really liked, she didn't look that posh but spoke with a strong British accent.

"I'm Emerald." I mumbled, "Emerald Elizabeth Lester."
"That's a really nice name, very different, I love different names. I'm just plain Alice. But my son is called Ash, that's a cool name, from the Pokèmon series!" She explained, I nodded and smiled.

"I really like your hair" I told her.
"I really like yours too." She smiled.
"Anyway, do me a favour and just sit right there Emerald." She asked, I nodded and sat on the hospital bed.

"So I've been told you have traces or have Paininosiouity, am I correct?" She asked, I nodded.
"And can you tell me more about how it might be getting worse?" She asked me.

"Well..." I started, this was gonna be hard to get out. But to be honest, I'm not sure how I was suppose to say it.

"Will it help to write it down for me sweetie?" She asked, knowing that I was struggling.
"Yes please." I said, she smiled and got me a piece of paper and a pen and before I knew it, I was writing down everything, all the things that had been building up inside me that would help the doctors understand more about the Paininosiouity out of me and onto the paper.

Everything about my fathers abuse when the condition was going on, me being in the orphanage and it being fine, no matter how hard I got bullied by the kids.
How I got adopted by Dan and Phil and it was fine until today.

When I was finished, I had filled the whole page and half of the other side.
She read it all through and when she was done she smiled sympathetically at me.

"You've been through a lot." She replied. "But you will get over it."
"What?" I said.
"It won't last forever, if you keep living healthfully and fight through it, it's bound to go away when you're at least 16, probably younger, sure you'll have a lot of doctor visits and sickness and probably days off school, that'll be nice won't it, well, the off school part!" She smiled at me, I couldn't help but smile back.

I thought I'd have it forever, to be honest.
"I'd estimate about a year or two of this, but stay healthy and make sure people are careful around you and you'll be good as new in no time, Emerald." She said.

"Now let's just give you an X-Ray check up and make sure your doing okay." I lay down on the bed and after about 15 seconds, I had gotten up.

"It's all good Emerald, I'll go tell your family the news." She said, I nodded and we left the room to see Dan bitting his nails nervously, Phil looking pretty nervous and Brooklyn looking bored.

Dan sprang up when he saw me and the nurse and Phil looked up and stood up.

"It's looking good, if she stays healthy and makes sure people are careful around her, it'll be over, probably by the time she's 14 or 15, maybe shorter. They will be a few hospital visits and sickness but hopefully nothing major, just keep her safe and keep in touch." She explained, smiling.

"Thank you so much!" Dan said, sounding relived.
"Yes, and we will, we won't let anything happen to her, and we will be back." Phil said shaking her hand but Dan full on hugged her, she smiled as Dan thanked her again.

"I didn't really do it, it's your little girl who powering through it." She smiled at me, I smiled back, Dan smiled and Phil smiled.

"C'mon girls, let's get going home." Phil said as we headed back.

And I started to feel a little better.


im sorry about that

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