Chapter 1

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*This book is a year old or more There are technical errors, probably grammar too here and there. These errors will not be fixed because I am not making changes. So commenting that this doesn't happen, this isn't right, and all that is kind of unnecessary. I appreciate the feedback but nothing is going to change. Thank you, please read on.*

Renesmee sat in front of her family's house, happily sitting on the snowy porch. The snowflakes fell into her hair and onto her skin but never melted. She caught one in her hand and looked closely at it. She smiled and wiped it on her jeans. Suddenly her mother, Bella, was beside her. She smiled at Bella and Bella smiled her small smile back.

"What are you doing out here?" Bella asked curiously.

"Nothing, Mom. I just like the snow." Renesmee replied softly.

Bella smiled and took a seat beside her daughter.

"Believe me. I know you do." Bella said.

She combed through Renesmee's long auburn hair with her fingers to shake some of the snowflakes away.

"I just came out to think."

Renesmee told her Mom.

"Okay. About what?" Bella asked.

Renesmee smiled to herself.

"How did you meet Jacob, Mom?" Renesmee asked Bella.

She smiled at her daughter.

"We have been friends since we were kids. When I was sixteen I saw him again. He had long hair and didn't have a tattoo and he was awkward and shy."

Renesmee laughed at her Mother's explanation.

"I don't think I could imagine Jacob like that, Mom." Renesmee said and Bella smiled at her.

"Well I think I was still pretty damn good looking back then too."

The two heard a voice a little bit away from them. They turned to look and saw Jacob making his way toward them. Bella smiled a small smile and Renesmee grinned as she got up and ran to him. She hugged him tight and have him a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey Nessi." He smiled, kissing her forehead.

"You know I hate that." Bella said.

Jacob grinned.

"Have her home by 9? Would ya Jake?"

Edward was at Bella's side and holding her loosely around the waist. Jacob nodded. Edward and Bella made their way back into the house.

"What should we do today, Ness?" Jacob asked her.

He was looking at her adoringly.

"I say we go to the beach." She replied.

He nodded.

"Race ya!"

She exclaimed and took off at an inhuman speed. Jacob shifted and ran after her. She laughed as she heard his paws hit the ground close behind. She looked back but he was right beside her, running with her instead of against her.

They stopped by a tree and Jacob panted while Renesmee just smirked at him.

"Old man."

She grinned and he huffed. He shifted back to human form and had Renesmee shut her eyes. He told her to open them and he was clothed again.

"Just because someone doesn't age little miss." He chuckled.

"Neither do you." She grinned.

"Touche." He said.

She laughed. Jacob hadn't aged. With the help of the Cullen clan and a few others around the world that had helped protect Renesmee in the past, Jacob would never age and never die. He was all for this if it meant being by Renesmee's side all the while.

It hadn't been long since the "almost battle". Maybe only a few years. But no one was counting. Jacob's pack was still going strong and so was the Cullen clan. Their treaty remained the same even though they had almost fought together. They had no intentions of changing their ways. Only Renesmee was welcome on the wolf's turf because of Jacob's imprint. Renesmee still doesn't know of this imprint and everyone has sworn not to say a word.

When the two made it to La Push, Sam met up with them.


Sam nodded to him as he nodded back, pulling Renesmee against him protectively.

"Sam." Jacob nodded.


She nodded back at Sam before they went their separate ways.
Lea Clearwater came up to Renesmee and smiled at her. Lea still wasn't the friendliest but she had a soft spot for Renesmee. Quil came up to them and hugged Jacob, and Renesmee smiled at him.

"Hey, Ren. It's nice to see ya." Quil said.

His friendly attitude was showing off as always.

"Hi Quil. I've missed you."

She hugged him and heard a growl from Jake. She looked confusedly at him but he only gave her the same look, making it seem like he didn't know what she meant. She simply shrugged as Quil ran to catch up with the rest. Renesmee pulled on Jacob's hand to go to their spot on the rocks around the corner. The waves in the water were active as always.

They sat on the high rocks and skipped smaller pebbles on the water below.

"Jacob. I wanna swim." Renesmee told him.

He shook his head with a chuckle.

"Renesmee no one swims in December." He says.

She crossed her arms, giving him a look he's only seen one other time from Bella when she was still human.

"Do you honestly think the weather bothers me?" She inquired.

He laughed and she rolled her eyes. The cliff caught her eye.

"Can we jump from there?" She asked hopefully.

He looked to the cliff and flashbacks to saving Bella ran through his head.

"No Ness-"

He couldn't finish before she had gotten to the top of the cliff. He ran after her and pulled her back from the edge. The horrifying panic ran through him like it did when he saw Bella jump.

"No, Ness." Jacob said.

She sighed.

"But Jac-" She was cut off.

"Renesmee, I said no." He said seriously.

He knew Renesmee got ahead of herself a lot, thinking she could survive anything, but she forgets that she is half human as well as vampire. She can't easily get hurt or die but she still can.

"What's your deal with this Cliff anyway, Jake?" She asked.

Renesmee always saw fear and panic in his eyes when she talked about wanting to cliff dive or even talked about this specific cliff.

"It's nothing." He said.

She glared. She snatched her arm out of his hold and walked slowly to the edge.

"Well if it's nothing, I guess I can jump then huh?"

She crossed her arms and he bit his lip. She started to fall backwards and he sped to her, grabbing her and holding her tight to his bare chest.

"Its a long story, Nessi." He said and she laughed.

"Believe me, I've got hundreds of years left to listen to you."

The statement Jacob's heart swell in an adoring way.

"Sit." He said as his nerves kicked in.

What if she wasn't suppose to know about this? Jacob didn't know why Bella did it all those years ago, and he knew Nessi didn't either. But now he had to tell her at least what he knew about it.

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