Chapter 2

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After Jacob had finished the story, they decided to have fun with the pack. Renesmee tried her best to laugh and smile with the others but she was just so distracted as she sat and looked at the cliff. Why would her Mom jump of the cliff? Did she try to kill herself? What could the reason have been? Jacob sat beside her, blocking her view of the cliff. He smiled gently and put his warm hand over hers.

"Look Ness-" Jacob was cut off.

"I should go. I'm almost past cerfew and if I go now I can still make it." Renesmee said.

She knew her Dad wouldn't of cared if she was late. Nor would her Mom. They knew as long as she was with Jake, she was safe.

Jacob decided to let her go however. As she got off the log, he grabbed her hand. She looked back at him curiosly.

"I'm sorry if I made you upset." He said sincerely.

She smiled lightly at him and he could barely see the smile from the light of the fire on the sand. She put her hand on his cheek and rubbed her thumb over his stubble a few times.

"Don't worry. I'm fine." She said gently.

He nodded and let her go slowly. She ran into the forest, knowing the way back home like the back of her hand.

She got there in a matter of seconds and sighed when she saw her parents dancing on the porch. She laughed when her Mom stepped on her Dad's feet.

"After all these years, you're still clumsy." Her Dad's calm voice teased her Mom.

"Okay Edward. Just because you've had a hundred and some years to perfect yourself." She said.

Her sarcasm made Edward laugh at Bella's comment. Renesmee smiled at the sight. She hoped to have that one day and she had high hopes that she would. She came out of the forest and Edward and Bella looked over at her.

Edward let go of Bella and hugged Renesmee gently. Bella touched her shoulder and looked at her face. She sensed something was wrong and Renesmee looked down, knowing Bella could see right through her if she looked in her eyes.

"I'm going for a hunt." Edward suddenly said.

He was looking at Renesmee and then at the ground. He had read her mind and knew the two needed time to talk.

"I'll be back."

Edward kissed Bella gently and kissed Renesmee's forehead. He flashed into the woods and Bella looked at Renesmee, waiting to hear what she had to say. Bella wasn't a mind reader but after many moments of silence, she wished she was at that moment.

"Renesmee. Is there something-"
Bella was cut off.

"Why did you jump off the cliff at La Push all those years ago?"

Renesmee blurted out, wanting to know so badly.

Bella looked at her confused and a bit shocked. Renesmee sensed someone watching and looked up to see her Aunt Alice watching from one of the many windows. She had a look of concern on her face. Bella and Alice were both apart of this and Bella knew she would need Alice. But before she could call for her or go get her, Alice was by her side. Renesmee looked confusedly between the two as they gave each other short glances.

"Lets go to your room to talk."

Alice said to Renesmee.

Bella agreed and Renesmee shrugged. They all flashed to Edward's old room which was now Renesmee's. She had no reason to move anywhere. She decided to stay right where the family is and she decided to give her parents privacy and stay in her Grandparents' house.

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