Chapter 12

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*3 Weeks later*

It had been 3 weeks since Jacob left and Renesmee didn't know what to do with herself. Usually it was just bad for her when he left for these things. But now she felt like curling in a ball and sleeping until he returned.

*Later on*

There was a pounding that sounded on the door and painful groans echoed from the other side. Renesmee cautiously opened the door and Jacob stood, looking ready to collapse. He was nude and bloody, beaten.

She gasped and put his arm around her shoulders. She led him upstairs and Carlisle rushed over.

"Jacob. I'm going to get you something to wear. And then I need you to tell me what happened." He said.

Jacob coughed and wheezed a little.


He said with a shallow voice and collapsed even though Renesmee tried to catch him.

She tried to drag him to Carlisle's study but Emmett put a hand on her shoulder. She smiled gratefully and he lifted Jacob onto his shoulder.

They set him on the table in Carlisle's study and Renesmee put a pair of boxers on him. Emmett left the room and Renesmee took his hand. She froze and her vision went black. Until a scene formed out in front of her.

Jacob ran through the forest at his greatest speed. He suddenly skidded to a stop and three people in black trench coat sort of outfits stood there.

Jacob growled and snarled, scraping his foot in the dirt.

"Ahhh the snow is sticking. You all only have a little more time. But I'm sure Alice has seen it already. Ah Alice... Such a beautiful young woman.."

The man with long black hair and an almost elegant voice said.

Jacob started to stick forward and the man looked to the blonde girl. She squinted her eyes at Jacob's wolf and it yelped, falling to the forest floor. He spasmed and screeched but nothing helped. The third was motioned forward and another arrived.

"My apologies Aro." He was a taller man with red eyes. They all had red eyes. All vampires. "Aro" nodded and motioned the boy with chubby cheeks and a shorter figure. Black smoke emerged from his fingers and to a still spasming Jacob wolf. Jacob turned back into himself, covered in the black smoke and he looked as if he was staring into complete darkness.

"See this as a warning Jacob."

Aro touched his face and Jacob could only look at him. Renesmee thought it looked as if he was paralyzed.

"We will get what we want this time."

He said and have a creepy smile before the big, buff guy walked through a ripple in the black smoke. He started to beat on a helpless Jacob. Jacob groaned and squirmed a small bit but that's all he could do.

That's when Jacob fell onconcious and the two left behind Aro And the blonde girl.

Renesmee gasped and came back to reality. A hand was placed on her shoulder and she fell off the chair she was on. She looked up at the owner of the hand to see Esme. She gave Renesmee a soft smile and helped her up. Bella stood with Edward and Bella was looking curiously at Jacob. Then to Renesmee and back again.

"What did you see?" Bella asked softly.

Renesmee slowly told them, shocked at what she could do.

Carlisle crossed his arms and Edward furrowed his brows at him.

"No. They would hurt her. Not if her gifts are what they want." Edward said.

"They wouldn't kill her. That doesn't mean they won't hurt her in order to get her without too much of a fight." Rosalie commented.

Bella shook her head and ran a hand through her hair.

"Maybe it was something else." She said.

"What else could it be?" Emmett commented.

"What if it was for the people that tried to get in their way?"

Alice cut in, walking into the room with Jasper. Jasper looked at Renessmee and rubbed her shoulders. She took a deep breathe.

"That's still the people with the gifts. You'll all get in the way to protect each other. Alice, Edward, Bella, Renesmee." Rosalie said.

"Why is such a gift so important to them. Or even her original gift..." Esme questioned.

"When something happens that they weren't there for... Something like this situation... They could use her." Jasper said.

"Like for Alice. They would know when something was about to happen. Then all they would have to do was wait. They would never stop it." Edward said.

There was a mumble from behind Renesmee and she turned to see Jacob stirring. She bent her ear to hear him and she furrowed her eyebrows. Suddenly he sprung up and had Renesmee by the throat. His eyes were paniced, fearful.

Emmett and Edward started toward him but Renesmee's eyes changed to red and she stared into Jacob'a eyes. His eyes softened and he stepped back. Renesmee fell to the floor and choked a bit. She stood back up and took a deep breathe. Edward glared at Jacob.

"How did I do that?" Renesmee asked.

"It's the bond. It's part of the werewolf bond. When they see the true you. Such as wolf form or red eyes or fangs... They obey or... Come out of a trance." Jacob said.

He stared at the floor guiltily And she kissed his lips softly.

"You didn't do it on purpose." She whispered.

"We should figure out a plan. The snow will be sticking in the next few days." Carlisle said.

"Should we call the family back?" Alice asked.

"Some of them may not even come back. Irina sisters may not want to help after what happened." Bella said.

"Well we can always try. And we start now." Esme said stern but softly.

"What am I suppose to do?" Renesmee asked.

"You should stay with Jacob. If he would like he can gather his own alliance. But Renesmee be cautious around other wolf packs. To them you're not Jacob's mate. You're just part vampire." Bella warned.

She nodded.

"Do not leave this house without him."

Edward said and everyone was gone in a flash.


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