Chapter 5

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"I should go." Renesmee said.

Jacob felt hurt in his heart and panic rush through him.

"Ness please it wasn't my-"

She cut him off gently.

"Jake... Its okay. I just... I just need some time to think about this, okay? I'm just confused." She said gently.

With a hand on his warm chest, she smiled at him. He looked down at her hand slightly and their eyes met. Renesmee couldn't help but think how handsome he is.

Her finger went to the beginning of his jaw and her nail gently skimmed his skin. Her fingers grazed over his lips and he felt the cold of her fingertips. They started to lean in but Renesmee realised what was happening.

"I can't."

She sucked in a breathe and stepped away from him. She ran out of the garage when he tried to catch her. She used her speed to get to the middle of the forest. A tear slipped down her cheek as the sun came into view and her skin shined.

She put her head to her knees and started to cry softly.

"Why can't I be normal like other girls?" She whined softly.


She heard below her and looked down. Jasper was there with his arms open.

"Come down from there. Or I'm coming up." He said softly.

She wiped her eyes and went to jump from the 100 feet. When she did, Jasper caught her bridal style and she automatically cuddled into Her uncle's chest.

"How did you..?"

She was cut off as he started to walk.

"Alice saw you out here in a vision about ten minutes ago." He said softly.

"You're frustrated.. Sad." Jasper said as he continued to walk as tears slipped out of her eyes.

"You know you're my favorite uncle?" She asked.

He nodded with a smirk.

"Don't tell Uncle Emmett." She giggled.

He smiled and nodded.

"You shouldn't be worrying about the past, Ren." He said.

She loved being called that. Only him, Alice and Emmet ever called her that. For everyone else it was always Renessmee or Ness. Or for Jake.. Sometimes Nessy.

"I know I'm just.. So.. Frustrated that no one ever told me. Frustrated that no one ever cared to say.. Hey you're mated to a werewolf."

She huffed in anoyance and Jasper set her on her feet.

"I know it's a lot to process and a lot to understand and to take in to begin with but that doesn't mean to be mad at everyone."
He said softly and calm.

"You all could have at least told me about Jacob." She sniffled.

"We know and we're all sorry. But it's your choice what you want from Jake. You know that now." He said.

She nodded, a small smile playing on her face, remebering how passionate Jake spoke about imprinting. Basically about her.

"Thanks Uncle Jas." She said softly.

He nodded once.

"You're welcome, Ren." He said.

She smirked. He raised a brow.

"Race ya!"

She giggled and he gave her a head start, knowing he was faster than her. He counted to three and took off. He gained on her and quickly passed her. Renesmee was still developing her skills on her vampire side and It was good for her to do this type of stuff.

But Jasper had won and waited for her on the porch. She was slightly winded while he was perfectly fine. He smirked and she sighed.

"One day."

She grumbled and he laughed as she went inside. She went up the stairs and saw everyone sitting and talking in the living room. Edward and Bella sat at the piano. Bella stood and Renesmee wrapped her arms around her Mom.

"I'm sorry."

They said together.

Renesmee smiled at everyone and sat at the piano with Edward. He smiled and kissed her forehead. He started with his left hand and Renesmee started with her right. Just like when she was a kid. They had written a new song for the piano. They started to play it together. Bella smiled and sat on a chair next to them and watched.

"I'm gonna head to bed. Goodnight." Renesmee said.

She walked up the stairs, a chorus of goodnights after her. She snuggled up into the bed in her Dad's old room and sighed happily. Then Jacob's face floated into her mind. She sighed in sadness and confusion.

"What should I do?" She whispered and fell asleep.

Jacob sat outside at a far distance into the woods until his ears picked up her light snoring. He did this every night and he wasn't stopping now. He made sure she was safe in bed every night unless she was with him. It was his job to protect her and he would be damned if anything happened to her.

"Goodnight Ness."

He whispered and ran back to his own home.

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