Chapter 3

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Renesmee woke up early the next day. She heard soft talking through the house and went downstairs. Everyone stopped talking and looked at her with soft smiles. Rosalie immediately wrapped her in a hug. Her Aunt Rosalie was always so kind to her and she could always go to her. Renesmee has so many memories with her Aunt Rosalie. She remembers how she was one of the first ones to hold her. The first one to feed her.

She remembers Jake falling to his knees behind her Aunt while she held her. Jake. How could she face him? He wanted Bella to stay behind and let Edward die. She felt sick to her stomach at the thought. "Ness?" A voice broke her train of thought. She looked at Jasper and he gave her a look of concern. He could feel her emotions and she knew that all too well.

She felt angry, hurt, confused and she didn't know how to get it out. She looked at her parents who both had a look of concern on their faces.

"Are you alright?" Carlisle was at Renesmee's side.

"I'm okay, Carlisle. I'm just... Hungry." She lied.

Everyone knew it but they stayed silent. She went into the kitchen and opened the fridge. It was stocked with human food for her needs.

She felt a breeze and her hair shifted a bit. She looked up from the fridge and closed the door after getting a yogurt. Jasper stood with his normal calm but stiff composure. He gave her a look that he had given her before. One that said 'you better tell me now'. She sighed and they stood, leaning against the island counter in the kitchen.

"What's going on with you, Ness?" He asked.

She sighed.

"I know you heard last night Uncle Jasper. I know everyone did." She said.

"I did hear." He confirmed.

"I'm just so angry that any of that happened! I'm confused how.. Jacob could have been in love with MY mother when all that time she was My Father's. And I can't help but feel like he tried to take her away from him. And I'm hurt that no one told me any of this!" She exclaimed.

Tears were in her eyes and she slightly choked. Jasper nodded in understanding.

"I know it confuses you and makes you angry but.. It's all in the past and no one can dwell on things from the past." Jasper said.

Renesmee knew Jasper held that sort of thing close to his heart.

After what he did as a newborn and what he did to Bella, he had to learn to forgive himself.

"Thanks Uncle Jas. I just think.. It will take a little bit to get over it." She said quietly.

Jasper rubbed her shoulder and she smiled gently at him. Alice flashed into the room and kissed Jasper's cheek. He gave her a lopsided smile. Renesmee smiled at them as they walked away.

Rosalie was in front of Renesmee as she was about to exit the kitchen.

"Sooo... Gonna tell me what's got you down?" She asked her niece.

"I'm okay now... But.. I wanted to ask you something." Renesmee said.

"Okay." Rosalie said curiously.

"Why did Jacob fall to his knees while you were holding me in the rocking chair? You know? The night I was born?" She asked.

She played with the necklace her mother gave her when she thought they would all be lost in the battle.

Rosalie stiffened but tried not to show it. Her memory got in the way of keeping Renesmee blind sometimes.

"Renesmee you're not suppose to know. I'm sorry but I can't tell you." She said sadly.

Renesmee clenched her fists.

"Why not!" She exclaimed.

Everyone turned their heads to look at the two.

"Rosalie. What's going on?" Bella asked

She was looking at Rosalie worried. Before Renesmee could explain, Edward had already read both their minds.

"Bella." Edward said in his normally quiet voice.

He put his hand on her shoulder and whispered in her ear. Everyone but Renesmee heard it.

"Oh great! More secrets? God I thought my family was more than that." She said angrily.

She stormed out of the house. Bella ran after her but Renesmee had the speed of her father and Bella hadn't even seen her red hair after she was out the door. Everyone filed out of the house as Bella jogged to the beginning of the forest.

"Renesmee!" She called but she would be long gone.

"Bella. I'm sorry. I didn't hint to her at all about him. She just asked out of the-" Rosalie was cut off.

"It's fine Rosalie." Bella almost snapped.

"Jacob will find her. She'll be fine." Edward said softly

He put a hand on her shoulder. She looked at Edward before nodding once.

Renesmee ran and ran through the forest before she ran into a hard chest. She fell back onto her butt and looked up at the person. Jacob was smirking looking down at her.

"You alright there Ness?" He asked.

He extended a hand to help her up. She looked at his hand and got up by herself. He gave her an odd look but smiled at her anyway. She didn't smile back. She scowled and tried to go around him.


He took hold of her arm gently.

"What's the matter?" He asked.

She just shook her head.

"Just leave me alone okay?" She said.

That one statement broke Jacob's heart. He let her go and she stomped away, leaving Jacob confused and hurt. He huffed and shifted, running toward the Cullen house. Whatever he did, or whatever Renesmee thought he did... He was going to find out. And he knew that there was only one family that could possibly tell him.

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