Chapter 8

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Renesmee made her way through the forest and collided with something furry. Jake's wolf was looking down at her. She gave a childish grin and he helped her up with his snout. He turned his back to her and she closed her eyes. She peeked and saw his back side as he got dressed in some nearby clothes he set out behind a tree. He has a nice butt. She thought as she shut her eyes again.

He picked her up and she squealed. He smiled as their eyes locked and she gave him a big kiss.

"I heard all the fighting."

He said as they walked through the woods hand in hand.

"Yah. It was pretty bad. My Dad is bound to go haywire when he gets the news." She said.

She gave him a small smile.


He smirked and looked down at her.

"... You really want me to make love to you?"

He raised a brow with that same smirk, referring to the argument and she punched his arm with a laugh.

"Someday. When we're together longer." She winked at him and he grinned.

"So is someday like a year from now or is it like next week kind of Someday?" He asked.

She met his gaze and pursed her lips. He planted a kiss on them.

"It depends on how good you are and when I'm ready." She smiled at him.

He nodded, content with her answer.

They made it to the beach and she took off down the sand. Jacob ran after her and she stripped from her clothes. Lapush was empty today and Jacob held onto her and she squealed.

"Its freezing in there!" Jake laughed.

"It doesnt bother me!" She laughed.

She ran into the water and dove in. She opened her eyes and giggled. Her eyebrows furrowed when she saw blonde hair however. The person's face... She couldn't see it. Jake pulled her out and she laughed as he tickled her.

"Hey Jake.."

She said in worry, looking at the water where the blonde hair probably still was.

"Yah?" He smiled.

He wouldn't be able to smell it. Not when whoever was in the water.

"Nothing. Lets go."

She smiled and pulled him out of the water. Whatever.. Or whoever it was... They were not mortal... Not if they could stay under that long. She redressed herself with her shirt and pants and just decided to go back to the house barefoot.

They ran back into the woods together. And behind them.. They left the blonde.. Jane....

*Later on*

Renesmee laughed as Jacob told her old funny storie about the tribe as they say in a high tree branch.

"So this whole imprinting thing.." Ness said curiously.

"Uh huh?"

Jake edged her on as his hand rubbed her thigh gently. She bit her lip, looking at it.

"You really have no choice in it?" She asked.

He shook his head.

"Yes and no. We don't have a choice in who really gets mated to us.. But we have a choice if we want to reject them." Jacob said.

Her heart rate picked up.

"Hey don't worry." He kissed her softly.

"I would never reject you." He said.

She sighed happily.

"Is that what Sam did?" She asked and he nodded.

"Leah has never been the same. And she hasn't found another yet."

Jacob said, sounding sympathetic for his pack sister. Renesmee lifted his chin and pressed her lips to his.

They started their walk back home and Edward was on the porch. It was dark already. He left the porch when Renesmee motioned him inside. They stood on the porch in front of the door and Jacob kissed her and wrapped his arms around her waist. Her arms went around his neck and his tongue, for the first time, danced with hers. The feeling was foreign to Renesmee But she liked it. They pulled back and she gripped his shirt collar as they kept kissing gently.

"Do you.." Kiss. "Uh do you wanna." Kiss. "Come upstairs?"

She asked and he gave her one last kiss before nodding.

"Just to snuggle."

She smiled and he smiled back, Jake slightly out of breathe from their kissing. She walked up the steps and they tried to not be scene but Edward spotted them.

"Renesmee Cullen!" Edward yelled.

Bella put her hands on his chest to stop him as the two ran upstairs.

They heard arguing downstairs and Renesmee sighed, shaking her head. She laid under the blankets with Jacob and put her head on his now bare chest. She got up and quickly changed behind the changing screen into pajamas. She slid back in beside Jake and kissed his chin. He kissed her head and then they met each other's lips.

"Goodnight Ness." He said. "Goodnight Jake." She said.

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