Chapter 6

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*1 Week Later*


She turned around at the sound of Emmet's voice. She raised a brow.

"He's here again." He said.

She sighed. Renesmee hadn't talked to Jacob in a week and wanted to see him but didn't know what to say.

"Tell him to go away.."

She said and he sighed, but nodded.

Jacob had grown weak from not hunting and not running.

"I'm sorry. She doesn't want to see you.." Emmet said

He had sympathy for him. He had come every morning and night to see her. It was night now and still no luck.


Jacob sighed but left. Even though he didn't when his ears picked up Renesmee's quiet sobs from her room.

"How am I suppose to face him after that?"

He knew what she meant. He had enough sense to know she would have asked and Bella would have told her. He slowly walked to the tree outside the window and climbed it. He peered in silently and her back was to him. He was surprised that she didn't catch his scent.

He stepped into her room and walked slowly to her side. When she started to sniff and sit up, he panicked and thought about going back out the window. But he thought better of it and stood where he was. She met his gaze and tried to look harsh. But Jacob new her better. It was an act.

"What do you want?"

She tried to snap but it only came out as a soft, broken voice.

"Your forgiveness." He said, bowing his head.

That was one thing Renesmee could never mistake. If Jacob bowed his head like that.. He was sincere. It was a.. Wolf thing. As Jake put it when she was younger. She stood and walked to Jacob, looking in his eyes. He put her hand to his cheek and she made him see a nice memory of the two of them. Just for the heck of it.

He smiled at the memory of chasing her through the forest.

"I'm sorry I kept so many things from you for so long." He said.

She nodded.

"I just have no idea what to do now. It all feels different."

She sighed.

"But it isn't. You decide what we are. Friends. Siblings..."

He was affectionate about the next part and put his hand over hers.

"... Lovers." He finished.

She nodded. This is what she was afraid of. Having to decide.

"Jake.. What do you want?" She asked curiously.

"Ness.. It's not up to-" She cut him off.

"I know it's only up to me but I don't know what to decided Jacob!" She yelled.

"I'm sorry.." She said.

He nodded.

"It's just.. We have known each other so long.. And while lovers would be great.. I don't know if it would work.. And even if I want to be that.. It it doesnt work you will be crushed." A tear slipped from her eye. "Well there are other things-" He was cut off again.

"But I like that option.." She said.

He made a surprised face and she blushed.

"Can I try something?" He asked her.

She made a confused face. She lifted her head and he slowly went in for a kiss. When their lips finally connected.. It was the most amazing thing she had ever experienced. Even though she had never kissed anyone before.. She knew exactly what to do when it came to Jacob. Her arms wrapped around his neck and his wrapped around her waist. He laid her down and was on top of her but his bottom half was not.

"Jake.." She sighed.

He bit her bottom lip, tugged at it, and they heard a throat clear. They sat up quick and Rosalie stood, glaring at Jacob.

"Beat it mut." She hissed.

"Aunt-" Renesmee was cut off.

"I've gotta go anyway. Meet You in the forest tomorrow?" He grinned.

She nodded.

With a kiss to her cheek and a growl to Rose, he jumped out the window. Renesmee looked back at Rosalie to see her smirking evilly.

"You won't tell.. Right?" Renesmee giggled nervously.

She only raised her brow and walked down the hall to her and Emmett's room. Renesmee sighed and flopped back on her bed.

"Wow.." She sighed happily.

But she still didn't know how this would play out. Of course Jacob would never leave her.. But what if she left him...

A knock at the door frame, that did not actually have a door, caught her attention.

"Hey Dad." She smiled.

He smiled back.

"I don't want Jacob in here at night, okay?" He asked.

She raised a brow.

"It's not like we will do anything. Plus.. I'm almost eighteen." She said.

He raised a brow.

"I read his thoughts. He was thinking some things.."

Her veins filled with anger.

"You were eavesdropping???" She glared.

He shook his head.

"I couldn't help myself." He chuckled.

She groaned.

"Get out. I can't believe you did that."

She growled and hissed.

"Remeber what I said. After six he leaves. And he's still thinking those thoughts about you."

Edward may be a vampire but he is still protective over his only daughter... The one he never thought he would get.

"Yah like you can hear him." She snarled.

"Considering he is only at the treeline.. I can hear him pretty well."

Her eyes shot open from under her comforter.

"He is always there until you fall asleep. Making sure you're sound and safe." Edward said calmly.

Renesmee always loved her dad's voice. So calm, soft, and He spoke like the world he was born into. A world long before this one.

"Can you go please?" She asked.

He chuckled, going down the hall and then the steps. She hopped off her bed and looked out the window.

Jacob looked back at her as he leaned against a tree in his human form. He waved and she giggled, waving back. She motioned for him to come up but he declined, motioning for her to sleep. He looked tired as well. She motioned for him to sleep with her for the night but he declined that as well. She sighed and turned out her light, falling asleep thinking about the wolf who stood outside every night.. Just to make sure she was safe..

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