Chapter 14

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The battle would begin soon. Their alliance was strong. The volturi... They may have gotten stronger over the years. The clan and their allies were together just how they were before.. In the same field. The volturi was soon standing opposite them.

"Ah Bella, Alice, Edward..."

Aro's eyes trailed to Renesmee and his creepy grin appeared.

"... Renesmee. How you've grown."

Jacob stepped up beside Renesmee and Aro's grin faultered when he took a stance a small bit in front of her. A warning.

"Aro she has mated with a werewolf." Caius said.

"I am aware brother." Aro said.

"Jane.." He smiled.

Bella put the shield up around them and Jabe's powers were useless.

"Ah Bella. I just had to see it once more. Extrordinary." He folded his hands.

Renesmee grew tired of the small talk.

"Renesmee.. May I see you?" He asked.

Jacob growled.

"Without... Your... Mate."

Aro said, with what sounded like disappointment.

"He says that is she goes he goes. No other way." Edward said, reading Jacob's thoughts.

"Very well." He said.

They made their way across the field. Alone together.

She made it to him and his creepy grin had her hesitant.

He gestured for her hand and she slowly slipped her hand in his.

"What is this gift I've been told about?" He asked.

"I have no idea, Aro." She lied.

He scowled.

Renesmee took a deep breathe and let her skills she had been practicing take over. She searched for his plan and found it.

Kill the wolf (Jacob)

Get the clan in the same spot. Capture Bella and kill her like planned all along.

This will bring Edward and Renesmee forward.

Aro suddenly took his hand back and stared at Renesmee as she recovered.

"Ah you know yes?" He smiled.

She gulped and spun around.

"Mom ru-"

Aro grabbed her and covered her mouth.

Jane caused her a pain that made her scream. Jacob ran to help but Jane's power was turned to him. He keeled and wheeped.

Renesmee fought as the battle started.

She searched for her Mom and spotted her. Alec was walking toward her.

"Ah you see? Now you will have to come to us." Aro said.


She growled from behind his hand and flipped up and spun free of his grasp.

"You have your mother's skills. And your father's speed." He said.

He looked at Jane and Renesmee grabbed her arm.

Jane looked at her with a blank face and the pain started but Renesmee took it into herself. It was painful but she shot it back at Jane, who kneeled from the pain.

Aro stepped back and Renesmee looled down at her body. She was absoutely fine. No damage.

She heard a tell that was too familiar. Bella struggled in the arms of Alec while Caius started his way to her. Renesmee called out her speed and was there in seconds. She grabbed Caius by the throat and threw him.

He landed on his feet and looked up, angry. Alec's black smoke flowed toward her and she took into her fingertips. She shot it back at him and he was disoriented long enough for Bella to kick him away.

"You need to get out of here." Bella told her.

Jacob came up beside Renesmee.

"No Mom. You do. They have a plan to capture you. And kill you so Dad and I will surrender to them." She spoke quickly.

"In not running fr-"

Bella stopped and was lost for breathe. Jane smirked as Bella fell to her knees..

"No!" Renesmee exclaimed and ran toward Jane. Alec and Caius held her back and Aro walked to Bella.

"She''ll never go with you without a fight Aro!" Edward said, approaching.

"Ah Edward. Come to save her?" Aro asked.

Bella seized on the ground and yelled out.

"It looks too late for that." Aro said.

Edward looked at Renesmee and Jacob who was surrounded by vultori.

"You've lost this one, Edward." He said.

Edward smiled.

"No Aro. I haven't." He said and jumped up, kicking Aro in the face. He stumbled back and Jane was distracted by this. Bella put her shield up and her and Edward fought together. Caius smirked, walking toward Renesmee with the lit torch.

"I never thought you should have lived anyway." He said and Renesmee fought against Alec.

Rosalie kicked the torch from his grasp. Jacob pinned him to the ground. Alec's black smoke started to appear, flowing toward Jacob. Renesmee grabbed his arm and shot it back through his body. Some peiple never learn. She thought to herself. While he was disoriented, she kicked him back and Jasper pitched in and killed him.

Renesmee turned around to see everyone looking at the scene. She looked to her Mom and Dad. Bella... Her arm was burnt. They burned Alec, Caius... And Aro. They turned to Jane who tried to use her gift but no one was phazed thanks to Bella.

"You can go and live freely. No rules. Or... You could end up like them."

Renesmee gestured to the burning bodies.

Jane gulped and took off her robe from the volturi. She threw it to them and nodded before walking away. Marcus stood and Edward read his thoughts.

"Why would you want to die?" He asked Marcus.

"I have lived too many lives. I feel old even as an immortal... Please... Kill me." He said.

Alice stepped forward and he bent down so she could reach. She did as he said... And they burned him as well.

"Told you we would be okay." Jacob said as they started to walk back.

She nodded happily.

"Mom." Renesmee said. Bella turned around and Renesmee looked at her arm.

"It won't heal. But it's okay. We own after all." She kissed her head and they kept walking back home. Where they would now live peacefully... In Forlks.


*Thank you everyone for reading! It was a blast writing this story!*

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