Chapter 13

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A week later and only Emmett, Rosalie, Jasper, and Alice were back home. They had gathered some allies. It wasn't much yet but Edward and Bella would be able to gather the most.

Renesmee stood in front of the window and sighed.

"The snow is sticking."

She said as Jacob came up behind her.

"We're gonna be alright." He placed a loving kiss on her neck.

"Christmas will be here in a week." She sighed.

She hoped they would all spend Christmas together. And that this battle... Would be over by then.

Her hair blew in front of her and she turned to see Esme and Carlisle. Everyone was a little more relieved.

"Mom and Dad?" Renesmee asked.

They shook their heads.

"Not a word from them." Carlisle said.

Renesmee furrowed her brows in worry. They should have been back by now.

A hand touched her shoulder and she turned to see Esme, giving her a smile.

"Don't worry. They protect each other. As will the two of you."

She looked at Jacob before looking back at Renesmee.

Renesmee nodded and looked back out the window.

"What is it they want with me Jacob?" She asked him.

He wrapped his arms around her and She put her hands over his.

"Your gifts baby." He whispered.

She sighed. She took his hand and focused. A nice memory of her and Jacob flooded her head from Jacob's mind.

"Renesmee come back to me baby." He whispered.

The vision was gone and she saw the snow outside once again. She smiled and turned around in his arms, kissing him gently. She snuggled up to him and he picked her up bridal style. She squealed and he say on the couch in front of the lit fire. In that moment She forgot about the allies, the battle, the days to come. She just enjoyed being in Jacob's arms for now.

Renesmee woke up a while later on the couch. Jacob was just walking in with a ham sandwich. She smiled at him and he nodded, having food in his mouth so he couldn't really smile. She patted the spot next to her but the door closed. She furrowed her eyebrows. Bella and Edward walked into the living room and Renesmee sped and hugged her Mom.

Then she hugged her Dad.

"I was starting to worry." She sighed, relieved.

"Don't be so relieved... Just yet." Edward said.

Everyone listened closely.

"We saw Edna.." Edward said.

"Who's that?" Renesmee asked.

"The oldest existing vampire." Jacob said.

"Psychic." Emmett said.

"And she's never wrong in her predictions." Carlisle said.

"She said... She told us to be careful. The unfortunate things come sooner than later. And she eventually told us.." Bella trailed off and Renesmee took her hand.

"With the snow sticking... And Christmas not to far away.... The battle is tomorrow. The volturi tricked Alice's visions." Edward said.

Everyone became worried at that point.

"I'll make some calls." Carlisle said.

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