Chapter 10

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Renesmee came out of the bathroom in Jacob's house and went back into his small room.

"Hello handsome." She giggled.

She got into his bed next to him.

He smiled at her but it seemed to be an uncomfortable one.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yah." He replied.

She tried to snuggle up to him but he moved his bottom half. She moved the covers off and she almost squeaked when she saw that Jacob had a boner. He tried to get up but she pushed him back down. She gave him a shy smile and kissed him lovingly. He kissed her back and she scooted her bottom half closer to his.

She gasped at the feeling which gave Jacob the opportunity to slowly slide his tongue in her mouth. The kiss was slow, deep, and intimate. She reached for his sweats and he gently stopped her by her wrist.

"We don't have to." He whispered.

I know." She replied.

She smiled and slowly traveled her hand on his abs. She wrapped her right leg around him and he rolled on top of her. Kissing her neck, she gasped and in a whisper she said:

"I love you."

"I love you too." He said.

He slipped off her shorts and underwear. Renesmee took off his sweatpants, leaving him in boxers.

Her shirt followed the clothes on the floor, leaving her bare to him. She slowly put her hand down the back of his boxers as she moaned when he softly sucked on her nipple. She pushed his boxers down and he took them off the rest of the way. He went to get back on top but she stopped him. She admired him and her eyes met his erection, she became nervous.

"I'll go slow." He said.

He got back on top of her and positioned himself, kissing her neck. She was distracted as he slowly thrust in. She gasped and clawed at his back. Her pain wasn't like a human's. It was less but to her, it was a lot.

He stayed still until she told him to go.

"I'm okay. Go." She whispered and wrapped her legs around him. He stopped, pulled out, put on a condom and thrust back in.

His moves were slow like he promised. And when she told him, they became rough.

"Jacob..." She moaned softly.

He groaned and kept thrusting, earning many moans from Renesmee.

"Jacob..!" She gasped.

An unfamiliar feeling had washed over her. Jacob kept going though and she gripped the sheets with her hands and toes. He took her hands and held onto them above her head as he growled, arrousing her more. That same foreign feeling washed over her and she threw her legs up around him.

"Jacob!" She gasped once again.

"Renesmee." He moaned as his release came.

They panted as Jacob laid his head on her shoulder. As he pulled out, her back arched a small amount off the bed. He laid down beside her and she snuggled into his chest. They were both naked, breathing heavy, but all they could think about was each other as they stared at one another.

She brought her lips to his in a sweet, long kiss. She sighed happily as Jacob threw the used wrap away and brought her to his chest.

"Sleep tight Ness." He whispered.

She let out one deep breathe before her breathing steadied the way only hers did and she fell asleep.

*The next day*

"Wake up beautiful."

Renesmee heard his voice as she slowly opened her eyes. He smiled down at her as he sat on the edge of the bed. She smiled up at him and his eyes filled with love as she sat up. Her hair fell to her right shoulder, tangled and a mess. They didn't care. He met her lips with his own and she sighed as he pulled away.

"You should get dressed. I'm gonna take you home." He said.

He kissed her cheek and helped her up. She hissed in pain and he gave her an apologetic smile.

"It's okay."

She smiled at him.

He nodded and gave her a new pair of her clothes that she had left there a while back. She slowly got dressed and Jacob took her hand. They walked out of the house, hand in hand, and darted their walk through the forest back to the Cullen's.

"So what do you think they will say?"

Renesmee looked at Jake, waiting for his reply. He shrugged.

"Your Dad may kill me." He laughed.

Renesmee punched his arm.

"Don't say that. He's tried." Renesmee told him.

He nodded and kissed her head.

"I have to leave for a few days with the pack." He said.

She sighed but nodded.

"Okay. Things should cool down by then." She said.

They approached the tree line and Edward was standing on the porch. Glaring at Jacob, he made his way toward them.

"Let's go Renesmee." He said.


Jacob was cut off as Edward kept a hand around her wrist.

"Jacob get out of here before I do something I'll regret.. In front of her." Edward snarled.

He pulled Renesmee to the house and sat her in the kitchen. Bella stood by the island counter and smiled at her daughter.

"So Bella. Renesmee-"

Edward was cut off.

"Had sex with Jacob." She finished for him.

Edward was surprised at her calm composure.

"Why are you so calm?"

He looked between the two of them.

"I told Renesmee that Jacob and her could be together at later hours. Although she did say she wasn't ready for sex."

Bella eyed Renesmee.

"It just happened." She shrugged.

Edward stormed out of the kitchen and was out the door in a blink of an eye. Renesmee only hoped he wasn't after Jacob.

"What do you say we have that chat now?" Bella asked.

They soon were headed to Renesmee's room.

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