Chapter 4

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Jacob knocked on the Cullen's door and Carlisle answered. Jacob did not wait for an invite in however. He walked in and Carlisle sighed.

"Hello Jacob." He said calmly.

"Where is everyone?" He asked.

"They're upstairs ." Carlisle gestured.

He jogged up the steps and everyone looked his way as the smell of dog penetrated their nostrils.

Rosalie turned her nose up slightly at him. Emett looked at Jacob and Bella and Edward watched him huff as his hands shook.

"Does someone wanna tell me what the Hell is going on?" He asked.

Bella looked at Edward as he kept his eyes on Jacob.

"Well Dog-" Rosalie was cut off.

"Rose!" Esme scolded.

Emmett pulled Rosalie close to his side. Jacob and Rosalie glared at one another.

"Bella? Edward?" Jacob looked at the couple.

Bella nodded to Edward.

"Renesmee still remembers when you almost killed her. When you first imprinted on her and she wanted-" Edward suddenly stopped talking.

"Renesmee?" Alice called out.

Renesmee emerged from behind a wall and looked at everyone.

Bella walked to Renesmee and gave her a small hug and ran her fingers through her read hair.

"What's imprinting?" She asked and everyone froze. Jacob was speechless as he realised he might lose Renesmee when she finds out.

"Renesmee it's nothing important." Jacob suddenly spoke.

She looked at Jacob in anger and went up to him like Bella did when Jacob first told her about his imprint. Jacob swallowed hard and Renesmee glared.

"A lot of things are important, Jacob. But no one seems to care about the fact that I want to know about myself too." She said angrily.

"Nes-" Jacob was cut off.

"No Jacob! I won't let anyone coax me out of wanting to know anymore! I want to know!" Renesmee exclaimed in anger.

Everyone looked guilty or surprised. Jacob looked at the ground and Bella looked at Edward. Edward kissed her forehead, soothing her obvious worry.

"Come with me." Jacob said

He took hold of her arm and pulled her out of the house. She tried to resist him and she was strong, but Jake was much stronger.

Back at the Cullen house, everyone was silent as they looked around at each other. Alice drew in a shallow and shaky breathe. Jasper put a soothing hand on her shoulder and they waited for her to come back from her vision.

Once she did, Bella raced to her side.

"Alice. What is it?" Rosalie asked.

Alice's face said it all. Worry, anger, frustration, all mixed into one expression.

"I didn't see much. I only saw the Vultori again." She said shakily, making everyone worry. Silence fell upon them as everyone's thoughts were scrambled. Edward could hear them all, apart from his wife who was the most worried. If they had to fight the Volturi.. They would need their alliance once again.

"Let me go!" Renesmee shouted at Jacob.

He looked back at her as they neared his garage. She struggled to get out of his grip and he sighed, setting her on a tire in the garage. He nodded to his father, Billy, on the porch and shut the overhead door. He turned and faced an angry Renesmee. She huffed and crossed her arms.

"What the Hell is going on, Jacob?" She sneered.

He sat on his bike, his arms dangling off the front.

"I don't know, Renesmee. You tell me." He said in a serious tone.

She looked down a bit before meeting his gaze again.

He raised a brow and got off the bike as she opened her mouth to say something. While his back was to her, as he looked for tools, she sighed.

"I'll tell you if you tell me." She said.

He chuckled.

"Childish but I'll tell you after you tell me." He said.

He turned back around with a rench and started to work on an old bike next to his own.

"Okay." She sighed.

He nodded, getting under the bike and worked on it. Ness knew he was listening to her though.

"Well I was talking to My Mom and Aunt Alice about something..." She trailed off.

He made a sound, telling her he was listening.

"Well they told me how my Dad left my Mom a while back." She said.

He stopped tightening whatever it was for a moment before continuing.

"Yea?" He urged her to continue.

He couldn't think how this would involve him. As he thought that, he realized Bella didn't have it in her to lie to Ness. That's why she prefers to not say anything instead of lying.

"And then when he went to Italy to die.. My Mom wanted to save him, and you..." Renesmee stopped.

"I?" Jacob urged.

"You almost didn't let her go."

Jacob let a quiet breathe of relief. He thought she knew about their love triangle But now he knew she didn't. But those thoughts were quickly shot down.

"You wouldn't let her go because you were in love with her and wanted her to stay behind with you. You loved my Mom and didn't want her to be with my Dad." She said as her voice rose.

Jacob's heart rate picked up speed as he slid out from below the bike and sighed.

"Ness. That was a long time ago. Before you were even born." He said.

Ness shook her head.

"I heard your heartbeat pick up! Just like you hear mine when I lie to you or when I'm scared or nervous!"

"It was before you were born!" Jacob threw down his tool next to the bike.

"That's not the point! The point is that I am so fed up with everyone not telling me anything! Do you know how wierd that is that you were in love with my Mom???" Renesmee said.

Jacob became irritated.

"She wasn't your Mom then." He snarled.

"Well she is now." Ness retorted.

"Now and then are two very different things, Ness." He said.

She couldn't help but agree with that statement. But she wouldn't show it.

"It's your turn." She said quietly.

Jacob sighed and sat on the little bench in the garage.

"What is imprinting?" Renesmee asked curiously.

Jacob smiled a small smile.

"Imprinting is... Like when you see her... Everything changes.. It's not gravity holding you to the ground.. It's her. Nothing else matters. You would do anything.. Be anything she needs. A lover. A brother. A protector." Jacob said.

He said it with so much compassion that it made Renesmee's off heartbeat pound in her chest. But then she remembered. That's how Jacob felt about her. Her heart.raced faster and it pounded in Jacob's ears. To others, Her heartbeat was abnormal. To him... It was beautiful.

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