Chapter 7

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*2 week later*

Renesmee woke up earlier than normal the next day. She sighed and got ready for the day. Renesmee realised it was almost the end of Winter vacation for the normal kids. Not for her. With her Dad's brains, she had her diploma already. She had all the free time in the world until she felt the need for a job.

Jacob tapped on her window and she smiled. She quietly opened it and he stepped in, kissing her affectionately. She giggled and kissed him back as they accidently bumped into her dresser. They hadn't seen each other in three days because of a pack mission. Jacob's hands were firmly planted on her waist and he suddenly pulled her closer.

His lips were soft and smooth as they worked against hers. She clung on to him as the kiss heated up. They had never gone passed a kiss. And Renesmee didn't want to yet either.

"Okay Jake."

She giggled and he pulled away from her neck, kissing her cheek.

They sat on her bed and just talked and giggled and then started to kiss again. They didn't get far though.

"Renesmee." She heard someone snap her name.

She quickly sat up to see her Mother glaring at her.

"What did your father tell you about having Jacob over at these type of hours. It's only 6AM!" She exclaimed.

Jacob scratched the back of his neck, now sitting up beside Renesmee.

"Bella I was the one who came over." He said and she glared at him.

"Well she was the one who let you in. So shut it and get out." Bella snarled and he sighed.

He kissed Renesmee's forehead and jumped back out the window.

"Mom that was so not fair!" She exclaimed.

"Not fair?? You know you are so lucky it was me and not your Dad who came over here. You are so lucky that I came instead of him because he would have put your ass in a sling!" She yelled.

Renesmee glared back at Bella.

"Well I'm surprised he heard anything! With all the work you two put into trying to give me another sibling that I'll never get!" She exclaimed.

Bella slapped her in anger.

"That was uncalled for and non of your business!" Bella screeched.

Tears flooded down Renesmee's cheeks and Bella was fuming.

"That is none of your business. What your father and I do is our own business." Bella exclaimed.

"So is mine and Jacob's! You two seem to have no trust in me to be in the same room with my own mate for crying out loud! He's my mate! He should be able to cuddle me at night when I sleep! He should be able to make love to me! He should be able to be mine like what the two of you have! It's not fare! I'm almost eighteen!!!!" She yelled.

Edward was now standing behind Bella.

"It may not seem fare but you seem to overlook your human qualities! For instance PREGANCY!" Bella shouted.

Edward even flinched at Bella's shrill, angry voice.

"I can be careful!!" She yelled back.

"It doesn't always work out that way Renesmee!" Bella yelled back at her.

Edward put a hand on Bella's shoulder and she hissed at him.

"Yah you're one to talk! You and Dad can't have anymore babies!" She shouted.

"AND THE ONE BABY I HAD ALMOST KILLED ME AND I WAS WILLING TO GIVE MY LIFE FOR HER! And here She is yelling at her own mother who is only trying to keep her safe!!!" Bella said and stomped out of the room.

Renesmee had tears pouring from her eyes as her Dad shook his head and walked downstairs after his wife and Ness realised what she had done. Fuck. She thought

The next day


Renesmee walked into her parent's house.

"Yes Renesmee?"

Her Mother came from the bathroom. She didn't seem mad. Only disappointed.

"I wanted to say I'm sorry for yelling at you yesterday." She said.

Bella raised a brow.

"I know you are Renesmee. But I don't want you and Jacob in your room late at night or early morning. Neither does your Dad." Bella said.

They now stood in the middle of the living room.

"But it's not fare.." Renesmee whispered.

"Renesmee.." Bella sighed.

"Mom! I'm part immortal. I'm not human so why should I live And love by human standards? My love is obviously not normal and I know it hasn't been long. I'm not saying I want to have sex with Jacob this very second because I don't yet... But I at least want him to wrap me in his arms at night... And wake up to see his sleeping face in the morning.. Why is that so much to ask for?"

Her bottom lip quivered and Bella brought her into a hug.

She cried into her mother's shoulder.

"I'm acting childish but I can't help it!"

She exclaimed and Bella nodded.

"Its the mating bond.. It will make you do childish things for even a moment with your mate." Bella said .

Renesmee nodded, understanding.

"It's so hard for me and Dad because.." Bella pulled away to look at Renesmee.

".. You're our only daughter.. The only baby we can ever have. And when you're grown and married.. What are me and him gonna do with ourselves. And there's only a few months before you and Jake may want to go off and marry and get the Hell out of Folrks." She said, saddened.

"Mom.. Please just let me be with Jake in a real adult relationship and I swear after the first time we... You know... I'll coming running to you. I swear it." She said pleadingly.

"Ugh your Dad will not like this."

Bella sighed and Renesmee grinned.

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