Chapter 11

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Renesmee sighed as her mother left her room. It was quiet and she felt lonely. She got up and sat on her window sill, looking at the wolf outside. She waved, a small wave. He tilted his head up as a hello. She motioned for him to come in but he laid down on the grass, shaking his head. He would have to leave soon, she assumed.

She bit her lip and hung her legs out the window. Jacob growled in protest and warming as she scooted to the edge. She giggled at him.

"You won't come up. So I'm comin down baby." She smirked.

She scooted all the way off and began her fall to the ground. If she hit the ground at this moment... She would be injured. But Renesmee was stubborn and never thought about such things. Always did before thinking. Like her mother in her mortal days.

She shrieked when two arms caught her and she heard a hiss.

"What the Hell is wrong with you??"

Alice fumed as Jacob was standing there as well, in human form.

"Aunt Alice... Jacob was right there. He would have caught me. I was just messing around." She shrugged.

Alice shook her head and walked back inside. Renesmee rubbed her arm and have Jacob a timid smile.

"Renesmee... You could have gotten really hurt." Jacob said.

She sighed.

"I hate being treated like glass. I'm not full human you know!"

She hissed under her breathe and crossed her arms.

"You're not full immortal either. You can still get hurt. And still... Die." Jacob sighed.

She scraped her foot in the dirt and Jacob skimmed his lips on her forehead.

She tried to pull away but he brought her closer and licked her lips. She tried to open for him but he didn't accept and bit her bottom lip, tugging on it gently.

She pulled him down into a kiss and moaned as he pulled her closer so her groin was against his.

"I have to go."

He said, taking shallow breathes.

"No... (Kiss)... Just stay one more... (Kiss) night."

He lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist as their kiss became hungry and desperate.

A howl sounded a few moments later. Jacob pulled away and gave her a small smile. He kissed her for a few more moments before setting her on her feet and running into the woods.

*Sorry it's short*

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