Chapter 9

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*3 Days Later*

"What was it Alice?"

Jasper asked and she shivered, coming back to the present.

"Jane.. She and Arrow.. They both want Renesmee.. And Bella. And their going to attack.. They want the four of us now. Something about a hidden gift of Renesmee's."

Alice said in a shaky voice.

"So it means another battle. So we fight. And we win." Jacob said.

Carlisle shook his head.

"No Jacob. The packs and our clan won't be enough. Our alliance needs to be stronger this time." Esmee said.

"What's going on?" Renesmee asked.

Everyone turned to look at her. Jacob walked to her and bent down next to her ear.

"I'll explain later. Get some breakfast." He smiled down at her and she nodded.

Jacob went back to the group to keep discussing.

"When?" Bella and Rosalie asked together.

"I still saw snow on the ground." She said.

"That can be at any year." Jacob said.

"Of any time period." Esmee finished.

"Not for the vultori. They want something bad enough that have a habit of trying to get it sooner than later." Carlisle said.

"But Carlisle if they want something this big and this bad.. They may just want to keep us on our toes. So that we won't be prepared when they do come." Emmett said.

Renesmee caught on to that part.

"Where?" Esmee asked Alice.

"It looked like the field that we were last time." She said.

"It can't be. Its not like the volturi to go to a place they have already been for a battle."

Edward searched her head.

"It is. We should keep lookout there and when Alice's visions start to happen more often we know it's getting close. Besides... The snow isn't sticking yet. Not like what she saw." He said.

They all nodded in agreement.

"But we're pressed for time. And after what happened last time, even without a battle, our alliance may be weak." Carlisle said.

Renesmee put her red stained glass and her plate in the sink.

Jacob walked in as she was cleaning her face and smiled at her. She gave a small smile. He wrapped his arms around her and she sighed back tears.

"I won't let them take you. I swear." He said and held her tighter.

She sniffled and held him tighter.

"I need to talk to my Dad. I'll meet you in my room?" She smiled.

"Actually I was wondering if we could take a trip to my place and hang there." He suggested.

She nodded, kissing his cheek.

"I'll wait for you before I go."

She sighed in relief and gave a thumbs up.


She peaked her head into the study.

"Yes?" He asked.

She bit her lip in nervousness.

"I saw a woman.. In the ocean at Lapush. She had blonde hair. I was underwater and she was coming toward me." She said.

Edward snapped his gaze to her and flashed to her.

"Did you see her face? What color eyes did she have?" Edward asked frantically.

"I think red. I couldn't tell becuse her hair was over her face but she stayed under even after we were out of the water. She could not have been human." Renesmee said.

He nodded with a sigh.

"Who was she?" She asked.

"She was one of the vultori. Do you remember? Jane. The one who stood next to Arrow."

Her Dad explained and the memories hit her. She gasped.

"She could have drowned you if she put you in pain. Why she didn't, I know why but that's not important. I want Jacob with you at all times. Or someone that can help fight someone off if Jacob is busy." He said sternly.

She crossed her arms but nodded.

"What?" He asked, knowing something was bothering her.

"You guys treat me like a human." She growled.

He chuckled and kissed her head.

"I know. But it's for you own safety." He said.

She sighed but nodded.


"I'm going to Jacob's house in a few so I'll see you tomorrow?" She asked.

He nodded.


She sped out and jumped on Jake.

"I'm not aloud to go anywhere without you now."

She said as he gave her a piggyback out the door.

"I figured."

He chuckled and shifted.

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