Preference #3 He Gets Jealous of Your Celebrity Crush

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Niall: He gets jealous of Justin Bieber.

You had always been a fan of Justin. So when you started dating Niall, he being the great boyfriend that his is, introduced you to him. You and Justin hit it off great. When it was time to leave Niall had went to the bathroom. When he came back he saw Justin rubbing your leg. He shook it of a Justin just being friendly and flirty, but when you stood up to say goodbye, Justin gave you a hug which to Niall seemed like it lasted longer than it should. When you got in the car Niall was silent. "Niall what's wrong?" "Nothing." "No, something is wrong. Now what is it?" "You and Justin seemed to hit it off well." "Yeah we did. So why are you upset?" "Y/n I saw the way he was rubbing your thigh when I came back." "Really Niall? your upset about that?" "Yeah and that hug was a little too long for my liking." "The only reason why he was rubbing my leg was because he had spilled chips on them and was brushing the crumbs off and the hug seemed long cause your jealous." "No I'm not princesse." "Whatever you say. But you are jealous."

Liam: He gets jealous of Justin Timberlake

Liam has been a fan of Justin for years. So on your 2 year anniversary you got him front row tickets to see him. You love him so much you even got backstage passes. During the entire concert Justin kept looking your way. You just thought it was cause he noticed Liam. They've talked a couple of times over twitter and he knew Liam was a Huge fan. so you thought it was just him acknowledging him. After the show was over you and Liam headed backstage. When you met Justin he was very sweet and kept on telling Liam how pretty you looked tonight and how he has a wonderful girlfriend. He and Liam probably talked for a good hour. When it was time to go Justin hugged you and said "goodbye beautiful." You told him thank you and goodbye. On the way to the car Liam stopped you and wrapped his arm around your waist and said "you know your mine right? Justin can't have you!" "Baby, I had a crush on him when i was like 5. I'll always like him but I love you. You're the only man I see." "I love you (y/n)" "I love you too Liam."

Harry: He gets jealous of Chris Martin (Coldplay lead singer)

One Direction had a concert the day before Coldplay did. So while you're hanging out and watching the boys run around you feel a tap on your shoulder. You turn to see a man who looks familiar but you just don't know from where. "Are you (y/n)?" The British voice ask. You think it one of Harry's friends. "Yes and you are?" "Chris Martin" "from Coldplay?" "Yes ma'am" OMG it's one of Harry's idols and the guy you used to fangirl over. You guess you couldn't tell who it was cause its pretty dark backstage. "well how can I help you Mr.Martin?" "Call me Chris. Well I just wanted to come watch the boys before and talk to Harry. I heard he was a big fan." "Oh yes sir he is. Would you like to come finish watching the shows in one of the rooms?" "That would be lovely." So about 30 minutes later the show is finally over and Harry finds you laughing and giggling with a guy that has his arm draped over shoulder. "Umm kitten whose this?" You and Chris turn around. "Oh wow! It's Chris Martin. How are you sir?" "Well hello Harry. I'm fine. How are you? Great show by the way!" After they talk for a while its time for you and Harry to leave. "It was nice meeting you Harry." "Nice meeting you too Mr. Martin." "You too (y/n)" he say while walking out. "So (y/n) I see you and Chris got cozy during the show." "Well Mr. Jealousy we were just having a laugh and talking about you and how much he adores you. So I guess you can say we did get "cozy". I don't see why you're so jealous." "I get jealous when ever I see you having a fun time with a guy. Especially a guy you have a crush on." "Oh Harry you have nothing to worry about. Besides he's married." "So if he wasn't married you would date him?" "Ummm...well maybe. Yeah probably." You say as you walk out looking back at him and winking. "Oh (y/n) you're so getting it when we get to the hotel!" He says chasing down the hall.

Louis: He gets jealous of Isaac Slade (lead singer of The Fray)

You had first met Louis at a Fray concert. Both of you had backstage passes. You didn't even know who he was. You just thought he was a cute boy. You started talking at hit it off. You liked him for him and not for being in One Direction. It's been 3 years now and your still going strong, but for your friend Isaac things at home weren't so great. He's known Louis a little longer than you and whenever he has problems he comes and talk to him. When Isaac and his wife decided to take a break the first place he came over was to yours and Louis house. Y'all didn't care if he stayed till they worked out, but as time went on he stayed and 6 months later he's still here. Lous and Isaac are sitting outside having a few drinks talking. "Mate, don't you think it's time to get back out there?" "Lou, no I love her. I just can't move on." "Well how about you actually try and work it out then." "I have Louis. I really have, but I don't think she was the one. I love her, but not as much." "Why not?" "She's not what I want in a woman. I want someone like (y/n)! The only reason I'm telling you is because you're my bestfriend and I trust you." "What do mean like (y/n)?" "Well first off she is amazingly beautiful. She's so kind and warm hearted. She understands you job and knows things will come up that aren't true and doesn't accuse of everything under the sun." "I'm sure you can find someone like her." "Louis I need (y/n)!" "Mate you're drunk. Go to sleep. You don't know what you're saying." "Yes I do Louis! I need her in my life!" Louis is beyond angry and shouts "Look you can't have her! Just go to bed and we'll talk in the morning." "Whatever you say, but I love (y/n)!" Isaac walks back to his room and passes out. "Hey Louis what was all that yelling about." "Isaac is drunk and he basically said he's in love with you. I told him that he can't have you." "Well why not Louis? I mean you know I've had a thing for him for years. I could give him a chance, but I'm stuck with you." "(Y/n) you really know how to get under my skin but I guess that's why I love you." "Oh really now. That's why you love me? Are you sure it has nothing to do with my skills in the bedroom?" "How about we go find out." He says with a wink. The next morning Isaac apologies for acting the way he did. "I really am sorry Lou. I was just jealous of your life. I'll get myself out there and find the love of my life." With that he heads out the door.

Zayn: He gets jealous of Chris Brown

Chris Brown was you everything. Until Zayn came around. For you birthday Zayn bought you tickets. You get to sit front row. When the show began you couldn't focus on anybody but Chris. He made you scream what seemed like more than Zayn could in the bed. Zayn didn't mind though, he was never really the jealous type. Until the part of the show when he sings Take You Down and one lucky girl gets to go on stage and get a lap dance. "What special lady wants to come up here with me?' "Oh sweet Jesus!! Pick me! For the love of all things good and holy pick me!!" "You right here in the front. Yes you. The one in the red dress." "The security guys helps up on stage. "What's your name?" "(Y/n)" "what a sexy name. Why are you here tonight?" "It's my birthday!" "Well consider this your gift" he winks at you and the music starts. After it was over you were led backstage. You got to talk to Chris and he was nice. He wanted you to stay with him but you happily declined. "If its was about 2 years ago, I would, but my lovely boyfriend is waiting for me outside." "So that's who was standing next to you." "Yeah he bought the tickets for my birthday." "Well have a good rest of your birthday." "Thanks for letting me meet you. I've always wanted to. It was a wonderful present." "Your welcome. Now go have fun with your boyfriend." "Bye Chris!" "Bye (y/n)!" You walk to your car to find Zayn wanting for you. "So how was meeting your ex lover?" "Well that's what I came to tell you. Chris asked me to come with him. So Zayn I'm leaving you! Bye!" Zayn face turns to sadness then anger. You turn walking away. You laugh to yourself at the thought of Zayn running after you. "Where is he! I'll kill him!! Nobody takes away the love of my life!" Zayn runs after you "Zayn baby calm down. I'm just playing! No need to get upset. I just wanted to see what you would do." "Y/n I love you! I never want you to leave me! I can't have you leave me! I need you! dont ever do that again! Understand me?!" That was the first time he ever said those 3 words I. Love. You. "Zayn, I love you too. I'll never leave. You're the one I want." Y'all have a nice romantic kiss under the stars. "Best. Birthday. Ever. Thank you Zayn!" "You're welcome (y/n)!"


Authors Note

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