I Love You

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You and Niall have been dating for about 5 months and things moved pretty fast. You both knew you loved eachother but never said it. So when he asked you to move in, it just felt right. It was a Saturday night and Niall had went out with the boys. He asked you to go but you went out last night and decided that he should just have guy time. "I'll be home by 1 y/n. you don't have to wait up." "Ok babe. I'll see you later have fun." With that he kissed you and walked out the door. You knew he wouldn't be home by 1 but he just said that so you wouldn't worry and stay up. You didn't mind. He was with the boys and you trusted him. It's 1:45 and you're not a bit tired. You sit on the couch and watch a movie. You look at the clock and its already 3. If he stays out passed 2:30 he'll usually send a text to say he's fine or he's on his way home. You started to get worried but put it off as Niall just hanging with the boys and isn't really think about it cause he think your asleep. You begin to drift off to sleep when the phone rings. Without looking you answer. "Hello... Hi Harry... Wait what?... Slow down... Just breathe and tell me what happened... Oh God... Is he ok?... Are you ok?... Where?... Yeah I'll be there soon... Bye."

You jump off the couch with tears streaming down your face. You speed to the hospital not even thinking abut anything but Niall. "God I never even told him that I love him! Now he'll never know!" You pound your fist on the steering wheel. You park your car and see Harry outside crying. You run up and hug him. "Y/n I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry. You trusted me to take care of him and I fucked up." "It's ok Harry just tell me where he is." He takes your hand and pulls you through the hospital until you stop infront of room 163. "Can I go in?" "Whenever the doctors leave you can." You stand outside and wait. "What happened?" You look up at Harry who is holding you in a tight hug. He looks down. He takes a deep breath before he begins. "We left the club around 2:30 and we drove about 15 minutes before Niall said he forgot his phone. Zayn told him not to worry about it and he can get a new one later today, but Niall protested and said he just had to go back and get his phone. He said that he had to text you and tell you everything was fine and he was on his way home. So I turned around cause I look over and Niall had that puppy dog look and with his bottom lip quivering. So him and Louis ran back in and found it in the room where he had left it. So on the way back he tried to text you but his phone was dead. Liam pulled out his phone and went to hand it to Niall but before he could even grab it we flipped over. (Y/n) a car swerved over the rode and caused another car to spin and hit us. I tried to get out the way but I hit another car and flipped the railing. I'm so sorry (y/n)! I never meant to hurt Niall. I never meant to hurt you. I never meant to hurt anybody. You trusted me with him and I just couldn't protect him." He starts to get softer as he speaks. he buries his head in the crook of your neck and cries and cries and cries. You stay like this for what seems forever.

You see Zayn come around the corner and hug him. You hear a rolling sound and look up to see Louis pushing Liam and a wheelchair. "Hello love. Don't cry he'll be fine." You nod your head and he places a kiss on it. You grab Liam's hand a plant a kiss on it. "How ya doing?" "I've seen better days. Not gunna walk for a while but i'll be fine. How are you?" You sigh, "I don't know. I think I'll be better when I see him." "Miss (y/l/n)?" "Yes?" "I'm doctor Jones. Can I talk to you for a minute please." You let go of Liam's hand and walk around the corner "miss (y/l/n) Niall is in a coma. He has a 35% chance of pulling through. If none of them had on their seatbelt they all would be dead. I say that Niall is pretty lucky. They say that while in comas people can still hear you and sometimes it helps them recover if they a hear a familier voice. So all I'm asking you to do is go I'm there and talk to him. The nurse is still in there. you can go when she's done." You nod and walk back to the boys. "What did he say?" Harry asked. You take a deep breath before speaking. "Umm well he's in a coma and has a 35% chance of making it." You start crying even more. You turn to Harry and hug him. His grip tightens as you being to sob harder. The nurse walks out. "Miss can I get you anything?" You shake your head. "You can see him now if you wish." You nod, "thank you." She walks off.

"Harry can you come with me please?" He nods and opens the door. He lets you in first. When you see Niall in the bed you automatically stop breathing. It's like your lungs forgot how to function. No matter what he still takes your breath away. He looks peaceful. You don't know how. Maybe it's the medicine? He's plugged up to fluids and monitors. His head is wrapped up and you can barely see his hair. It just a white bandage with red stains. His hair doesn't even look blonde. You grab onto Harry's hand and squeeze it. The closer you walk to the bed the harder you squeeze it. You sit down and rub his head. Tears fill your eyes. You turn and look at Harry standing there crying. "You know the doctor said if he hears a familiar voice it can help them recover faster." "Well maybe you should talk to him (y/n). I'm Not so sure he wants to listen to me right now." He lets out a small chuckle. You give him a soft smile. "Can you us some privacy? Just like 5 minutes?" "Yeah take as long as you want. I'll be right outside." He bends over and give you a small kiss on the head. "Thank you Harry. For everything." "But (y/n) I'm the reason he's in here." "No it's not. This could've happened to anyone." He nods and steps out.

"Hey Niall. I hope you can hear me because I have a lot of things I need to tell you. Well before I start rambling I'm just gunna say this now." You hold his hand and kiss it. "I love you. I love you so much you'll never know. I wish I had told you this sooner but I just didn't know how to say it. I guess the best way to say it is just say it. Niall I have never loved someone as much as I love you. You can't leave me. Do you know how many plans I've made? I've made like a billion. I want to get married. I want to go on a honeymoon to Paris. Maybe Italy. I want to buy my first house. I want to have kids. Maybe 2 or 3. I want a dog to chase the kids around the back yard. I want to take random vacations. I want somebody I can stay up with all night and talk to anything about. I want somebody who can rock my world. I want someone who I can just get in the car with and drive without a destination and we just end up where we do." You squeeze his hand tighter and start to cry. "Niall all those plans include you. Do you not want me to do or have any of those? If you can't tell by now that I need you I guess you'll never know. Baby if you leave me I don't know how I would go on. I could never ever love anyone as much as you. Do you wanna leave me all alone? Of course you don't cause you love me more than this right? You love me more than I could ever love you? Niall I love you! I'm in madly in love with you. Do you hear me? I (y/full/n) am deeply in love with you, Niall James Horan! God Niall please tell me you understand." You feel a small squeeze. You smile a little with tears still falling. "I love you so much Niall. Please don't leave me." "Princesse why are you crying? I would never leave you. I love you way too much." He wipes some tears away. You bend down and kiss him and in between every word you give him a peck. "I... Love.... You.... So... Much... Niall.... I... Love.... You... More... Than... Anything... In... This... World!!" "Don't worry princesse I'll never leave you. And don't worry I heard everything you said. I can't live without you either."


Authors Note

I was gunna have Niall die after he said he loves you but I couldn't do that to myself. Whenever I read stuff about the boys dying I cry for like 5 minutes. So when I started to write the part where it was like the heart monitor stopped. I cried all over my iPad so I just deleted that part and made it happy. So yeah I hope y'all like it. Please vote, comment, follow, and request. Bye my lovelies :*)

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