Cater To You (imagine for niallhoranforever993)

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"bye everyone." you say with a smile as you walk out of your office buliding. As you're walking your smile fades and you take off your heels. "who in the world even came up with the stupid idea of heels?" you've had a long day and can't wait to get home and sleep. As you pull out of the car lot you turn on the radio to help you relieve the stress of the day. "just great! there's traffic! I hate leaving after 5." you sit and just sing along with whatever comes on. its been 30 minutes and you've maybe moved 500 feet. usally you get home in 30 minutes. you look over and see a cute couple. you can tell they're kids. probably 16 or 17. holding hands and kissing every 5 seconds. you sigh " I remember how me and Niall did stuff like that." you still did but just not as much. 5 minutes have passed and your still in the same spot. " i just want to get to my damn house and go to sleep!" You usally get home and cook, but not today. sleep is the only thing on your mind. Of course you can't wait to see your boyfriend Niall, but he's been so busy lately with the new album, that he's been coming home late. usally you wouldn't mind coming home and cooking dinner and catering to his every need when he came home, but tonight you just can't.

You're about 3 miles from your house and you've been in the car for an hour. you worked downtown but lived out in the countryside. Niall thought it would be a great place to start a family when the time was right. all of a sudden you realized the traffic hasn't moved for about 10 minutes. this has did it for you. "I swear to God if i don't get home in the next 10 minutes i'm getting out this car and walking home." Most days traffic wouldn't bother you, but today has just sucked. you had to come in two hours earlier at 7 instead of 9 cause you had an emergency meeting with a client, you lost a case that you had been working hard for 6 months on when one of your clients decided not to take his case to court and settle for the money they already offored him 6 months ago! You had to fill out atleast 20 pages of paper work explaining why the case was dropped and on top of that you had a meeting with the CEO of a very big company trying to find some investors that took atleast two and a halfs hours to complete. "Atleast they bought me lunch." you think to yourslef as you recall on the day you had. And to top it all of you have to come back in at 6. you figure by the time you actually get home and in bed that you'll probably get 5 hours of sleep. hopefully.

Still sitting in the same spot you hear the strum of a gutiar coming from the radio. You know that song anywhere. Soon as you hear the first chord you know its "Little Things" A smile creeps on your face. You sing along with the boys. When Nialls solo comes up you stay completely silent. You just want to hear his voice. You zone everything out, just so you can listen to him. You have the biggest smile on your face. He makes everything better. No matter how bad your day is he can brighten it. When the song ends you think to yourself "I wish Niall could sing to me all day, everyday." The traffic finally starts to move. "Wow! Niall does make everything better." You chuckle to yourself. The closer you get to your house, the more you think how Niall is always happy and carefree. Even when he's stressed out he takes great care of you. "I'll make him a special meal for dinner. I don't care how upset and sleepy I am. I just want to see that bright smile on his face." You say to yourself.

You pull into the driveway. Not bothering going into the garage, cause you don't want to wake Niall with the sound of the door opening and closing when you leave tomorrow. You get your purse and shoes out the passenger seat and lock the door. As you walk up the path you think of something Niall might want to eat. He doesn't care, but you want to make something he hasn't ate in a while. You unlock the door and put everything on the table by the door when you see the house is dimly lit with candles on both sides of the walls with rose petals scattered in the middle of the candles like a red carpet. "Awwwe. This is so cute." You whisper. You follow the trail of petals and realized you're in the dining room. You hear Michael Buble faintly in the background. You look up and gasp as you see your handsome man standing with his hand out with a rose in it. You take the rose and his hand and he kisses it. "Hello my beautiful princess." "Niall you didn't have to do all this." "Now now Haley. You do everything for me. I wanted to do something nice for you. I figured you would have a long hard day when you left so early this morning. I can definitely tell you had a long day since its already 7:15 and you just got home." He escorts you to the big table with candles and roses with petals around it in the middle with food all around it. He pulls your chair out for you. When you sit down he kisses the top of your head and makes his way to his seat. "So Haley tell me about your day." You tell him everything that happens. He doesn't take his eyes off you once. He really cares about what you have to say. "So Niall how did your day go?" "No baby this is your night lets talk about whatever you want to talk about. I know you could careless about my boring day." "Niall I really wanna know about your day. I look forward to hearing about it when you come home everyday." He tells you everything. Lighting up like a child. It takes him 10 minutes to tell you the story about how Harry was on vine and he walked in on Louis stepping out of the shower and how he accidentally posted it. You can barely breathe. He laughs that laugh you love so much.

After dessert you get ready to take the dishes to the sink when he stops you and picks you up bridal style. There is another path leading out the dining room to the stairs with petals going all the way up. He carries you up the stairs kissing you. Between every kiss he compliments you. When you reach the bedroom petals are everywhere. on the floor and all over the bed. There's some leading to the bathroom. He puts you down walks over to the bathroom. he opens the door to the bathroom and gestures for you to come in. You walk in and see candles and roses everywhere. There's even some petals with bubbles in the tub with Sinatra playing in the background lightly. You're just in complete shock at how much effort he put in this. He helps take your clothes off and puts you in the water. He washes your body. Rubbing all up and down you back. You sit and talk about everything from funny things that happen at your office to how management pisses him off.

He picks you up and dries you off. He dresses you in your silk night gown. He then carries you and sits you down on the bed and brushes your hair singing to you softly. After that he continues to sing and lays you down on your stomach and gives you a much needed massage. Rubbing up and down your body until he arrives to your feet. He knows how much your feet hurt from running around all day in heels so he takes extra time on those. "How did I get so lucky?" You say with a smile. "The real question is how did I get so lucky to find someone as beautiful as you?" "I always wished to be like those Disney princesses. How they find the perfect guy to come sweep them off their feet. He's always Sweet, caring, handsome. Musically talented. Ya know they always sing to the girls when they feel down or just anytime really. Oh and they also play instruments. I think the favorite one they use is a guitar." You laugh and he just chuckles at your cuteness. "Those girls always get their Prince Charming and I finally got mine. You treat me like a princess and I can't thank you enough for that. You've made my wish come true." "Haley you always were a princess. You just needed someone to show you that you were one all along. I really should be thanking you." "Why?" "For letting me be the man that showed you how much of a princess you really are. And letting me be your Prince Charming." You turn around and kiss him. "Thank you Niall." "Your welcome Haley." You two get under the covers and cuddle. Him singing you to sleep. "Goodnight my sweet Prince." "Goodnight my beautiful Princess." And with that you both drift off in a deep sleep.


Authors Note

I hope you like it Haley! Sorry it took so long. I got busy. I made it longer than I planned so it could make up for me taking so long. :*)

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