Log #1: Aprilyuaryember 47th

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A/N: "You can't spell slaughter without laughter."

Log #1

I’m sUpposeD to write iN here and write mY EMOtiOns in here. Well, I’m sAd. I’m LonelY. Doc says he’s my friend, but he’s nOt reAl, is he nOw? hOw can i knOw for sure? aLL my frIENDs are fake. nO one Loves me. Even My DiarY is GoNe. i WONDER if mY mOther fouNd it or Not. mAYbe she can bring it Next time ShE viSIts me.

i’M quitE lonely. have I mentioned IT alrEady? i miss my friends. i wish they were REAL. but they were real to ME. i wish i had them back.

i’ve BeeN taKInG some shtuff aparently that’s supposed TO make me FeeL better, but IT doesn’t. DoC sayS it kEeps the friends away.

i’m so lonely. i don’t have friends. it’s like eating away every pound on my body, until it hits my heart, and when that happens, every bite just makes it that much worse.

i wish i knew what DAY it was. sinCe I don’t i’m just gonna PrTEEnd it’s the 47th of Aprilyuaryember. it’s currently sixty-seven past thirteen o’clock, and the war is about to start. i’ve been placed on the fRont LiNE, and i’M ready witH my gun and mY rifle and my GrenaDe. i’m ABOUT TO BLOW SOME MOTHERFUCKERS SKY HIGH.

and TheN i’m gonna have some tea. anD then im gonna jump in some acid. see ya in a bit.

oh ma gerd, my skin is now GREEN. I looK like the freaking GRINCH. E-I-E-I-O. I wish I was a PurPle cow, but I can’t. i’m Green.

i’m so lonely

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