January 14, 2011: Friday

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A/N: Hope you guys are enjoying it! You know the drill. :)

January 14, 2011: Friday

7:12 PM

Dear diary,

Anorexia and I were “discussing” what we should do about unhealthy eating habits when mother walked in. She thought I was talking to myself. I’m not talking to myself. Say HI, Anorexia. Don’t let my mother think I’m CrAzY. Why are you so quiet when my mother is around?

I was put on the scale again. Hope called me THIN today. Anorexia told me she lied. Bulimia agreed that Hope was lying. Why, Hope?

I was still 114 pounds. Anorexia was FuRiOuS. I was disappointed with myself. Depression gave me a hug.

W o r t h l e s s.

P a t h e t i c.

U s e l e s s.

Hope told me I was none of that. Go away, Hope. I hate you. You’re despicable. Depression told me I was unworthy of her presence. Anorexia didn’t even say good-bye. Bulimia took my hand.

We’Re OfF tO sEe ThE tOiLeT, tHe MaGiCaL tOiLeT oF mInE.

After that, Bulimia left me too. Lonely didn’t come by. I want to be n.o.r.m.a.l. Please someone give me Normalcy. I want it so bad. My mother caught me crying in the bathroom. I forgot to FlUsH the toilet. She’s taking me to the doctor’s. I’m sorry, Anorexia. Forgive Me.

Love, Apologies

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