Equivalent Exchange

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What up my dudes, it's Jay from the future here to let you know that my writing does get better the further you read! And if anyone who's already read this entire book happens to come back and find this, let me just tell you that I'm working on sequels to the one-shots "Fever" and "A Thousand Years", so you can look forward to those ;D
Unless you're from the very far future where those are already published, in which case you don't have to wait :3
Alright my lovely friends, if you're just starting to read this I won't hold you any longer, but beware the old Jay's writing... Beware the grammar and spelling mistakes.... BEWAAARRREEE.

*whispers* Beware, I am the box ghost.....

(Old)A/N This will only be in Ed's POV cuz I suck at reader POV's. Also I originally wrote it this way and didn't feel like editing it. (also for anyone who has already read this I changed the name of the one and only chappy :P)

~~~Ed POV~~~

I crumpled up another failed letter and threw it against the wall.

"Watcha doing, brother?" Al asked when he walked into the room.

"Nothing." I mumbled, glaring at the pile of crumpled papers on the floor.

"Then what's that?" Al asked, pointing to the crumpled papers.

"I told you already, it's nothing." I groaned, face-planting myself on the desk

"Mhm." Al replied sarcastically, reaching for one. I shot up from the desk.

"Hey! Don't touch that!" I yelled, throwing a book at Al's hand. It banged loudly.

"You're hiding something, brother, I can tell." Al said, crossing his arms.

"Well it's none of your business." I huffed, leaning back in my chair.

"Oh come on, what are you hiding?" Al teased.

"It's still nothing." I mumbled, looking away.

"Then you won't mind if I..." Al snatched up one of the papers and started opening it.

"Wha- Hey!" I tried to grab it back but Al kept it out of my reach.

"Let's see," Al started reading my note aloud.

Dear (Y/N), I miss you, Your laugh, your smile. I hope you're coming back soon. Also, I don't know how to put this, but I really care about you. I think I lo- the note broke off there with some ink splotches.

"Sooo... brother are you in love with (Y/N)?" Al giggled like a little kid.

"I am not!" I shouted, while my face heated up.

"You definitely are!" Al started dancing around the room, which was kind of awkward considering his size, and the way his armor clinked around when he moved.

"I knew (insert ship name here! aka s/n) wasn't just an idea!" Al shouted.

"What the hell!?" I shouted, "Since when is that a thing?!" I said in outrage.

"Since when is what a thing?" a female voice said from the doorway. Al and I both turned our heads.

"(Y/N)!" Al shouted, "You're back! Did you know that Ed-" I cut him off.

"Shaddup Al!" I shouted, knocking his head off.

"Hey! My head!" Al exclaimed while trying to catch it in midair.

"So... mind telling me what you two were fighting about?" (Y/N) asked.

"Well, uh, Al was making fun of the letters I tried to write to you." I put my hand on the back of my head and looked away. I could feel my face starting to heat up again.

"Can I read a few then?" she asked while gesturing to the pile of crumpled up papers.

"Uhh..." I looked at the ceiling.

"You should read this one!" Al exclaimed, holding up the letter i had been trying to get away from him.

"Oh, okay then." (Y/N) grabbed the note out of Al's hand and started reading it. She started blushing as she read, growing redder every second.

"So," she paused to clear her throat, "how does it end?" She looked away quickly still blushing deeply. Al decided at that moment to silently walk out of the room and carefully shut the door behind him.

I slowly walked over to (Y/N). "I love you," I grinned, "that's how it ended." (Y/N) threw her arms around me and hugged me tight. She soon pulled back a little.

"You know it's funny." she pulled out a neatly folded paper. "I love you, too." She pulled me into a kiss. I stiffened at first, but then I relaxed. Putting my arms around her and pulling her closer, I kissed back. It was a sweet kiss. Suddenly the door flung open to reveal Al and Winry. (Y/N) and I quickly pulled away.

"See? I told you (s/n) would prevail!" Al said, while also stroking a stray cat he was holding.

"You were right!" Winry squealed, jumping up and down. "It was only a matter of time." she laughed.

"Will you two go away!" (Y/N) giggled.

"Aw, fine." Winry pouted. She dragged Al away with his stray cat and shipping fanatics.

"What were we doing again?" (Y/N) asked. She thought for a moment. "Oh, yeah." She pulled me back into the kiss. She then proceeded to take my hair out of its usual braid. I pulled away for a moment. "I like your hair down, Edward." (Y/N) smiled her beautiful smile, and kissed me again. For the first time, my love was returned

Equivalent Exchange.


A/N there was my first one-shot that I wrote during gym XD I hope anyone reading this liked it! If anyone wants to request a one-shot then comment! Also comment your ship name! Mine is Edika. Jayfeather out! (almost forgot to say which one-shot stories this one was inspired by - Letters to (Y/N) by Atsukine - And - I Like Your Hair Down, Kenshin By Rose_Sleeps)

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