Shadowed Love

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A/N: Okay, so the video is technically a theme song for something totally different, (Like for one it's about Warriors which is about cats so... yeah) but the song is what I want you to focus on. Like, actually read the translation as it plays before you read the story or something. Oh btw you are a neko working for the humunculi (did I spell that right?) and you can turn into a full cat whenever you want. (and the picture is just kinda what I imagine you might look like, except that it's a character from warrior cats and it's also a boy... omg just... just read the story okay, I'm tired and it's like 3 in the morning when I came up with this)

~~~Reader POV~~~

I slowly stalked central headquarters in my cat form, but then it started to rain. Of course, as a cat, this just sucks. The rain drenched my fur, causing it to become heavy and cling to my body uncomfortably. I'm supposed to be following the Elrics around, but when it's raining like this you just can't do anything. Then the sound of hollow footsteps echoed against the walls, and the younger brother crouched down near me. 

'This is the perfect time to get close and stay close to them, the younger one is obviously obsessed with cats, so if I play the part right I might be able to stay right next to them. Making it even easier to keep tabs.' I mewled like a kitten, and fake trembling to show how 'cold' I was.

"Aww, poor kitty." He whispered, then he slowly hid me in his armor.

"Al, what are you doing?" I heard Ed say from outside the armor.

"Nothing brother." he got up and started jogging towards Ed, which caused me to bump around painfully and mew loudly.

We entered central headquarters, I didn't pay much attention since I was trying to lick my fur dry, but then Al's chest-plate was being removed. I narrowed my eyes at the sudden light, but continued to lick the rainwater from my still drenched fur.

"Al, you know we can't keep it. Go put it back where you found it." Ed said.

"How can you be so heartless brother, she was cold and wet, and it's still pouring out there!" Al exclaimed.

"Wait, did you say she?" Ed asked.

"Well, yeah." Al said. "What's wrong with it being a girl cat?" He questioned his brother. Then I got an idea.

I jumped out of Al's armor and landed in Ed's lap, then I started purring and rubbing my cheek against his cloak.

"I think she likes you, brother." Al spoke, hooking his chest-plate back on. "Can't we please keep her?" Al begged. I mewed as cutely as I could muster, putting my paws on Ed's chest and standing on my hind legs so I could be at eye level. I closed my eyes and purred harder, as if that was even possible.

"Uhh, well... gah, fine." Ed grumbled, then he hesitantly lifted his hand and stroked me, causing me to arch my back. (you know, cuz cats like being pet, and they do that for some reason)

They ended up bringing me back to their apartment, then they left me alone while they went to the library or something. I curled up on Ed's bed, since Al didn't have one. Then I fell asleep, turning back into my human form since it takes quite a bit of concentration to hold my cat form.

~~~Li'l tiny time skippy brought to you by Mustang's Mini Skirts of mininess~~~

Ed came home before Al because he was tired, so he was the first to see me. He was very shocked to see me sleeping on his bed, or at least I assume so, since his shout woke me up.

"What the hell?!" Ed shouted, pointing in my direction. I slowly sat up, rubbing my eye.

"What?" I asked sleepily, not really thinking strait.

Edward Elric x Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now