Sink Your Fangs Into My Heart (Lemon)

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[bringin' back some classic wattpad feel with a vaguely related picture hehe]

So sorry for the wait, I completely forgot you even asked me to write this ;w; 
but much thanks to EmmaLynnLeialoha0407 for this request! Even though it's been nearly two years and you probably don't remember it at all hahahaha but anyone reading should enjoy hopefully.

gets more than a little saucy~ so if you're like 12 cover one eye and squint at the plot instead
i may or may not have used this as an excuse to try out straight smut so here we go
(also first smut in this book hoo boy get ready folks)


~~~Edward's POV~~~

It's a bit of a blur how this all happened, but here I am, sitting in a locked room with a vampire. 

She was just nice at first. A young alchemist with a lot of promise and looking to become state-certified one day, and a good friend of mine. I'd known her for a few years, and over time we grew closer until one night I tried to kiss her and she just... put a hand to my chest and pushed me away. For a while I thought it was because she didn't think of me the same way and I was pretty torn up about it. The first girl besides my childhood friend that I actually find I have feelings for and she pushes me away, rejects me when I finally found the courage to put myself out there and just go for it.

I avoided her for a while. Never met her gorgeous, soft but sharp when they needed to be (e/c) eyes and looked the other direction whenever her (h/c) hair ruffled in my peripheral vision. That was, until recently. She approached me with the saddest kicked puppy look I'd ever seen in my life and asked why I wasn't talking to her. It took me a bit of running around the issue before I finally said it, as embarrassed as I was. All she said after that was to meet her in her room tonight, late so no one would come knocking. So we could talk.

So here I am. (y/n) just told me she's a vampire and I don't know how to react.

"I—(y/n) I really don't know how I'm meant to react to this. I mean, you're just joking aren't you?" I laughed, awkward and unsure, but her lilting giggle never escaped her lips. I swallowed, suddenly very unsettled. "You're... (y/n) there's no way this isn't some sort of practical joke."

"Need me to prove it to you?" (y/n) smiled, and it occurred to me that she never did smile with her teeth.

I stammered something incoherent.

"I'll take that as a yes."

Her lips parted to reveal two exceptionally long, pointed canines and her eyes flashed blood red. If I ever thought I was a horny teenager, now would be the time. Normally you'd expect to be scared of something like this, to find yourself overwhelmed with anxiety and shaking beyond your control, but my hormones decided otherwise. I already liked this girl, and apparently the addition of her being an undead bloodsucker was sending all my blood straight to my dick.

(y/n) knitted her eyebrows a bit, tilting her head and narrowing her eyes.

"This was not the reaction I expected," she started, crossing the room in a few quick steps and gripping my jaw firmly yet gently, "but I can't say I'm disappointed."

The next thing I knew I was pressed against the wall with (y/n)'s lips on mine and her thigh between my legs. Fuck. You never think you might be the bottom bitch in a relationship until a sexy vampire has a hand around your neck and full control of the kiss. Life sure is full of surprises.

I gasped as she ground her hips forward, subsequently dragging her thigh over my slowly hardening cock. She took the opportunity to push her tongue past my lips and curl it around mine, eliciting soft, high pitched whines I didn't even know I could make. No way was I letting this kiss be one-sided, so I ventured forward as well, my tongue brushing against her fangs as I went. It was an odd experience, to say the least, but god was I enjoying it. As (y/n)'s hands wandered down to push her fingers up under my shirt, my own slid up her arms and over her shoulders, pulling her impossibly closer. I relished in the cold, tingling tickle as her hands slid up my chest, mapping out my skin and brushing over scars.

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