I Can't Hear You

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~~~Edward's POV~~~

There were so many people, there was no way I could get them all out discretely. The Homunculi were coming, and there was no possible way to rid the area without raising a panic. I sighed in defeat, clapping my hands and raising the ground below me.

"Everybody out! It's it's not safe here!" I shouted while Al began herding the now panicked citizens away from the Homunculi's path. But there was one person, a girl that wasn't panicking. She didn't even seem to know what was happening as she looked about in confusion. I jumped down, pushing through the crowd to reach her. "Hey! You have to get out of here, it's dangerous!" I shouted to her over the panic.

She just blinked, tilting her head to the side. After a moment she reached into her bag and pulled out a handwritten card. She looked over it before stretching her arm out to give it to me. I hesitantly took the palm sized card and read the sentence inscribed in fancy handwriting.

'Hi, I'm sorry if I am causing an inconvenience. But I am deaf, and cannot hear what you are trying to convey to me. I can read your lips if you look directly at me and speak slowly, or if you know sign language it would be wonderful if we may have a conversation. 
~Sincerely yours, (y/n)'

(y/n) was smiling when I looked up, her hands clasped in front of her as she waited patiently. Her eyes flitted occasionally to the panicked streets, as well as Al trying to herd people away from Central Command. I decided there wasn't time to tell her what was going on and grabbed her wrist to pull her away. She hesitated, still heavily confused, but followed me anyway.

"Al, we need to move faster, they're gaining on us!"

"Right!" Al turned around and transmuted a wall, then we both climbed up the buildings so we could move faster. I barely noticed I still had (y/n) in tow when we reached a safe building.

"Brother, why are you holding this girl's wrist?" Al queried, his gaze probably scanning over her beautiful features. Wait... yeah, I meant to think that. Maybe.

"Oh, uh, I had to drag her away from the line of fire because she didn't know she was in danger..." I let go of (y/n)'s wrist and she began wandering around, examining a few objects here and there.

"Why wouldn't she know? The crowd was certainly loud, and you quite literally shouted the warning." Alphonse pointed out, his helmet turning as he watched her looking over a music box.

"Uh, well she handed me this card... You know what, why don't you read it." I handed him the very same card (y/n) had given me earlier.

While Alphonse was reading (y/n) walked over to me and tugged my sleeve. I turned in her direction and she smiled, signing something I couldn't understand. I slowly mouthed that I didn't understand sign language. Her smile faltered for a second, but returned when she began digging through her bag. She withdrew a pen and paper, scribbling flowing letters across the page before turning it to me.

'I suppose I should thank you, as it appears that I was in danger before you lead me away. Can you tell me whom you and your companion might be? I would also be interested in being informed of our current location.'

"You're welcome, I'm Edward Elric. And this is my brother, Alphonse." I spoke slowly, almost as if speaking to a small child. "Right now we're in someone's house, I'm not sure who's, but it should keep us hidden from the Homunculi for now..."

"Um, brother, why did you mention the Homunculi to a civilian?" Al asked, fumbling with the card.

"Um, oops?" I shrugged my shoulders. Meanwhile, (y/n) had been writing and was now showing a new page filled with intricate swirls.

'Am I right in assuming that you are the Fullmetal Alchemist, and the armored fellow is your younger brother? I do hope I am not mistaken. In addition, it would be wonderful if the being in the armor could take off their helmet so I may be aware of any dialogue they wish to convey to me.'

Alphonse visibly winced, and I could see why. The girl we had just rescued could never understand him without the use of sign language or writing.

"That's right, I'm the Fullmetal Alchemist and Al is my younger brother. Um, he can't take off his helmet..." I kind of mumbled the last part, making it impossible for (y/n) to understand.

"Wait! Brother, remember when we were at the library and I picked up a book about sign language?" Al got excited, the little purple dots that resembled his eyes squinting up with joy.

"Oh yeah, I remember that! Maybe you could teach me sometime?" I started to get excited, speaking so quickly that not even the most skilled of people could read my lips. (y/n) looked on in confusion, smiling at our excitement but still equally puzzled.

Al started signing to (y/n) and her eyes lit up. She signed back, looking excited at the chance to speak to someone in the way she knew best. I couldn't tell what they were saying to one another, but seeing (y/n) so happy made my heart flutter and my stomach weird flip. Oh no, nonononononono this is bad. This is really, really bad. (y/n) must have seen my frown because she dropped her hands to her sides and walked over to me. Then, to my great surprise, she started to speak. It may have been slurred and a bit difficult to understand, but it was speech nonetheless.

"Arrrre youu ookaaayyyy-uh?" Her delicate fingers rested on my left shoulder, sending light shivers up my spine.

"I'm fine." I replied, taking her hand off my shoulder

"Aaarrrrrre yyyoooouuuu ssssuuuurrre?" Her eyes showed concern. What do I do?

"Y-yes." I replied, taking a deep breath. (y/n) sighed, backing away and continuing to sign something to Al. He signed back, resulting in a nod from (y/n) As she sat down on the ground and pulled out a book.

"What do we do with her, brother?" Al asked, his hands dropping to his sides.

"I... I don't know." I replied, plopping myself down on the floor and resting my head in my hands.

I looked up a moment layer, having heard (y/n) moving. She was directly in front of me, a quizzical and hesitant look dawning her features. She leaned closer, resting her fingers on my cheek and tilting her head. I didn't move, strangely... and then, she brought her lips to mine in a soft, yet uncertain kiss. My eyes shut and my arms pulled her closer, cradling her face in one hand and resting automail on the small of her back.

The rest was all a blur, I'm not sure how long it went on or how it stopped, but one thing's for sure.... I've fallen for the one girl that couldn't hear me.


I apologize if my portrayal of the deaf was odd, abnormal, and/or incorrect. I am not deaf myself, nor do I know someone who is. I also apologize for the poor plot and nonsensical actions of any of the characters. I was quite honestly unsure of my writing throughout this piece.

Aka- I think it sucks, but thanks for reading ;w;

-Jay <3

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