Worthless Without Him

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A/N: So the first thing that got me thinking about this was the song Jar of Hearts because it came on the radio on my alarm clock in the morning. Amazing what waking up to a song can inspire, right? I also decided to add a Yandere Winry. (who is very out of character compared to the anime/manga, but whatever it's ma fanfic so I can do what I want) btw Ed and Al have their bodies back :3 I will also probably be switching POVs a lot, so I apologize in advance for that. And without further ado, I present to you this one-shot!

~~~Edward POV~~~

Today was finally it, mine and (y/n)'s third anniversary. We've been dating for three years, and I really want to make this anniversary a special one. I figure Winry might be able to help since they grew up like sisters. So I'm at her house to ask for advice and such. I knocked on her door.

"Hey Ed! What's up?" She greeted me cheerfully after opening the door. 'Thank goodness, for once she didn't throw a wrench' I mentally sighed.

"Hey Winry, I was just wondering if you could help me. (y/n) and I have been dating for 3 years and I wanted to make this anniversary a special one." Her expression immediately darkened at the mention of (y/n).

"Oh, her." She spat, the words dripping with a venom. "I'll tell you what, I hate her for stealing you."

"What do you-" I was cut off as Winry shoved her tongue in my mouth. I immediately shoved her off, but she held onto my shirt.

"You will dump her, and you will love me." she hissed, jerking me closer.

"What? No way in hell would I do that!" I shouted, trying to pry her off.

"Oh, but you will. Otherwise (y/n) is as good as dead." She grinned evilly.


"No buts. Now go break her heart for me, love." She cooed, caressing my chest and making me to cringe.

I grudgingly complied, telling (y/n) that we were over and that we should see other people. The look in her eyes told me she had just died on the inside, then they welled up with tears that spilled down her face in a stream of heartbroken misery. (Just me trying to be more "descriptive" in my writing, does it sound weird, or should I try to do this more?)

~~~1 Year Later, brought to you by my laziness~~~

Winry threatened to kill Al this time, unless I agree to marry her. She's definitely insane now, but what choice do I have? I can't let the people I love die because of me.

~~~Alphonse POV~~~

"Come on (y/n), you'll get lonely if I leave you home. Just come to the wedding with me, k?" I tried to coax (y/n) to come, because if I left her home she would kill herself. Which she has been trying to do ever since brother left her for Winry. She also cuts herself on a daily basis, constantly mumbling about how worthless she is, or something like that. It's kind of hard to tell.

"O-okay." she whispered in a soft voice. 

She trembled as I led her to the car and drove us over. Normally she would have been wearing nice clothes, but since nothing I could find would cover up all the cuts, bruises, and various bite marks, I had to just have her wear street clothes. (hoodie, pants, boots, any color)

We got there and Ed and Winry were welcoming everyone (not in wedding clothes yet, I don't really know how weddings go so... yeah this is just how I want it to be) I think (y/n) wandered off, but there're so many people here she'll probably be fine.

~~~Ed's POV~~~ (told you I'd be switching a lot)

As Winry and I were welcoming guests I saw Alphonse walk in with (y/n). Al had on a nice suit and tie, but (y/n) was in typical street clothes, and her head was down. Then I noticed something shiny barely poking out of her pocket as she seemed to wander towards an empty hall. 'What's with her?' I wondered. After a moment I decided to follow her, telling Winry I had to use the restroom.

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