A Thousand Years [Remastered]

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No one asked but I rewrote part 1 and 2 together for an assignment (before scrapping it and writing something else ;w;) so enjoy~ 

~~~Reader's POV~~~

The first chance I had was wasted. Stolen from me before I even knew I had it. If only I had known, if I had told him back then...

In the year 1535, on the day I turned 15, an elaborate black ring singed itself around my right arm. I hid it for fear those around me would accuse me of witchcraft, as the alchemists were being persecuted for. The tattoo-like mark could easily be mistaken for a transmutation circle to the untrained eye, and one passing glance could have me hung in the square. It was a mystery to me for many years, until I discovered that it was the mark of my first lifetime passing before me. I had missed my chance to find the love that had been burned at the stake when his mark appeared. I had known him in life, but I never saw him after the bond was formed. Centuries upon centuries passed, slowly at first then a blur, yet I waited ever so patiently.

With so many years under my belt, I was now the most elite alchemist in Amestris and all the world, known simply and only as the Black Rose Alchemist. Never state-certified, but a nameless amazement does not remain nameless for long. I tended to come and go, turning me into no more than a legend in the shadows. As I waited in these shadows, a new mark finally appeared. My love had been reincarnated and was now the age at which he died. Nearly 16, only about a year older than I appeared myself. It was time to come out of the shadows and search for the love I had lost.

It took some time, but the moment I saw him I knew. Finally, I had found my soulmate. The youngest state alchemist ever, past littered with death and ruin, bearing two artificial limbs. His left leg just above the knee, and his right arm; where his matching swirl would have appeared. As it was nothing more than an automail prosthetic, it was incapable of wearing our bond. Despite these differences with the difficult life my love lead thus far, his beautiful blond hair and mesmerizing golden eyes were the same. Though, rather than the name I once knew him by, his name was now Edward. He also had a brother, Alphonse Elric, that was trapped as no more than a soul bound to armor.

Lastly to note, he had a close friend. Winry Rockbell was a wonderful young woman, extremely skilled and beautiful in her features and her ways. Unfortunately for myself, she was also my love's main interest. Even if he did not see it himself, I saw it plain as day. The twinkle in his eye and the subconscious adjustment of his posture at her presence spoke leagues of the feelings blooming in his heart. To the point that I wasn't sure if I'd be able to have his heart for my own, but I had to try nonetheless. I've waited too long to give up so easily.

I made my decision and approached my love at the library he frequented.

"You are the Fullmetal Alchemist, correct?" A simple conversation starter to begin. Ask the famous person if they are themselves, and you can easily pull their attention to you without them shooing you off immediately.

"Yeah, who wants to know?" My love drawled, letting his arms drape carelessly over the back of his chair.

"Have you ever heard of the Black Rose Alchemist?" I subconsciously pulled my hood further over my face, obscuring my features somewhat.

My love scoffed, "Of course I have, but the Black Rose Alchemist is just a myth. A children's story fabricated by some elder to entertain their grandchildren." He waves his hand dismissively, as though my words were but a jest.

"Would you believe a stranger such as myself if I told you that the Black Rose Alchemist is real?" I ventured, hoping I would not have to draw attention to myself by revealing my skills.

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