A Thousand Years (Part 2)

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Dedicated to BlaringHalo

Also please let me know if I missed any obvious mistakes while editing, okay thank youuu ^-^

~~~Reader's POV~~~

Sometimes, I feel a bit awful for drugging my love into returning my affections, but it was for the best. We've been living happily in our cabin, away from everyone else. A quiet, simple life with my love. This was all I ever wanted, to live peacefully with my lover.

Now, my love lay on my lap, his eyes closed as I played with his smooth, silky blond hair. A familiar voice echoed in my head, Alphonse had come searching for his brother; following my instructions of the call. I waved my hand through the air, rolling my palm and forming a small fireball. I blew into the flickering orb, wings extending from its fire-y depths and growing to form an imitation pheonix. I whispered my instructions quietly to the bird-like flames and then tossed it into the air. It took flight, beating it's flickering wings fiercely to make it out the window and ascend into the bleak, clouded sky.

I now lay in wait, curious as to what Alphonse would do upon his arrival. Perhaps he wishes simply to visit, or perhaps he's come to steal my love away from me... The latter will not be tolerated.


The next day I found myself stirring, I went to push myself up and get started on breakfast, but my love's arms held me back.

"Stay for just a little bit longer..." He mumbled sleepily, pulling me back against his chest.

"Of course, my love." I settled back down into the covers as my love relaxed with his arms around my middle.

However, my content was short lived. A series of banging knocks echoed throughout our cabin, jolting us from our peaceful slumber.

"Stay here, my love. I will answer the door." I left a peck on my love's lips, pulling away swiftly and making my way to the door. I eased the door open slowly, though what greeted me was not expected. Alphonse stood there, yes, but Winry... "Greetings, why have you come?" I queried, shifting my stance and awaiting an answer.

"We're not here for you, we came to talk to Edward." Winry replied curtly, attempting to shoulder her way past me.

"I am the head of this household, you will speak to me and you will refrain from entering my home without permission." I hissed, shoving her back harshly.

"Edward! Edward are you in there?! Are you okay?!" Winry shouted, attempting to get past me once more. My love did not reply, and I risked a glance back into our room to see why.

"Quite rude to shout at one who is sleeping, is it not?" I sneered, shoving her back once more.

"Please let us in to talk to brother." Alphonse pleaded as he reached out to restrain Winry.

I crinkled my nose in distaste, flicking a stray lock of hair out of my eyes. "Fine, I will go wake him, you may take a seat on the couch." I turned and walked briskly into my love and I's room. "My love, we have guests. Do get up and greet them?" I rested a hand on my love's shoulder. My love stirred softly, opening his eyes and leaning up to plant a kiss on my lips. I smiled, pulling him up and out of bed gently. We linked hands and trod out of the bedroom to greet our, I hesitate to think, guests. "Good morning Alphonse, Winry. As you requested, I've brought my husband to speak with you." Edward smiled at me and stepped forward slightly without letting go of my hand.

"Hey guys, what brings you here to my home?" Winry flinched at the phrase 'my home', though she stood and took my love's free hand in both of hers.

Edward Elric x Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now