Please Don't Leave Me

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A/N: I wasn't sure what a good song would be, but this one was pretty good :P (also just so this isn't too confusing, Ed is 19 and you are 18)

~~~Ed POV~~~

"Please, there has to be a way!" I was desperate now

"We're sorry, but there isn't anything we can do now." The doctor told me.

"Damn it! Come on, there has to be something!" I clenched my fists.

"You should go see her, she's been asking to see you." The doctor took off his glasses, put them in his pocket and walked away.

'I should at least do it (not like that you pervs! jk, you're all awesome) before I lose her... no! I can't think like that. She'll be okay.' I thought as I speed walked down the hallway to (y/n)'s room. I paused when I reached the door, just standing in front of it. A fit of coughing from the other side of the door broke the silence. Taking a deep breath I opened the door slowly, peaking in through the crack.

What I saw devastated me. (y/n) was laying weak and pale on the bed, her eyes slightly open and her breathing shallow.

"(Y-y/n)?" I opened the door all the way. Her eyes opened a little more and she turned her head so she could see me. She gave a big closed eye smile. I smiled back sadly.

"What's wrong Ed? Why don't you come over here." She motioned for me to come over as she struggled to sit up in bed. I walked over and sat on the edge of her bed. "You know, it's been so long since I've known you. And I can tell you really care about me, but you haven't kissed me once." She started laughing, but got cut off by a bout of coughing. My face heated up at her comment, but I pulled her into a hug.

"Just," I sighed, "Please don't leave." I hugged her tighter.

"You know, I might have to." She whispered. A single tear escaped down my face, landing on her exposed shoulder.

"Hey, don't cry for me." She pulled away and put her hand on my cheek, wiping away a few more tears that had started to slide down my face. She smiled, but then she started into another coughing fit.

I put my hands on her shoulders, "It's hard not to, when I truly care about you..." I spoke softly. She gave me a small smile. 

'Now's a good a time as any.' I pulled her towards me closing my eyes and placing my lips on hers softly. I felt her stiffen, but she immediately relaxed, putting her arms around me and kissing back. She kissed me passionately, tangling her fingers in my hair. (which she had taken out of it's braid) By now I had wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her as close as I could. I licked her bottom lip, asking for entrance. I felt her smile into the kiss, and she granted me entrance. I gratefully explored every inch of her mouth with my tongue.

She pulled back, gasping for air. She had a light pink dusting her cheeks. She smiled again, pulling me into a tight hug. "If you ever want to ask me to marry you, I do." She whispered, tickling my ear.

'in that case...' I pulled away from the hug for a moment standing up. "Can I borrow your earrings?" I asked (y/n).

"Oh, sure." She coughed a few times before reaching up to her ears and unfastening them. She handed them to me. I turned around and set them on the table behind me, clapping my hands together and placing them on the table I transmuted her earrings into just one (type of gem) encrusted ring. I picked it up and turned back around.

Getting down on one knee next to her bed, I spoke,"In that case, will you, (full name), do me the great honor of being my wife?"

"Yes! *cough* Of course I will!" She reached down and pulled me onto the bed, holding out her left hand for me. I slipped the ring onto her finger and pulled her into a second kiss. This one only lasted for a moment. When she pulled away she was coughing like mad. I quickly lay her back down on the bed, holding her hand gently between mine. "Look's like I really will have to leave." She said softly, closing her eyes and drawing in ragged breaths.

"No, you can't leave me! I can't live without you!" Tears streamed down my face.

"It'll be *weak cough* okay." She opened her eyes slightly, reaching up to touch my face. I put my hand on hers, holding on tightly like it might disappear if I let go. Her breathing grew even shallower than it had been earlier. "I-I'm sorry, I couldn't keep my promise." She let out one last breath and lay still. I pulled her lifeless body into my arms and held it tight, the tears continuing to stain my face and her shirt.


"I promise, that no matter what, I'll stay alive long enough to see you and Al get your body's back. Then we can all go back to Resembol, okay?"

*Flashback Over*

A nurse came in to check on (y/n). She gasped and dropped the flower vase she was holding when she saw me clutching (y/n)'s lifeless body. (cuz she had to drop something that would shatter XD) It shattered into several small shards. She clapped a hand over her mouth when she noticed the ring on (y/n)'s left hand. She knew it wasn't there before, and figured what had probably happened.

"Oh my, I'm so sorry Mr. Elric, sir." The nurse had walked forward and placed a hand on my shoulder. I just continued to cry while clutching (y/n).

~~~A Few Days Later, Right After (y/n)'s Funeral~~~

I stood by her grave, the headstone read (y/n) Elric. Though we were never officially married, I requested that her last name be put as 'Elric'. I sat by her grave for the rest of the day, Al came and tried to get me to come home and eat something, but I didn't want to move. I ended up sleeping next to her grave.


"Aww, isn't it cute when they play like that." I heard (y/n)'s voice. I turned in the direction of the voice and saw (y/n), holding a kitten and smiling at two young children. A short blond, and a slightly taller (h/c).

"Am I dreaming?" I asked.

"I suppose, but this is the future we might have had." She spoke softly, and sadly.

"Is it?" I questioned, walking up to stand beside her and hold her waist. She leaned on me and lay her head on my shoulder. Her (e/c) orbs seemed to glow in the fading light of the setting sun.

"I hope I get to see you again soon... but not too soon." She whispered.

*End Dream*

I woke up with a gasp, soaked from rain that had begun to fall. I began to cry harder than I've ever cried before.

~~~2 Months Later~~~

Al and I were traveling on foot to a mountain village, and we had to walk along perilous cliffs. I looked down at the crashing waves, taking a deep breath. I looked over at Al. "I'm sorry Al, but it seems I can't keep my promise to you."

"What do you mean- Brother!" Al shouted, reaching for me as I let myself fall. I closed my eyes and smiled sadly.

"I'm sorry (y/n), but I can't go on living without you." That's the last thing I thought or said before I hit the sharp rocks and raging waves below.


*is crying from how sad my work is* I hope that wasn't too heart-wrenching. But there's another one-shot. I might be able to publish new ones ever day, but it depends on a lot of things. So...





Enjoy! Jayfeater out!

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