Spirit of Whom You Love

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A/N: The song above inspired me to write this, though I have never played the game it is from. Just make sure not to start it until I sez so :P (also you are 18, one year younger than Ed)

~~~Reader-chan POV~~~ (Me: Yus! I finally didz it!)

I sat on the rain soaked ground as the droplets hit my midnight black cloak. Tear mixed rain fell to the ground as I looked up at the gray sky. I was in the cemetery, dressed in all black, except for a single silver ring on my left hand, in front of a freshly carved headstone. 'Edward Elric' was carved deep into the stone, he 'died in act of duty'. Or so the headstone stated, I never truly found out how, or why he died. Finally standing up, I trudged back to my apartment. I found Al waiting inside, sitting on the ground against the wall. His armor made a (insert sound when Al moves cuz I do not know what to call it) when he looked up to see me, all wet and dripping from the rain. (btw you and Ed were never officially married, but he proposed to you 2 days before his death)

"Are you alright? Brother's..." he paused, but then continued, "p-passing seemed to affect you the worst." He was starting to tremble with sadness.

"I'm honestly not alright, I'm still depressed. But I'll make it okay." I replied, taking some clothes and walking into the bathroom to change. I walked out in some baggy shorts and one of Ed's old tank tops. (cuz it just happened to be there) I yawned and crawled into bed, laying there in the darkness until I fell asleep.

The next day I went down to an antique shop, I always loved looking at all the different things there. When I got there I noticed a piano had been placed next to the many shelves of old books. I pulled a small nearby bench over to the piano. I sat down and began to play, and since I play the way I'm feeling, it was a sad song that showed both my grief and love for the deceased Edward Elric.

*Obviously start song now*

People who could hear the music from outside, as well as the few other people who were already in the shop came closer to see who was playing. A few people who knew me and what happened to make me so sad started to cry, others took their hats off in respect. (cheesy, I know, but the feels)

"What's with you?" Someone asked one of the people who had started crying. They explained in a hushed whisper why, which caused that person to cup a hand over there mouth. 

As I played I felt the lightest touch of warm fingertips on my left hand, and cold metal on my right. I smiled a small, sad smile, even though I was probably imagining the touch. Then someone spoke up behind me.

"Does anyone else think it looks like someone's standing behind her? I can't tell." A woman's voice said behind me.

"Yeah, it does kind of look like that." A man's voice said from my right.

I stopped playing abruptly, standing up and running out of the building as fast as I could. I tore down the street until I made it to my apartment. I slammed the door and slumped down against it, hugging my knees to my chest. Al was at the library, so I was all alone in the gloomy apartment. I lay my head on my knees and squeezed my eyes shut. It suddenly felt as if all the loss and anguish was crashing down on me again, causing tears to begin streaming down my face. I felt a hand on my shoulder, so I looked up. I thought I saw Ed's face, but it disappeared after I blinked.

"I'm sorry, please don't be sad." I heard Ed's voice, then I felt arms wrap around me and he suddenly materialized right next to me. His head was buried in my neck. He was also see-through. (lol couldn't think of any better way to describe it XDD)

I gasped in surprise, but hugged him back. "It's okay, I'm not sad anymore." I whispered.

~~~Time skip to tonight becuz I'm lazy -o-~~~

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