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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to @raeswan because they requested it. Also I suck at titles; moving on! So just a li'l bit of background for this- You and Ed have known each other for years, you both developed a crush on the other but neither one of you know the other shares your feelings. Ed doesn't know yet that you attempted Human Transmutation sometime before you met him, how, per say, do you think he'll find out? (automail bro, automail. Also this might be really short :whisper- Like Ed: *cough cough* anyway, lez get started!

~~~Reader POV~~~

I sat in my room, tinkering with my arm to see if I could improve it. Also hoping that Ed wouldn't show up early, or come barging in like he did last time.


I was in my underwear digging through my drawers for some clothes I liked. Then like the idiot he his, Ed swung the door open without even knocking.

"Hey (y/n)! Just thought I'd stop by to-" He paused mid-sentence, staring at my half naked body and blushing profusely. (btw, your automail arm is currently hidden by some clothes you have draped over it)

"What the hell?! Knock first!" I shouted before shoving him out the door with my free hand.

"S-sorry!" He quickly shut the door.

*Flashback Over*

I heard a knock on the door. "Who is it!" I called as I started to quickly reassemble my arm.

"It's me!" I heard Ed's voice.

"Okay, one sec!" I finished reassembling my arm and pulled on my cat hoodie since the sleeves covered my hands. I opened the door to see Ed standing there awkwardly.

"So do you want to come in, or are you just going to stand there?"

"Oh, yeah sure, I'll come in." He replied. I moved to the side so he could walk in, then I shut the door.

"So... what's up?" I asked, plopping down on the couch.

"I... uhhh...." He started blushing.

"What?" I questioned curiously.

"Ah, okay here's the thing... I lost a bet aaaand... uh..." He blushed even more.

"Spit it out pipsqueak."

"Don't call me a pipsqueak!" He flipped out.

"Okay, okay, sorry. So what's this about a bet you lost?" His blush returned.

"Well, uh, IlostabetwithMustangsoIhavetokissyou." He said it all so fast I could barely tell what he said.

"Say that one more time, but slower so I can understand you."

"Uuugh, fine. I lost a bet with Mustang so I have to kiss you." His face was almost as red as a tomato. Mine started to heat up as well when his words sunk in.

"Okay, but what proof does he need that you did it?" I asked hopefully. 'Maybe there was some way around this... then again...'

"I actually don't know..." He said, looking thoughtful.

"Ugh, knowing him he'll think of something." I groaned. 'Well, better get this over with. Who knows, it might be fun.' 

I pulled Ed down onto the couch next to me (with le flesh hand) and crashed my lips onto his. He seemed surprised by my actions but started to kiss back. He put his arms around my waist, pulling me closer as I wrapped my arms around his neck. Both actions deepened the kiss. (I know I've kinda gotten into the habit of skipping these, but since I have reached 200 reads and this was a request, it will not be skipped) I felt his tongue against my lips asking for entrance, but I refused, keeping my mouth tightly closed. He grunted with annoyance, pushing me down so he had me pinned against the couch, his hands gripping my wrists. He tried once again to slip his tongue into my mouth, but once again I kept my lips locked. He pulled back, panting slightly and his face showing a hint of anger at my refusal. Then he noticed my automail poking out from my right sleeve. He sat up, pulling me into a sitting position and sliding my right sleeve up to reveal my prosthetic arm. 

"Why do you have automail?!" He practically shouted, looking both surprised and hurt that I'd never told him. "Did you do it?" He then demanded, shaking me.

"I just wanted to see my sister again." I mumbled, not looking at him. His expression softened slightly and he pulled me into a hug unexpectedly. I started crying into his shoulder, remembering the terror of that time. He rubbed my back comfortingly, and when I calmed down he pulled away from the hug.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked, wiping my tears from my face with his thumb.

"I was afraid of how you would react." I replied, rubbing my now slightly puffy eyes.

"You should've let me know anyway." He spoke softly.

"Sooo.... do you want some food or something?" I asked standing up and heading for the kitchen part of my apartment.

"Sure." He replied.


So, good, bad, absolutely terrible ending? Lol, jk. Anyway I hope you liked this chapter. Also the music isn't really meant to fit the chapter, but it's FMA so it counts. XD Anywayz,





Enjoy! But I'm not out yet, there's a bonus!

~~~Le Bonus, Roy's POV~~~

After standing outside (y/n)'s door through the whole exchange I threw open the door.

"Well done, Fullmetal!" I proclaimed, spreading my arms out wide and smiling.

(y/n) shouted from across the apartment. "Told you he had something planned so he had proof that you did it!"

"What the hell, Colonel?!" Edward shouted, much louder than (y/n). "You were behind the door the whole time?!" He looked angry.

"Well how else was I going to know you actually did it?" I laughed, "Besides, I think you quite enjoyed yourself." I smirked. His face grew red.

"I enjoyed it!" (y/n) called. "Oh, and I'm making pancakes if you want any!" I laughed at Edward's expression after her first sentence.

"I wouldn't mind staying for some pancakes." I plopped down on the couch.


Boom, a bonus! Hey, this wasn't as short as I thought it would be. Jayfeather out for real now!

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