The Night of the Broken Hearts

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Sloan dropped me off at home and Jimmy was there. I could feel the tension in the house as soon as I got in. No one was talking and I just stared awkwardly at every one of them.
"Uhmm, hi?"
"Oh, hi. So how's McSteamy?" Jimmy asked making emphasis on McSteamy. He was angry or jealous. Everyone seemed to be in a bad mood.
"Oh, he's doing just fine. I was on his service today." I was feeling upset too. I knew he had said that because he didn't like him.
After the kiss he didn't say anything else, he continued acting like it never happened. And I was fine with it, because in a way I felt like Effie. I got tired of relationships easily and I didn't want my friendship with Jimmy ruined.
"Okay, so what's going on?" I asked looking around.
Seattle tapped Alaska with his elbow like telling her to talk.
"Ask Seattle, he looks like he wants to say something" Alaska rolled her eyes and walked into the kitchen.
"Whatever, I got to go" Seattle grabbed his keys from the table and his jacket and walked out.
Ronnie gave Alice her phone and walked out saying nothing. Roger stood up.
"We'll talk later, we should uhmm think things through and decide," he walked towards the door, "I'm sorry Helena" he looked to the floor and walked out.
"Is everyone breaking up?" I asked looking at Effie who was one of the single potatoes.
"Something like that" she nodded and looked at Timmy.
"Yeah, I'll go too," he said, "but I'm not breaking up with anyone" he gave me a weak smile and walked out.
Jimmy was still there looking blankly at the turned off TV. I stared at him until I felt that my eyes were about to pop out of their sockets.
"Yeah, I'll leave too, but we still have to talk" he went out and slammed the door.
"Now is anyone going to tell me what the heck is going on here?" I looked at them, Emma opened her mouth but nothing came out so she closed it again.
"They're moving" Alaska walked out of the kitchen with her face red, she had been crying.
"What? Who? Where?" I asked confused.
"All of them, they're going to Canada for a year, then they're coming back to stay in Utah" Effie explained, she was the one that was more relaxed.
"When?" I couldn't believe it.
"In two days!" Emma stood up angry and took out a bottle of tequila.
"But why didn't they tell us before? Why did they wait until two days before leaving?" I heard my voice break, I was actually feeling something for Jimmy. Or at least it felt that way, because when they answered my questions all I could think of, was him.
"They told us to go with them, but we can't, we have stuff to do here, our lives are here. And they didn't even bother to tell us before" Alice said with tears filling up her eyes.
"But Ronnie isn't with Dose"
"It's not Dose, they got an offer for work over there, something band related" Emma was starting to sound drunk. I didn't know what else to say, they told me that they wanted to break up because long distance relationships never worked out right and that they were angry at them for not talking about it sooner.
I watched them all get drunk and I saw Effie trying to cry, but she couldn't.
"I want to cry," she told me between laughs, "but I can't, it has nothing to do with Timmy, but we're best friends, wasn't he supposed to talk to me?" I just nodded agreeing to everything she was saying. I couldn't get drunk I had to work the next day.
I made sure everyone got to their rooms safely and I went to sleep.

The next day

I went to work, I couldn't get my mind off the thought of my friends leaving.
"Are you okay?" Mark asked me with his deep, hoarse voice.
"Yeah, I just have too much on my mind today" I finished writing on a patient's chart and looked up at him.
"At what time do you get out?" He asked me giving me a smile. He made me blush, he was too hot for me. Plus he was like twenty years older too.
Who cares. I thought.
"In half an hour" I answered smiling but looking away quickly.
"Let's go for a drink after, and I won't take a no for an answer" he signed the chart I had given him and he walked away. He turned around again and smiled. I was about to say no, because I remembered that kiss with Jimmy, but it made me mad because he didn't say anything. I thought he liked me. But since we weren't exclusive, I said yes to McSteamy.
I finished working and went to get dressed. When I walked out of the bathroom I saw Sloan standing by the elevators wearing black jeans and a gray, long-sleeved shirt. He looked hot. I felt my face burning up, I tried to calm myself and started walking towards him. He saw me and he smiled.
"Let's go" he told me.
We drank for a while. I drank way more than him, he just listened to me talk. Then I went silent and he started talking, he told me about some of the surgeries he had done and he told me the stories of some of his patients. He offered to take me home, and I accepted, there was no way I was getting home by myself.
He drove silently, smiling once in a while. We got to the house and we stayed inside the car for about two minutes.
"Thank you for everything Mark, I'll see you tomorrow" I opened the door and so did he.
"I'll walk you to the door, I think you might fall" he laughed and walked by my side. I felt dizzy and my head was aching. I tripped, but Mark immediately placed his hand on my waist, not letting me fall. I smiled at him. We got to the entrance and I unlocked the door.
"Thank you Mark" I gave him a hug.
"My pleasure" he vowed laughing and then gave me a kiss on my cheek. I blushed and he left to his car. When he got out of the parkway I saw Jimmy standing there.
Shit I thought.
He walked slowly towards me.
"So that's McSteamy" he said with a low voice and a weak smile.

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