Home School and Voicemails

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Nikki's pov (told in past tense form)

So much has happened in the past few months of my life and I unfortunately  clearly remember all of it.

The night of Richard's party, Yashua spiked my drink causing me to fall into a hopeless trance. He took me to the school library and raped me. Richard called the police and was also able to get ahold of my mom and they were able to stop Yashua before it was too late. I was able to clarify that I wasn't pregnant with a doctor and that I was going to be ok; but emotionally, I was destroyed.

The school board and police were able to figure out it was completely Yashua's fault and sentenced him to jail and left me free of consequences since I was able to prove I was innocent. But, I felt too ashamed to ever step into school anytime soon. I felt ashamed of my body that I had been completely exposed to a stranger. And most of all, I felt angry and disappointed in Richard.

He let me down in keeping his promise to make sure I was safe. Plus, according to Yashua, he was just as bad as his him.

Richard's party was in October and my school let me finish off the semester home schooling to help me recover, but I'd be back at school the following January. After about two weeks from the incident, Richard began to try and reach me nonstop. He text me twice a day, gave me daily phone calls and voicemails, and every once in a while, would knock on my door and ask my mom for me. But everytime, I would ignore him. I wasn't ready to talk to him and I needed more time.

Today was January 2nd, one week before I'd have to start school again. I was sitting in my room texting Lauren before I got yet another phone call from Richard.

(Present Time)

"Ugh Richard's calling me again", I texted Lauren as my phone continued to ring. "Ya know you should really talk to him before he leaves...", she text me. Leaves where? What was she talking about? I text her my confusion and she responded explaining how Richard and CNCO were leaving on a tour on January 4th throughout South America until the end of April.

He was leaving? Why didn't he tell me? Well maybe I'd know if I just answered his calls... I didn't want to talk to him, but I wanted to settle all of this before he left.

My phone began ringing again, only this time I picked up. "Hi Nikki this is another voicmail message.. Please just pick up the-." "Hello? Richard?", I said. "Wait Nikki u picked up the phone? Uhm hi I have so much to tell you. I'm so sorry it was all my fault I should've-". "Well I'm surprised you actually care to talk to me? This is probabaly the longest you've cared about a girl right?", I said sarcastically. "Wait what are you talking about?", he said confused. "Uhm your brother told me about your weekly hookups?". "Nikki that isn't true I'd never do that! In fact, I've only had a serious girlfriend once!", he said angry and confused. "Oh I didn't know..." "Ok I have to go take care of some business. Can I come over really quick tomorrow?", he asked in a hurry. "Yeah I guess; but make it quick. I still don't trust you", I said. "Ok, I know I wouldn't trust me yet either if I were you. I have to go, see you tomorrow", he said hanging up the phone.

What mess did I just get myself into?

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