New Songs and Invites

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Narrator's pov

Richard was living the life of the rich and famous! He was traveling all throughout South America on tour and although he found himself in situations with many ladies, he never managed to break his kissing promise to Nikki. As for Nikki, her and Johann were super close. Johann, Nikki, Yoandri, and Lauren would hang out together a lot but though Lauren and Yoandri were dating, Nikki and Johann were just good friends. Behind Nikki's back, Johann and his friends had been secretly planning Nikki's surprise party and it was right around the corner! Today was Wednesday, March 16th and was the release of Tan Facil and exactly one month before Nikki's birthday.

Richard's pov

I woke up from my comfortable hotel bed in Ecuador. Tan Facil had come out last night at midnight and I had to hear it again. As I got ready for my day, I blasted it in my room. "Porque to me miras y yo, siento lo mismo que tu, cuando te miro siento que me estoy enamorando!", I sang as I got ready. The boys all sang the song as if it were just another hit single, but I really poured my heart into it and gave it a deeper meaning. It was about Nikki and no one else. Nikki would be up in a few hours and I was excited to hear her reaction.

Nikki's pov

I woke up and checked my phone to see the time. I still had five minutes to sleep. Yes! Along with the time, I noticed a notification from ITunes. "Your pre-order of Tan Facil is now ready for download", my screen read. I was excited to hear it, so I decided to get up and waste my five extra minutes listening to it.

I finished the song and I loved it! It was so fun and was super catchy. I found myself singing the chorus as I got ready for school. Before I left the house, I thought I would congratulate Richard on it. "Congrats on the song. It's amazing! Miss ya and hope to see u soon ", I typed up then clicked send.

I got in my car and drove to Johann's house. After spending so much time together, we realized we live only a block away and in order to save gas, we would just drive eachother to school sometimes. I parked outside and honked my horn obnoxiously. He hated when I did that. He ran out of the house with his shoes in his hands and his hair brush in the other. "Ey porque ases eso! Los vecinos me van a matar," he jokingly said as he stepped into my car and shut the door. "Well maybe if you didn't take so long trying to perfect your hair, I wouldn't have to honk and your neighbors wouldn't want to kill you", I told him. "Hey you gotta do what ya gotta do to look good!", he responded.

We were driving to school when I noticed I forgot to turn on the music. "Hey did you hear CNCO's new song?", I asked him while we waited at a stop light. "No I haven't but sure play it", he said. I plugged in my aux chord to my phone and blasted it in the car. Johann started jokingly singing along and seemed to like it. "Wow they're pretty good", he said as the song finished. "Yeah they are", I responded. "Wait it's that Richard guys band, right? Do you think you can give me his number?", he asked me. "Uhm well I'm scared you're gonna like send him death threats or something since I've told you all about my issues with his family..", I trailed off. "No no I wont. I just want to congratulate him on the song. I genuinely like it," Johann said. "Ok whatever here it is", I said handing him my phone and letting him copy it down.

Johann's pov

I could tell Nikki was skeptical about giving me Richard's number, but I had a plan. Nikki had explained to me how Richard wasn't bad like his brother and had become a really good friend of hers. Since Richard probably missed her and he was in CNCO, I thought it would be cool if I text him and invited him to her surprise party. When I got to school, I had my first class of the day without Nikki, so I thought it would be a good time to text him.

Richard's pov

The boys and I were in the car on the way to another radio show in Ecuador. Since our song had come out today, we had been scheduled for a bunch of interviews so our fans could hear us sing it live on the radio and here more about the song. As we sat in the car, I got a text from a weird number.

"Hi Richard. You probably don't know who I am, but I'm Johann, Nikki's friend. Her birthday is April 16th and me and a few other people have been planning a surprise party for her and I wanted to invite you to come? I know she misses you and would love to possibly have you perform at her party as well? Please let me know if you could come. ", read the message from whoever "Johann" was. Why was he talking to my girl? I know she didn't promise she wouldn't move on, but it just sparked a little jealousy in me. But, he did say they were "friends", so I guess I shouldn't be worried..

"Have to talk to our manager, but will let you know asap. Thanks," I quickly responded to him before we had to get off at the radio station.

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