Jealousy and Lunch

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Richard's pov

I woke up. What time was it? I checked my phone 11 a.m. Wait where was I again? I sat up in my seat. Oh, I was on the flight back home. I looked over to see Joel sitting next to me. He noticed I woke up and looked back at me.

"Well look who decided to wake up! We're gonna be in Miami in 10 minutes! Ahh!!!", he said playfully punching my shoulder.
We were all excited to go back home but I was even more excited to see Nikki again.

The 10 minutes seemed like an hour but eventually our plane safely landed in Miami. I got off and met my parents who have me a big hug. Now that Yashua was in jail for the next few years, I was all they had and felt sad without any boys home.

We got home and I started unpacking my things. I got a text from Johann. "Hey I didn't come to school today to plan for Nikki's party. Do you want to meet for lunch?", he had sent. I thought it was weird, but I didn't want to keep packing so I was happy for the distraction plus I wanted to make sure this guy wasn't dating Nikki. We text back and forth deciding where to eat and we'd meet eachother at 1.

Johann's pov

I was getting ready to go meet Richard. I wanted to make sure this night was perfect for Nikki so I had to make sure everything was perfectly planned out with CNCO's performance. Plus, I lowkey wanted to make sure this guy wasn't gonna ruin Nikki's special day.

I sat at the restaurant and waited for him to show up. I felt a little nervous, but I didn't want to show fear in my eyes so I tried to calm down.

He showed up into the restaurant and the first thing I wanted to make sure: our defense mechanisms. I towered over him in height, but his muscles were huge and looked like he worked out a lot. But still, in a fight I think I'd have a pretty fair chance thanks to my height.

I shook his hand and we sat down at the table and the waitress took our order. The waitress left and I decided to start up the conversation. "So the party is at a party place by my house from 7 until about 11 and you guys will be performing at 8 and you told me you were performing 2 songs right?", I asked him. "Yep, two songs", he answered. I could tell he wasn't one to really talk or maybe he didn't like me but.. I wanted to get conversation out of him.

"Uh so how did you and Nikki meet?", I asked him. I suddenly saw that he got a big grin on his face and could see his personality soften. She really must've made him happy I thought.

"Well-", he began. He gave me a full length in detail description of how him and Nikki up to the point for when he left on his trip. He didn't mention that they kissed or anything, but he made it seem like he really loved her. He also mentioned what his brother had done to her which really pained my heart, but I was relived to know he was in jail which was a detail Nikki forgot to mention to me.

"Wow that's a beautiful story.. So uh are you guys like dating", I asked him. I could feel his tension suddenly rise up back in him. Great. He stayed lost in thoughts for a little bit before he responded back. "Well.. I admit that I'm deeply in love with her and I made a promise to her before I left that I plan on completing when I get to see her again at the party..", he responded.

Before I could speak or ask what that was, the waitress finally came with our plates. I had forgotten how hungry I was until I saw the food. I looked at Richard and noticed a certain charm with the ladies he had. He would look into the waiters eyes and they would instantly fall for them. He would treat them like princess by rubbing their shoulder and smiling and using words like honey, babe, sweetheart, and many more.

More than my desire to be with Nikki, was her happiness. I cared about her too much to hold her back from being with someone who made her happy. I could really see how genuine Richard was when he talked about her or he just had a special way of treating women which I was jealous of. I had a change of heart and decided things would go differently. I wanted Nikki to be with Richard if that's who she loved, but I still wanted to give myself a chance.

"Ah so where were we?", he said as he grabbed his fork and started cutting into his food. "I don't know but all I know is I'm hungry!", I responded. We both laughed and dug into our food. The rest of the lunch, we just had random conversation about his band or school or anything we found in common. He was actually a really nice guy and I hope we could hang out more once he started coming to school. We finished up and started walking out to our cars.

"Well it was real nice meeting you bro. Hope we can talk more soon", he said patting my back. "Yeah totally. See you tomorrow", we said shaking hands and going to our separate cars.

Nikki's pov

Johann wasn't at school today which was really weird. He hadn't told me why he wasn't here and I was worried, so I decided to text him. "Hey why aren't you at school?", I sent him. I waited for a response. "Oh I just wanted to uh catch up with an old friend today and make sure I had your present ready for tomorrow :)", he responded. He was so sweet. "Aww thanks babe. See ya tomorrow!".

Tomorrow I would be 18 and I never had a dramatic change on my birthday, but honestly, I really hoped this time something about turning 18 would make my life different for the better.

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