School Trip

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*Layla's POV*

"Come on Baylee we are going to be late!" I was waiting in my car for her to come out so we could go to the airport. We were taking a trip to London with our school for a semester.

"I'm coming! I'm coming!" She ran down the stairs to her house with her suitcases in her hand.

"Put everything in the back and let's go!" She got I and we left. We wouldn't be back for 6 months.


We got to the airport and found our school. We gathered with them and we all got on the plane.

I looked for my seat.

"Ah A53" I said to my self sitting in the seat by the window. I had my iPod with me and I put my headphones in and turned it to my favorite band One Direction.

I sat there for a minute before a guy sat down beside me. "Hello." He smiled showing his dimples. He had curly hair. I could tell my eyes widened when I realized he was Harry Styles. I just took a deep breath in and out.

"Hello. I'm Layla Ann Shepherd." I said sticking my hand out.

"I'm Harry Styles." He grabbed my hand and kissed it. My cheeks were hot so I knew I was blushing. "And may I ask how old you are gorgeous." He was polite and I could have died at his accent.

"Um. I'm a senior I am 17 and I know how old you are Mr. Styles." He let go of my hand.

"So you are a fan?" He asked.

"Yes a huge one!"

"How are you not screaming or crying or fainting?"

"Trust me on the inside I am." We both laughed at my answer. "Are the others here?"

"Yeah they are around her somewhere." Right after he said that Baylee ran up.

"Omg Layla you will never believe who ju-" I pointed to Harry and she stopped. "I have Niall." She screamed and took a deep breath and casually walked off.

I giggled at her and put my head phones back in.

"No, no, no! I wasn't done talking to you!" He said taking my headphones and iPod from me.

"Hey! Give it back I said trying to reach over and grab it.

"Nope. I don't think so." He started tickling me until the flight attendant came by.

"Please Sir, Ma'am. We are about to take off can you please be quite." She asked us. Once she left we both giggled to our selfs and Harry gave me my iPod back.

"So the answer I really want to know is do you have a boy friend?" He grabbed my knee with his large hand looked into my eyes.

"Well. No." Oh he grabbed my knee and squeezed it. I couldn't help but laugh I was ticklish.

"Well what happened? If you don't mind if I ask."

"Well cheated on me. Three times. I broke up with him when I found out but then the other day I found out he had dated two other girls." I took a breath and I could feel a tear run down my cheek. "It only happened two weeks ago. This trip was also kind of to get my mind off of everything." He took his hand of my knee and grabbed my hand.

"I am so sorry. He sounds like a real jerk."

"Actually he was always really nice and sweet. I can't talk about it anymore please?"

"Okay. Um... Do you have your phone?"

"Well it's in my bag."

"Well here." He said grabbing my hand and a pen he had in his pocket. He wrote his number down on my hand. "And you better call me." She said giving me a stern look then showing his amazing dimples.

"I'm tiered. I haven't slept much in a couple of nights. Either packing or my ex."

"Well here lay your head down on my shoulder and you can sleep as long as you want." I laid my head down on his shoulder. And started to feel my eyes closed.

*Harry's POV*

Layla. It just kept circling in my head. She was gorgeous. She had dark brown wavy hair and blue eyes. She was just beautiful. I was hoping I wasn't coming on to strong. She laid down on my shoulder and quickly fell asleep. I wonder how the rest of the boys were.

I got her iPod and went to her notes and opened a new one and began to type.


I slowly shook Layla. "Hey love wake up." I whispered to her. I finally saw her eyes. She sat up and rubbed them.

"What do you need?"

"Your friend just came by and told me she wanted to see you for a minute."

She got up and went to see her.

(A/N my other book got deleted. I don't know how and I don't know why but oh well. Please keep reading.






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