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*Layla's POV*

I woke up in my bed. Still in the clothes I wore the night before. It all came to me again. Harry dropping me off. Dylan coming to my house. Harry punching him. Everything. It all came back to me. I felt a tear start to fall from my eye. I wiped it before I lost control and grabbed my phone. I needed to talk to Harry. Now.

I dialed his number and it rang. I sat down on the tiny bed. I was nervous. I didn't know what I was going to say. But I needed to talk to him.

I got his voicemail. I called again. I got his voicemail again.

"Please answer your phone. I'm not mad. Really. I just really want to talk to you please? Bye Harry."

*Harry's POV*

I woke up and my phone was buzzing. Layla<3 popped up on the screen.

I ignored. I didn't know what I needed to say yet. I heard it buzz again. Layla<3 I ignored it again. I felt it buzz again I looked at it.

One new voicemail. I opened it.

"Please answer your phone. I'm not mad. Really. I just really want to talk to you please? Bye Harry."

I deleted it. It started buzzing again. I grabbed the phone and pushed answer.

"Hello?" I asked. Biting my lip.

"Hey. Um. Thank you. For last night."

"Your welcome. I couldn't let him hurt you again Layla. And I am sorry we didn't talk. He could have hurt you again and." I stopped. I could break down. Not now. "And I wouldn't be there." I whispered. I wouldn't let myself cry. I didn't hear anything on the other end.

"Are you there?" I whispered clenching my teeth.

"Yeah. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have lied to you. I should have told you he said he was coming I am so sorry." She couldn't hold it any longer I heard her cry on the other end. I got my shoes and sweatshirt on. And I got into the car.

"Layla. Don't be sorry. I was the one who left. The one who let you go. I should have stayed with you. I am the sorry one Layla. I really love you and you know that. I let all of this happen and I am so sorry for that."

*Layla's POV*

I couldn't talk it was silent for a minute. I had moved to the sun room and sat down on the little chair. I heard someone pull up it must be the owners. I got up and went into the huge kitchen I stood with my head on the wall. I heard the door open.

"Harry please say something."

"Okay." I turned around and he was standing there. I hung up the phone and put it on the bar table and ran to him.

He had his arms opened. I jumped on him and he rapped his arms around my waist.

I just cried on his shoulder.

"It's okay Layla. I'm here now. And I'm never going to leave. Ever. I promise."

I just kept crying. "Harry." I choked out. "Thank you." I gave him a quick kiss and got down. I backed up some and looked him in the eyes. He wiped the remaining streaks from my cheeks and hugged me.

"I am really and truly so sorry Layla." He leaded his head on mine. "Come to the interview with me please." I nodded and he let me go.

"I am going to go change." I turned around and went to the bed room.

I put a pair of pink skinny jeans and a navy v-neck shirt and gold and black flats. I grabbed the hair brush and started brushing. When I finished I put it up in a high bun. I was about to go to Harry when I felt hands grab my waist. I blushed and felt my feet lift off the ground. I started laughing.

"Harry put me down!" I squirmed until he finally laid me down on the bed and laid on top of me.

"Harry. Your squishing me!" I screamed. I could see his curls on my stomach. "Please stop!" I said laughing. He got up and helped me up. Giving me a kiss. He was fierce this time. He stopped and grabbed my hand and we went to his car.

I got in and sat on my legs. I leaned my head on the window and just stared. "Shouldn't you be with Audrey?" I asked looking back at him.

"No. Not till the interview. We record in a couple of hours. Lets go get lunch and eat back at my flat." I nodded and looked back out the window.

We stopped at Mc. Donald's and got sandwiches. We ate on the way to his house


It was almost time for the interview.

"Where do I need to stay?" I asked.

"Um over here with Audrey." I did as he said and stood with her.

The boys ran on as tons of girls screamed.

"I'm Louis."




"And Niall!"

The boys each said there name. "So boys how are you on your tour break?"

"Were doing really well. It has been a really good couple of months." Niall answered the man.

Baylee walked on and sat beside me. "Hey." I whispered so no one could hear me.

"So Harry I have heard there is a new girlfriend?"

"Um actually-"

"Oh there she is! Audrey right?"

"Yes sir. That's my name!" She sat beside Harry."

"Look I'm sorry Audrey but I can't do this. I don't love you. And you don't love me. We both know that. I think it's time we ended everything." She stopped off and I bit my hand trying not to laugh. "Audrey and I didn't love each other. And we both just weren't working. The girl that I really do love is Layla." I stopped laughing. "Come on Layla." I walked out on stage with the boys. "I have loved this girl sense I met her. I thought I liked Audrey but over the past couple of months we just haven't connected. Layla, will you be my girlfriend?" I was in shock. What would management say. I nodded just nodded and smiled. They would hate me for this.

"Well that was interesting!" The old man said. "Well we don't have anytime left so that's all for tonight!" The boys and I all got off the stage. I pulled Harry over to a corner.

"What about management. What if they say I can't be with you?"

"See Layla. The whole UK knows now. They can't do that. And they won't fire me from the band. That would look bad on them. They might just take my phone or car. They can't do to much more then that."

I hugged him. I felt his phone buzz in his pocket.

*Harry's POV*

I felt my phone buzz.

"Management." I said to Layla. I answered.


"What was that?! I should say no to this but a lot of fans already like the two of you. I have no clue why. But they do. I will let it be a warning. Sense you didn't spill about us doing that. But if you ever do something like this again. We will do something about it."

"Okay sir. Thank you." He hung up and I did the same. I turned around and hugged Layla.

"It's a warning! People loved the confession and us!"

(A/N don't any of you dare say this chapter was short hahaha! I didn't care for it as much though. Please vote and comment! I will update when I get more votes!!!!





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