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*Layla's POV*

"Hey love wake up." I heard opening my eyes

"What do you need?" I asked kind of grumpy like.

"Your friend just came by and told me she wanted to see you for a minute."

I just got up and went to her seat.

"What did you need?"

"Um. Oh yeah. I forgot my number. What is it?" I just rolled my eyes. She couldn't remember anything.

"453-7653" I went to go sit down again.

"Sorry about that. She didn't know her phone number." I said sitting back in my seat.

"It's okay now we can talk some more." I blushed. He was cute and I could play with his curls all day.

I smiled at my thoughts. "What do you want to do for the next two hours?" He asked.

"Mhh I don't know. We could play a game on my iPod?"

"Sure." I got my iPod out of the seat. I put it on the two player air hockey.

"Oh! I'm awesome at that game!" He said grabbing my iPod and shooting it in my goal.

"Hey I wasn't ready!" I whined.

I ran my finger across the screen and Harry tried to hit it but he missed and I got a goal. "Ohh! What now Styles?!" He shot another time and I tarted to doge it and hit it back and it bounced of the side and went into my goal.

"Oh! To you!" She said snickering. I shot the next 3 and got them in.

He shot two more times and got them in and then his the puck the wrong way and scored me as point. "Thank you Styles." And he hit it two more times.

"I win Shepherd!" He screamed. Until a person gave us the evil eye. I giggled and the attendant walked bye. Do you want anything?

"I'm good." I said

"I will take a bag of peanuts." She got the peanuts and gave them to him and walked off.


Harry had gone to the bathroom and I was going to play on my iPod. I played till he got back.

"May I have your attention." I heard the intercom. "Please buckle your seats it's almost time to land."

I buckled up and Leaned on Harry's shoulder.

"So your going back London. And I may never see you again." I mumbled

"No we will see each other again. I promise."

"Pinky promise?" I stuck my pinky out at him. He locked pinkies with mine.

"Pinky promise."


We had landed and we got off the plane.

"Farewell Styles." I said giving him a hug around the waist.

"Nope. You will see me again. Like maybe tonight? For dinner?"

"Okay. Sure as long as I can bring Baylee."

"I'm sure Niall is going to invite her. So it's a yes?"

"Yes. I'll be there."

I walked off and grabbed my phone and turned it back on. I looked at my hand. The last two numbers had rubbed off.

"No!" I screamed to myself.

I turned around to look to see if Harry was still there. He had already left.

"Great just my luck." I turned around and went to the big group of kids. I looked at my iPod. I had a new note. I opened it up.

Layla, you are gorgeous. Please call me. I really want me to. You won't regret it. Here is my number incase something happens to it. 572-7792. Please text or call me. I really like you Layla and I don't want to lose you this easily. Good bye beautiful.

Love, Harry.

(A/N awwww. He's sweet! Haha

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