Dinner and Tears

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*Layla's POV*

I woke up and I was snuggled up to Harry in the hospital bed. "Finally you're awake I was starting to get worried about you." I blushed and laid back down on his chest.

"Thank you for being here."

"You're welcome I couldn't let you just be in here alone would I? Oh and your parents called."

"Wait. What you talked to my parents?" I shot up. "Oh no what did they say? It wasn't embarrassing right?"

"No they were very nice people I just told them what happened. They said to call when you woke up they wanted to make sure everything was okay."

I nodded and grabbed my phone.

*Harry's POV*

She grabbed her phone and dialed her parents number. "Hey mom its me. Everything is okay now. I have to stay here for another week or so." There was a pause. "Well no. Not all of it." She started to walk into the bathroom. Now I know she wasn't telling me the whole truth.

She finally came out. "Layla. You know you can tell me anything right?"

"Yeah of course I do." She looked to the ground.

"I am going to have a surprise tonight okay?"

"What's the surprise?"

"You will have to wait and see!" I said getting up from the chair and pulling her closer to me. "Its going to be good." I kissed her softly and walked closer to the door. "I'm going to go get ready. I have my phone. text me." She nodded and I left. I went over to the lady standing at her desk.

*Layla's POV*

I wanted to know what he was going to do for me. I'm going to take a nap. I leaned back and closed my eyes.

"Hey, aw look at poor Layla. She's just so pitiful isn't she?"

"Wait. How did you get in here."

"How do you think sweet cheeks. I'm not hurt. Your little boy friend didn't do anything. You know he doesn't care about you Layla. He's famous. He will see someone way prettier then you and he will leave you. You know that. Come on Layla. You still love me. Come back for me. I'm sorry I lost my temper but you know how I get. I had the knife in my hand and you hit me. What do you think you would have done. You told Harry about that and I got you. Just like last time right?"

"No! Get out Leave me alone!" I opened my eyes and shot up. It was just a dream. Nightmare actually.

"Are you alright Layla?" Baylee walked in. "You look like you have seen a ghost."

"Yeah um I'm fine."

"Harry doesn't know the whole story does he." I shook my head.

"No. It could hurt him and me both and I couldn't do that."

"Right well Harry sent me early to check up on you. He wont be here for another couple of hours." I looked at my phone. I had 3 missed calls from Harry. It was 5.

"Wow I slept a long time." I put down my phone.

"I guess so. You are really going to love tonight!" She got up and left. I leaned back in my bed a little and grabbed my phone.

"Oh and here she said giving me clothes he said to wear this." I got up and grabbed the clothes. It was the shirt of his that I wore a pair of his pants and his sweat shirt. I put them all on and went to the big mirror. I looked at my self a few times and got my phone out. I took a picture.

TO: Harry

Is this what I'm supposed to wear?

I sent the pic and sat on the bed. I got a quick reply.

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